Exhibitors Herald World (Oct-Dec 1930)

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November 22. 1930 Exhibitors He raid-World 51 gasoline, then flow some heavy duco varnish around the edge where the glass contacts with the metal. One should let this set good and hard and probably there will be no further trouble. GREASY FILM IN the great city of New Orleans, A. S. Johnstone, president of local No. 293, and I had a pow wow of considerable magnitude. Incidentally, I am not handing out undeserved bouquets when I say that Brother Johnstone impresses me as a very capable man and one whom the international officers might give considerable consideration to when offices are handed out. He impresses me as the type of man needed, both in projection rooms and in I A executive positions. President Johnstone is on the projection staff of the Saenger (Publix) Tudor theatre. He has just set before me details of a condition recently encountered in that theatre and all too often met with in other theatres using first-run film. It is a condition against which the projectionist is almost altogether helpless. Recently the Tudor received a print carrying sound on the film. On the sound band side of this film, that portion of the film passing under the pressure of the aperture tension shoes, was covered with some sort of gummy substance, which did not appear to be wax. It would even adhere to the fingers when they were presed upon it. The other side of the film, the opposite sprocket hole track, was not thus coated. It was all right. There is, of course, but one way to express the damage such a mess will cause. It will raise [deleted by censor] with the film, with screen results, with the sound, and will do the projectors themselves no especial good. Such a mess will leave a deposit upon the Simplex aperture plate tracks, or on the tension shoes of other projectors. As a matter of fact this was so bad that it made a deposit on the plate tracks and on the tension shoes. It will also leave a deposit on the sound gate, which will, in all human probability, scratch the sound band. In this case it also made a deposit on the sound sprocket, the effect of which is, of course, very bad indeed. It requires no Solomon to understand what will happen under such a condition. The picture did some sort of highland fling on the screen. The sound was like anything and everything it should not have been, and in addition was the damage done to the sound band and the film itself. Now, gentlemen, that sort of thing is outrageous. It happens altogether too often. It is too bad that I am unable to advise the producer as to exactly what print this instance deals with, because that company itself is injured by such work, through the carelessness or stupidity of the employe who permitted this print to be sent out in such a condition. INSIST UPON ILEX AND BE PATRON INSURED ILEX Fs2, STANDARD ADJUSTABLE PROJECTION LENS 2H" up to 9" AN EXCLUSIVE FEATURE The Ilex Standard Adjustable Lens permits the exact adjustment of the focal length to the individual screen size of the theatre in which it is installed, when within the equivalent focus range. This arrangement overcomes unsightly slopover or incomplete covering of the screen. Short focal lengths in the Standard Adjustable series are specially recommended for enlarged features and news events of the magnascope type. ILEX OPTICAL COMPANY ROCHESTER NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1910 LIGHTS for pnoioirapnu A jQ/nxL njirin/yriQ NYTHING required in the nature of lighting equipment for sound or motion picture photography can be furnished by Kliegl — lamps of all kinds, both high-eandlcpower-incandescent and arc types; floodlights, spotlights, overhead lights, side lights, etc.: for close up or long range work; provide brilliant highly efficient light source; exceptionally flexible. Permit photography with clearness of detail, full color values, sharp definition, and freedom from sound interference. Also various forms of wiring devices; portable plugging boxes; pin-plug connectors; floor pockets; and wall pockets. Special apparatus made to order. Write for descriptive literature. Hll^Dh L Universal Electric Stage Lighting Co., inc. 32 1 West 50th Street New York.N.Y.