Famous News (November / December 1981)

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letters Send us your letters. Criticisms or praises; we would like to hear them all! Do you have suggestions regarding the content of FAMOUS NEWS — something you dislike, like or would like to see in it? Write and let us know. Please note that no anonymous letters will be considered for publication. Dear Editor, It’s ten years ago now since I retired from Famous Players as a member of the staff of General Theatre Supply, and I still have very happy memories and a close interest in my old Company. Thank you for the copies of FAMOUS NEWS. It keeps me upto-date on recent happenings and new ideas of a constantly progressive company. And it is good to see pictures of people I have known SO Many years. Sincerely, Florence Long, Toronto P.S. I particularly enjoyed Lynne McNab’s article ‘‘How Many Please?’’ in the September /October issue. ED.NOTE: Thank you for your letter, Florence. Your comment on “How Many Please?’’ is in accord with that expressed by many people. There must be other, as yet undiscovered, talented members of our Famous family we’d like to hear JSrom them. Dear Editor, I am sending you my recollections of a fellow employee, Mrs. Betty Rattray. She was an employee of the Yorkdale Theatres here in Toronto for many years and she died in August. I think it would be very nice if you printed it in her honour. I have also written a follow-up article to the one I wrote for the March/ April issue of FAMOUS NEWS about the Famous Players Toronto Baseball League. Some _ pictures from the Awards Banquet are also enclosed. Thank you, Kevin Fine Usher, Yorkdale Cinemas Toronto. 4 November/December, 1981 ED. NOTE: Thank you for your contributions, Kevin. We are honoured to publish your ‘recollec tions’, (see page 19). For the baseball ‘champs’ see Famous ‘Players’. Honesty Always Appreciated Manager Gloria Denaro of the Downsview Cinemas, Lower Sackville, N.S., received the following letter from an appreciative parent in Wolfville, N.S. Dear Manager, A few weeks ago, my son Michael, age 17, was visiting friends in the Sackville area and attended a presentation at your theatre. Unfortunately, sometime during the day he lost his wallet. On Monday of this week he received the wallet in the mail from someone at your theatre. Since my son had no idea as to where he lost the wallet, he had little hope of finding it or having it returned. We were very delighted to have the wallet returned by the theatre along with its contents. Your thoughtfulness and honesty are very much appreciated many thanks. Sincerely, Karl E. Roberts N.B. It’s Par for the Course at Downsview Cinemas! Doug Gow is presented with the first Annual British Columbia Picture Pioneer of the Year Award. Doug Gow Receives First B.C. Picture Pioneer Award Mr. Douglas A. Gow, VicePresident, Western Theatre Operations, Famous Players, was recently presented with the first Annual British Columbia Picture Pioneer of the Year Award. The presentation was made at the Pioneers’ Annual Meeting and Dinner which was held in Vancouver on October 7. Vi Hosford, former owner of Hosford Theatre Supplies, made the presentation. Mr. Gow was also elected President of the British Columbia Picture Pioneers for the coming year. Congratulations, Doug. 3 ' i k 3