Exhibitors Herald World (Oct-Dec 1930)

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[ADVERTISEMENT! "NEW MOON" COAST PREVIEW REVEALS ROAD-SHOW-SIZE HIT! Lawrence Tibbett and Grace Moore Lift M-G-M Production of Famed Stage Hit to Thrilling Heights. A Winner! EXH IBITO RS RALD W ONE THING IS SURE! At this time when box-offices are recording the achievements of the Marie Dresslet|^&%ce Beery picture "Min and Bill/' tl«Ifc|f4ig business done by "War Nurse," s^L^pen showmen are looking ahead to Joan Crawford in "Paid" and Greta Garbo in "Inspiration/' it again becomes evident that Metro -GoldwynMayer, year in and year out, comes through with unfailing dependability. ■■■■■ J