Exhibitor's Trade Review (Nov 1925 - Feb 1926)

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February 27. I92() Page 5 Brown Reports Record Booking of F.B.O. Product Colvin W. Brown, vice-president of Film Booking Offices, in charge of distribution reports that next month, when F. B. O. celebrates its own particular month — March being F. B. O. nDonth— the company will enter upon its annual yearly sales celebration, with the most formidable "hsf ci bookings that F. B. O. has ever 'enjoyed. "It is perhaps due more to the general excellence of the current product this year, rather than any intensive sales campaigning," says Mr. Brown, "that has lodged F. B. O. offerings in more first run houses during March than at any time heretofore." The production department, under VicePresident Ji I. Schnitzer, has been especially watchful during the current season, that every unit of the F. B. O. product be a highly standardized piece of merchandise, made to meet every demand of the box-office. Lee Marcus, general saies manager of F. B. O., but recently returned from an extensive tour of the country, during which he acted in the capacity of F. B. O. Month's advance agent. Mr. Marcus visited a" all the company's branches, and mapped out a plan of intensive campaigning for March. He addressed employees at the branches, and also called on many of the company's biggest exhibitors. That F. B. O.'s front line trench contains nothing but the kind of high powered material that can execute a big money offensive for the most lethargic box-office in the land is substantiated by the following list of productions which are heavily booked for March. "Wen Love Grows Cold" with Natachai Rambova (Mrs. Rudolph Valentino), with the name of Laura Jean Libbey as author thrown in for good measure ; "The Keeper of the Bees," a film version of Gene Stratton Porter's world famed novel ; "The Midnight Flyer," Arthur Guy Empey's sprightly romance ef the thundering rail ; "The Last Edition" ; Emory Johnson's fascinating newspaper drama. "Queen o' Diamonds" Evelyn Brent's finest picture to date: "Flaming Waters," a thrilling drama of the oil fields; "The Night Patrol," starring Richard Talmadge ; "The King of the Turf," a stirring narrative of the racetrack; "The Tough Guy," starring Fred Thomson, and his beloved mount, Silver King, and many others. Among the short subjects which will make their screen bow in March are the rirsr of the new Fighting Hearts Series, which is similar to "The Fighting Blood" series, was widely booked by exhibitors all over the country. The series by Sam Hellman, the Saturday Evening Post humorist, and stars Alberta Vaughn. Other shorts released during March are two Bray cartoons, "A Beauty Parlor," which 5s la Standard Fat Men Comedy, and "A Fraternity Mix-Up, ' a Blue Ribbon Comjedy starring Alice Ardell, both from the Joe Rock Studios. * * * Smith Touring South E. J. Smith, general sales manager of Associated Exhibitors, Inc., is touring the South in the interests of his firm. Mr. Smith already has closed several big deals, as well as having whipped into high-speed shape the 1 sales forces of several southern branches. iff 4> . jfc Four for First National Pauline Frederick will make four features for First National Release, according to an announcement by Arthur F. Beck, president of Embassy Pictures Corporation, who has just signed a contract with the star. Paramount Seeking Roosevelt Double Candidates to play the role of Theodore Roosevelt in "The Rough Riders" are beginning to appear in various parts of the country — even in other countries, according to Hector Turnball, associate Paramount producer at the West Coast studio, who is supervisingthe plans to film this epic. Since the call was broadcast for a man to take the part of Roosevelt, as he appeared at the time of the SpanishAmerican war, more than 100 people have either applied or sent in suggestions. Only a few of these have been found, upon investigation, to be possibilities, Turnbull states. Fox Starts Four New Pictures for Present Season ■ Maintaining the momentum given to production by Winfield R. Sheehan, vice-president and general manager of Fox Films, the West Coast staff has just started four new pictures on the Fox Hollywood lot for this season's schedule — -"The Shamlrock Handicap," "Rustling for Cupid," "Hard Boiled," and "Early to Wed." In addition to the four now productions, there are three Hearing completion. These include "Sandy," "Siberia," and "Hell's Four Hundred." Four more^-"The Johnstown Flood," "Yellow Fingers," "Tony Runs Wild," and "The Fighting Buckaroo" are in the cutting room.. Directors have just Deen assigned for '"Fig Leaves" and "Thirty Below Zero," two more of next season's' productions. "Threa Bad Men" is practically finished for next season and Raoul Walsh has ■ started back from New York' to begin work on "What Price Glory." Two original screen , stories by Peter B. Kyne are included among the four just launched into production. John Ford will direct "The Shamrock Handicap," a racing drama of Erin's Isle and California. Janet Gaynor, new find of Fox Films, will play the leading feminine role, with Leslie Fenton and the veteran J. Farrell MacDonald ■ supporting. Irving 0. Cummings is directing "Rustling for Cupid," with George O'Brien and Anita Stewart. * %~ * Saenger Books "Skyrocket" Another big chain of theatres has been added to the already long list of theatres booking Peggy Hopkins Joyce in "The Skyrocket," Associated Exhibitors' big special. The latest circuit to contract for this big business-getter is the Saenger chain, with houses in New Orleans and many other Southern cities. % * Robbins Starts Film Director Jess Robbins, of the MetroGold wyn Mayer forces, began the direction of "There You Are",, an original story by F. Hugh Herbert. "Firefly," a Magnificent Horse, Which Rudolph Valentino Has Just Acquired for Use in His New United Artists Picture, "A Son of the Sheik." The Horse Was Acquired from Captain Souder, of Philadelphia Police Department.