Exhibitors Herald World (Oct-Dec 1929)

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November 2, 1929 EXHIBITORS HERALD-WORLD 53 Glen Jennings, one of the owners of the Globe theatre, Buena Vista, Virginia, •which was recently destroyed by fire. Jennings and his partner, C. C. Bays, are negotiating for a site for a new house. Jennings is 21 years old, has been an exhibitor for two years and is said to be the youngest showman in the state of Virginia. Century Circuit Using Managers Bonus System Arthur Abeles, general manager of the Century Circuit, New York, announces that a bonus plan for the managers of the circuit is now in force. The plan is based, not on the biggest receipts but the efforts of the managers themselves in putting over their shows. Thus the smallest house on the circuit has as much chance of winning the monthly cash prize, as the largest de luxe. Abeles also announces that every manager on the circuit must have his day off. No seven days work on this circuit. A manager must take it off. A window display of "Love," the song which Gloria Swanson sings in her first audien "The Trespasser" which had its premiere in London. The windoiv used ivas that of Francis Day & Hunter, music publishers. Roxy's Patrons Consider Coffee Service Part of Regular Program Moving picture patrons like their coffee, just as the English theatre-goer enjoys his tea between performances. At least that is the experince of the Roxy theatre in New York which began serving free coffee in the grand lounge room more than a year and a half ago. Serving coffee at theatres was pretty much of a novelty when Roxy started it. Some of the little theatres had done it to contribute to the club-like atmosphere. But Roxy was the first to establish the service in a big time house and now it has become an expected part of the entertainment for thousands of guests. Censors' Decision Is Theme of Campaign The Laurier theatre in Hull, Quebec, made a special play for business in cities and towns on the Ontario side of the Ottawa river with "The Godless Girl" because of the fact that the DeMille feature had been condemned by the Ontario board of moving picture censors but had been passed by the Quebec board. Newspaper advertising splashed this fact, together with the suggestion that the showing in Hull would afford the only opportunity for the people of Ottawa, opposite to Hull to see it. Theatre Men Form Club The Theatrical Men's Social Club of Almeda and Contra Costa Counties, California, was organized recently at a luncheon gathering at the Athens Athletic Club, when theatre owners and managers gathered at the call of C. C. Griffin. The temporary organization was formed at the first meeting. The coffee, cream, sugar and service are furnished by a coffee roaster who considers his efforts repaid by the advertising given his brand. "We average between 1,800 and 2,000 cups a clay," said Miss Lage, the coffee hostess. "One day we served more than 2,400 cups. We generally have a steady patronage from 2 o'clock in the afternoon until 10 o'clock at night. "It has been our experience that people really appreciate good coffee but that a great many of them do not know how to make it. Frequently we are asked how we get such delicious results by people who use exactly the same kind of coffee in their own homes. Then we tell them how simple it is. "Inquires come from men as well as from women but perhaps our most interested patrons are the man and wife who attend together. Of course there are exceptions. I recall one man who asked all about the coffee and how it was made. His wife resented his questions and, turning to me, said, 'Young lady you can't tell me how to cook, I have been married for thirty years.' "'Well!' said her husband, 'that does not mean that you know how to make coffee.' "They left before I got to finish my explanation." and Viscountess Willingdon, by their attendance at the Regent theatre for a performance of Paramount's "Dr. Fu Manchu." Formal Season Opening The fall and winter moving picture season at Ottawa was formally opened by His Excellency, Viscount Willingdon, Governor-General, Proxy Lloyd Sells Picture at Rivoli His cardboard ambassadors, is the way Harold Lloyd feels about a series of life-size cutouts of himself, which formed part of the advance campaign on his first all talking picture, "Welcome Danger," for its world premiere at the Rivoli theatre, New York. There were all sorts of "Lloyds" distributed throughout the house. There was a clowning Lloyd and a pensive Lloyd. A fighting Lloyd and a scared Lloyd, and hardly least of these, a polite Lloyd. Ambassador number one was perched above the box-office. He won considerable attention from passersby. Ambassador number two politely picked up ladies' kerchiefs as they passed into the theatre. A. number three stood aghast at the first landing, and usually the patrons 4td when they saw it. A. number four just lolled about the house, usually seated in a corner by himself. Many mezzanine promenaders turned quickly to see A. number five and an officer of the law coming through a window. And at the exit, A. number six, sent the crowds home with another reminder. No reading matter was used with these cutouts. Information regarding the engagement was confined to a five minute trailer. This trailer was a combination of five of his past releases and the sound trailer.