Famous News (November / December 1981)

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ma Managers! We want to hear from you. Please address items for this column to the ‘‘Managers’ Corner,’” FAMOUS NEWS. Managers on the Move: Recent transfers and promotions The following managerial changes took place in the Toronto area: Gerry Gollaher from the Cumberland Four to. the Hollywood. Douglas Armstrong from Sheridan North York Cinemas to the Cumberland Four. John Dake from the Hollywood to Sheridan North York Cinemas. In the Winnipeg district the following managerial changes: Ashley Vincent from Garden City to the Colony. Dave Mooney from the Colony to the Metropolitan. Donald Lajoie from Polo Park to the Garden City. Dwayne R. Lloyd Capitol to the Polo Park. from the In the Edmonton district the following managerial changes: Rick Dennis from the Paramount to the Edmonton. Ken Wilmott from the Capitol Square to the Paramount Wilf Runge, formerly manager of the Metropolitan, Regina is now manager of the new Cornwall Centre Cinemas, Regina. 10 November/ December, 1981 ers’ corner Just your average week! Ross Pratt, Manager of the Tivoli Theatre in Hamilton (formerly Manager of Lambton Cinema, Sarnia), decided it was time to expand a little on the daily complexities of a theatre manager’s life. The following is an excerpt from a *“‘Managers Weekly Report’’ recently submitted by Ross to District Manager Mike Micelli: ‘‘For interest’s sake, I am going to start reporting each week on the comings-and-goings-on in and around the Tivoli. So far this week, I have had to break up a fight in front of our theatre that started at the bar across the street. As usual two winos got into a scrap over what could be described loosely as a lady. It was funny at first, but when one of them tried to throw the other in front of passing cars it became a little more serious. Luckily, his aim was bad and they both made it all the way over to our side where they fell by the curb. The bigger of the two then wrapped his hands around the neck of the other and was trying to choke him to death. That’s when I stepped in and grabbed his middle fingers of each hand and bent them backwards and then separated the two. The big one got up immediately, stared at me for a minute or two, and then said, ‘‘you’re big aren’t ya? No way I’m goin’ to fight you. You’ll pro The following C.S.R. closing dates mark the third quarter of the ’81-82 fiscal year and serve as a reminder to all theatre managers to complete reports by the end of the specified periods: Date of report January 7 January 21 February 4 February 18 March 4 March 25 (2 weeks) (2 weeks) (2 weeks) (2 weeks) (2 weeks) (3 weeks) bably throw me across the street’. I was agreeing with him as the police drove up. The next night I had to go across the street to the parking lot and kick two hookers off the hood of my car from which they were doing business. Two nights after that, we found a pair of women’s panties in the auditorium at closing time. (I'll let your imagination ponder that one.) And finally, on the way back from the bank today, a wino came up to me and demanded that I give him the money I was carrying. When I told him that if he touched me he would be visiting a hospital very shortly, he offered me a drink instead. It was Aqua Velva!’’ r) Ross Pratt the Tivoli, Hamilton bouncer TE