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Sudden Current Failure CAN'T CAUSE CONFUSION
in new Loew's Jersey Theatre
Important lights will always burn . . . Exide Batteries protect against sudden darkness
'ONFUSION can come with sudden darkness. Refunding admissions and loss of good will might also result. But not in theatres protected by Exide Emergency Lighting Batteries.
That's why the owners of the great new Loew's Jersey Theatre in Jersey City, N. J., chose Exides to protect patrons and profits. They know Exides are a dependable, automatic safeguard against the failure of normal power.
Emergency lighting -without touching a switch Should normal electric current be sud
denly cut off, for any reason, exit and emergency lights will continue to burn brightly in Loew's Jersey Theatre. They are switched instantaneously and automatically to Exides.
Many theatres guard projector, too. And reports have come in from all over the country where current has
failed that Exide-equipped theatres have carried on the show without the audience missing a scene! Reliable Exide Batteries can carry the load for two hours, if necessary, or until normal current is resumed.
Exide Emergency Lighting Batteries are backed by forty-one years' experience in building batteries for every purpose. Skilled engineers designed Exides to perform their jobs steadily, economically and dependably.
Write for booklet, "Emergency Lighting Batteries," or a letter will bring a representative to consult with you on any phase of emergency lighting. No obligation. Write today.
Exide Batteries of Canada, Limited, Toronto