Exhibitors Herald World (Oct-Dec 1929)

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8 EXHIBITORS HERALD-WORLD November 2, 1929 What you have been waiting for! THE SOUND EQUIPMENT THAT ALL THE INDUSTRY IS TALKING ABOUT RCA PHOTOPHONE TYPE ••<; MODEL at *2995 The Model that Permits the Small Exhibitor to Stay in Business. "A real flife saver'". . ."The Magna Charta of the picture business" — that's how exhibitors everywhere are hailing this ace of sound equipment value. Deliberately priced within the reach of every theatre of 500 seats and under, yet possessing the same superior tone quality and dependability of RCA Photophone's major systems, the development of this new model at this amazingly low price is unquestionably the most momentous event in the motion picture industry since the advent of sound pictures. With this equipment, every small theatre in the country will be put on an equal footing with first run houses in the quality of the sound reproduction of their pictures—able to run the successes, as they come to them, with the positive assurance that these pictures will be reproduced with the same warmth, responsiveness and fidelity of tone as they are presented in the finest equipped of the larger houses. Providing sound-on -film and sound-ondisc, the Type "G" Model embraces the following equipment: Two Sound Heads, Two Synchronous Disc Attachments, One Main Amplifier, One Three-Unit Motor Generator Set, One Loud Speaker, One Directional Baffle and One Monitor Loud Speaker. Build a bigger and finer patronage than you have ever experienced before ... by making your application now for this equipment. The earlier you put in your application, the earlier you will get your installation. Such extraordinary value is naturally attracting an extraordinary response. Make certain of being near the top of the list. To delay is to court disappointment. Terms, if desired, on a one, two or three year basis. Address all inquiries to COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT RCA PIIOTOPHOXE r Inc. SIIKSIIHAKY HE KAOIO CO K POKATI Q N OK AMKRT7Tfl 4ll FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY ATLANTA: IOI MARIETTA STREET CH/CACO.' I0O W. MONROE STREET KANSAS CITY, MO'. DAVIDSON BLDC. DENVER: 8I7-I7TH STREET SAN FRANCISCO! 235 MONTGOMERY STREET