Exhibitors Herald World (Oct-Dec 1929)

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December 7, 1929 EXHIBITORS HERALD-WORLD 43 Theatre Managers AND Projectionists Unless you have at your command the theatreman's encyclopedia, you are working either under a handicap or running a risk. There is no better safeguard against a tieup in the projection room, with the resultant inconvenience to patrons, and possible refund of a performance receipts, than a set of Richardson's Motion Picture Handbooks — covering every angle on projection technique and sound manipulation. A most necessary assistant in theatre management is, Building Theatre Patronage by Barry and Sargent. It tells you how to profitably advertise and exploit your theatre and program — how to adroitly handle every attendant problem on theatre operation. This work is endorsed by most of the leading theatre men in the world. F. H. Richardson's Handbook of Projection (5th Edition) Vols. 1 and 2 $ 6.20 F. H. Richardson's Handbook of Projection (on Sound) Vol. 3 . . . 5.10 or Combination Rate (all three vols.) 10.20 Building Theatre Patronage — by Barry and Sargent 5.20 MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC— The 1930 edition of the Motion Picture Almanac, now being prepared by the Quigley Publishing Company, will be published on or about January 20. It will retail at $2.00. Advance orders for this book at $1.00 per copy will be accepted from Hbrald-World subscribers up to December 31. Certified check or money order must accompany all orders unless you wish books shipped C. O. D. Herald-World Bookshop 407 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois "// it pertains to the motion picture industry, we have it."