Famous News (November / December 1981)

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FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRES Famous Players Ontario Theatre Managers and Staffs make 1981 Senior Citizens’ Day the Biggest and Best Ever! In June of each year the government of Ontario declares one week of the month ‘‘Senior Citizens’ Week’’. For a number of years now, many Famous Players’ managers and their staffs have staged a ‘‘Senior Citizens’ Day’’ during this week by hosting the Seniors at a FREE afternoon at the movies. Special vintage films are booked for the occasion but that’s only the beginning! Everyone from usher to manager pitches in, devoting many hours of their own time to make it a gala event. In locations where we have more than one theatre, managers and staffs join the host theatre to make it a collective effort. And what efforts they are! Many staff members bring home-baked goodies ... prizes and refreshments are pro moted from local merchants and in many instances special live entertainment highlights the program. Each year Mrs. Roberta Whitby, Executive Assistant to the President, receives bigger and better campaign books outlining these successful events. Included in these reports are glowing remarks from the Seniors themselves saying how much they appreciate the efforts of Famous Players and the staffs on their behalf. Equally, staff members, young and old, say how much they enjoy the special relationship they establish with the Seniors. All executives at head office are deeply appreciative of the magnificent efforts put forth by our ‘Famous’ people to make this such an exciting annual event. Well done, gang! Here are some of this year’s highlights: Overflow Crowd fills two cinemas in Burlington More than 600 Seniors enjoyed the 7th Annual Senior Citizens’ Day at the Burlington Cinemas. Local radio personalities Lee Dunbar and John Hardy introduced Burlington’s Mayor Roly Bird who welcomed the Seniors on behalf of City Council. In both auditoria prizes were given to the longest married couple and the oldest person present (90 years, no less!). Numerous door prizes were drawn and refreshments donated by local merchants and Famous Players were enjoyed. November / December, 1981 25