Exhibitors Herald World (Oct-Dec 1930)

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The Public Wants Color These positive films supply it, through beautiful, over-all tints — at black-and-white cost THE public's appetite for color has been whet ted. Colored pictures are the cream of the show. With Sonochrome Tinted Positive Films any picture can be made in delicate, atmospheric, over-all tints that help to express every turn of the plot .... to bring out the prevailing mood of the picture. And this color costs nothing extra .... for the Sonochrome price is the same as that of ordinary, black-and-white positive. Sonochrome reproduces sound faithfully. . . . of course. It's designed particularly with that requirement in mind. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER, NEW YORK J. E. Brulatour, Inc., Distributors New York Chicago Hollywood ne£'