Exhibitors Herald World (Oct-Dec 1930)

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6 EXHIBITORS HERALD -WORLD November 1, 1930 \5wift Wlessages • • that leave an Accurate, Printed Record A, .N exhibitor in Iowa wants to know what's happened to the picture scheduled for tonight's show . . . A producer on the Coast asks its publicity department to release stories on a new film . . . An exchange in Indiana requests a new print to replace one damaged in transit . . . Urgent messages between the nerve centers of the motion picture industry. Speed is essential . . . accuracy vital ... a printed record of the transaction necessary. * * * Orders . . . confirmations . . . inquiries . . . reports ... an everincreasing stream of communications flashes across the vast net work of Postal Telegraph wires — reaching over 70,000 points in the United States, 8,000 in Canada. Executives appreciate the reliability and convenience of Postal Telegraph service. The alert messengers . . . the highly trained operators . . . the second-splitting equipment . . . the sense of responsibility evident in every transaction — all contribute to make Postal Tele graph as efficient as the industries it serves. Postal Telegraph is the only American telegraph company offering a world-wide service of coordinated record communications. Through affiliation in the International System, Postal Telegraph goes to Europe, Asia and the Orient over Commercial Cables; to the West Indies, Central and South America over All America Cables; to ships at sea via Mackay Radio. Tostal Telegraph ALL AMERICA CABLES MACKAY RADIO COMMERCIAL CABLES