The Fatty Arbuckle case (1962)

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take another shot at Sherman to see if he could get some naked truths from him. The questions went like this: Brady: Was there liquor at the party? Sherman: Yes. Excellent quality Scotch and some gin. Brady: Why did you go to San Francisco for the party? Was it just to sit around and chat with your friends? (Said sarcastically.) Sherman: I was supposed to open in a play in San Francisco on the 26th but I had a motion picture starting and decided not to do the play. So I thought I'd just stay a while at the party. Brady: Did you see Virginia Rappe during the party? Sherman: Yes. She was giggling a lot Brady: Did you see her in the bedroom? Sherman: No, Arbuckle told me the Rappe girl was sick. I took his word for it Brady: Didn't you ask to help? Sherman: No. When people say "sick" they often mean "drunk." I just thought she was drunk. Brady: You were in the room when they carried her out of the bedroom screaming. What did you think then? Sherman: Well, I saw Al and the girls take off her clothes and put her in a cold tub. I thought sure then it was because she was drunk. Brady: Is it customary for men at a party to take a girl's clothes off and for other men to watch even if she's drunk? Wouldn't you say that's more than just a couple of good friends chatting? Sherman: Well, it was an emergency. I once saw a doctor take off a woman's skirt and panties when she had her leg broken by a car. And there was a crowd watching. Brady: What happened after the cold bath? Where were you? Sherman: They took her down the hall to another room. Arbuckle told me there was some trouble and some reporters might be coming up. He thought I should leave because it might get rough. So I left. Brady: Weren't you curious to find out what kind of trouble? 86