Exhibitor's Trade Review (Aug-Nov 1925)

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August 29, 1925 Page 11 CHADWICK COMPLETES 7 ON NEW LIST Semon, Ray, Walsh and Theda Bara Represented in New Independent Productions Chadwick Pictures Corporation has completed seven productions of the large program which has been announced for the coming season. One production is now in work and two others will be started shortly by the west coast studios of this corporation. "The^ Wizard of Oz," and "The Perfect Clown," two comedy productions starring Larry Semon, have been finished. "The Wizard of Oz" which is an adaptation of the world's famous fantasy by L. Frank Baum, has already been released and has established records in several of the key cities where it has shown. "The Perfect Clown" is an original story written especially for Mr. Semon which was directed by Fred Newmeyer who has been responsible for the direction of several of Harold Lloyd's most successful comedies. This production is now being edited and titled by Mr. Semon and Mr. Newmeyer. "The Unchastened Woman," Douglas Loty's adaptation of the drama by Louis X. Anspacher, which marks the return to the screen of Theda Bara after an absence of five years, has been completed and will be released within another month. "The Unchastened Woman," which was directed by James Young, is one of the most pretentious productions ever made by Chadwick Pictures Corporation. The cast includes several popular favorites. Wyndham Standing plays the leading role opposite the star and the others include, Eileen Percy, John Miljan, Dale Fuller, Milla Davenport, Eric Mayno, Mayme Kelso and Frederic Kovert. Charles Ray, who is returning to the type of rural comedy which established him among the great stars of the screen, has completed "Some Pun'kins," and "Sweet Adeline." Both of these pictures are from original stories written for Mr. Ray and are typical of his most successful comedies. Jerome Storm, who has directed more than twenty of Ray's best pictures, directed both these productions for Chadwick. The cast of "Some Pun'kins," includes Duane Thompson, Bert Woodruff, George Fawcett, William Courtright and Fanny Midgley. Another group of popular players will be seen in "Sweet Adeline." These include : Gertrude Olmstead, Gertrude Short, J. P. Lockney, Frank Austin, Sybil Johnson and Jack Clifford. George Walsh, who will make a series of six American action romances for Chadwick Pictures Corporation this year, has completed two of them and is now working on the final scenes of a third. The first Walsh release will be "American Pluck" an adaptation by Ralph Spence of the popular novel "Blaze Derringer" by Eugene P. Lyle, Jr. Spence also wrote the titles. The cast of "American Pluck" includes Wanda Hawley in the leading role opposite the star, Sidney De Grey, Frank Leigh, Tom Wilson, Leo White and Dan Mason. John Gorman, director of several former Chadwick successes, directed "The Prince of Broadway" under the personal supervision of Hampton Del Ruth, who is now in charge of production for Chadwick Pictures Corporation in Los Angeles. "The Prince of Broadway" which is a story of sporting life in New York, will bring to the screen many well known pugil ists and other athletes of renown. The cast includes, Alyce Mills, Frank Campeau, Alma Bennett, Freeman Wood, Dick Sutherland, James Jeffries, Tommy Ryan, and Bob Roper. The third George Walsh release for next season's program will be "Blue Blood." "Blue Blood" is an original story written especially for Mr. Walsh by Harvey Clark. The cast of "Blue Blood" includes Cecille Evans, Philo McCullough, Joan Meredith, Harvey Clarke, Robert Boulder, G. Howe Black and Eugene Borden. SAX SECURES TITLE TO "BUTTER AND EGG MAN" Negotiations were completed whereby Sam Sax secured the screen rights to the title "The Butter and Egg Man," which will be produced as a Gotham Production in feature comedy length along the lines contemplated by the same company for "McFadden's Row of Flats." The screen version of "The Butter and Egg Man" will be based on a magazine story by Peggy Gaddis, who is author of ' "The Part Time Wife," one of this season's Gotham Releases. * # ❖ WARNERS BROADCAST ON TREASURY STEPS The steps of the Sub-Treasury building in Wall Street, New York, were used for a unique radio program given on th^.t site. This program was the contribution of Warner Brothers to the success of Greater Movie Season. The function in Wall Street was formally opened with a series of short addresses by a group of leading citizens. Vincent Lopez was among the first to accept the invitation of the Warner Brothers to take part in the entertainment. % ^ $z CARMEL MYERS CAST IN CHRISTIANSON'S NEXT Harry Rapf, associate Metro-GoldwynMayer studio executive, announced that he had assigned Carmel Myers the leading role in Benjamin Christianson's next production for M-G-M, which has not as yet been titled. Owing to the fact that she has been enacting the role of Iras in "Ben Hur," under the direction of Fred Niblo, Miss Myers has not been able to appear in any other film production for the past several months. % % £ POWELL DIRECTS STRONGHEART Paul Powell has been engaged by Howard Estabrook to guide the noted canine star, "Strongheart," in a picturization of Rufus King's novel, "North Star," which will be released by Associated Exhibitors. Powell recently returned to Los Angeles from San Francisco, where he directed a series of pictures. "North Star" is being adapted to the screen by Charles Horan. Red Seal Sells Foreign Rights To Metro Goldwyn Edwin Miles Fadman, president of Red Seal Pictures Corporation, announces the successful negotiation of a contract made with Arthur Loew, vice-president of MetroGoldwyn, just before the latter sailed for Europe, that gives the famous "Out of the Inkwell'' series, the creations of Max Fleischer, representation all over the world.. With the new contract, Metro-Goldwyn takes over the distribution of the "Inkwell" series in the following territories : France, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland, Soam, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Roumania, Poland, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Mexico, Cuba, West Indies, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, India, Burma, Ceylon, China, Japan, the Philippines, South Africa, the Guianas, Yugo-Slavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Colombia, Danish East Indies, Central America, Venezuela, Panama nd Kingston. With Red Seal operating its own exchanges in this country, and Pathe controlling the distribution rights in Great Britain, this virtually gives the "Inkwell'' product representation all over the civilized world. "TATOOED COUNTESS" FOR POLA NEGRI "The Tattooed Countess," Carl Van V echtan's novel, will be Poli Negri's next Paramount picture. "The Tatooed Countess," will be directed by Mai St. Clair, whose latest released pictures are "Are Parents People?" and "The Trouble with Wives." St. Clair has just completed "The Grand Duchess and the Waiter." "The Tattooed Countess" was published a year ago. Mr. Van Vechten is the author of "Peter Whiffle," "The Blind Bowboy," and other stories. * * * "PONY EXPRESS RIDER" SIXTH IN AYWON SERIES Nathan Hirsh, president of. the Aywon Film Corporation, announces that "The Pony Express Rider," sixth in his Western series, has been completed. . , Kit Carson enacts the leading role. He is suported by Pauline Curley, Bud Osborne, Hal, Ferner, Edith Clifton, Oliver Jones and two Indian chiefs. Through the courtesy of B. P. Schulberg, Alyce Mills has been loaned to Chadwick Pictures for the feminine lead opposite George Walsh in "The Prince of Broadway." Miss Mills has finished the principal role in Fred C. Windermere's production "With This Ring," a Preferred Picture scheduled for September release. FLEMING RESIGNED BY F-P-L That Victor Fleming will continue as a Paramount producer for several years to come was assured by the signing of a new long term contract I.e. ween the director and Jesse L. Lasky. Although Mr. Fleming's contract still had a number of months to run, the new one was drawn up in order to complete arrangements for the coming year's production plans and to retain Mr. Fleming as a permanent member of Paramount'? directorial forces.