Film Canada Yearbook (2001)

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CASTING/TALENT UNIONS/GUILDS ASSOCIATIONS | | pie EXHIBITION DISTRIBUTION PRODUCTION GOV'T AGENCIES/ AWARDS & FESTIVALS & CREATIVE/ FINANCIAL /LEGAL/ INDEX TTF Thornton, Meg 208 Thornton, Pam 83 Thorpe, Mark 122 Thorsen, Fredrik 75, 117 Thurston, Rae 102 Tiberghien, Jér6me 82 Tichenor, Harold 13 Tiessen, Kim 28, 36, 113, 118, 122 Tiessen, Paul 207 Tim O'Brien 28 Tisch, Karen 199 Tkach, Alex 118 To, Alice 192 Tohana, Blake 16 Tohill, Steve 92 Tolmie, K.R. 56 Tolusso, Susan 210 Tomezak, Kim 146 Tommasini, David 107 Tong, Louis 47 Topalovich, Maria 87, 196 Torrance, Jennifer 189 Tosti, Tony 80 Touchette, Pierre L. 6 Tourangeau, Jean 31 Tourigny, Patrick 43 Tousignant, Andrée 10 Towers, Devan R. 62 Towstego, Anthony 31 Tracey, Lindalee 31, 33, 75 Tramontin, Mara 45 Tree, Tanya 26 Tregale, Deb 117 Tremblay, Louise 43 Tremblay, Michel 43 Trepanier, Marie 140 Trickett, Robin 30-31, 36, 113, 119, 123 Trickett, Wayne 30, 36, 113, 123 Trifunovich, Neil N. 82 Troiano, Domenic 80 Troiano, Gina 80, 116 Trottier, Lucie 62-63 Trudel, Jean 145-146 Trulli, Carlo 36 Tuli, Bob 13, 24, 35 Tunnicliffe, Jack 118 Turcotte, Robert 44 Turek, Laura 90 Turgeon, Jacques 189-190 Turgeon, Vincent 33 Turnbull, Ross 120 Turner, Bruce 81, 100 Turner, Tim 34 Tustian, Jim 32 Tutt, John 153 Twigg, Tara 29 Tyler, Colin 99 Tylor, Evan 27 Tymstra, Robert 16, 76 Uhde, Jan 210 Ulens, Scott 113, 122 Ulster, Michael 25 Underhill, Owen 203 Unruh, Richard 119 Urdl, Simone 15-16 Ursini, Tony 107 Usher, Barry 10 Vahidy, Danish 138 Vaisanen, Helvi 119, 123 Vale, Allison 44 Valentin, Marcus 123 Vandal, Luc 22, 39 236 VanDenbrink, Kathy 154 Vanderhayden, Tina 201 Vanderstoop, Wanda 146, 210 Vandervelde, John 24, 87 Vars, Carmen 72 Veillet, Claude 16, 31 Veillet, Lucie 16, 31 Verburgt, John 43, 47 Verjee, Zainub 187 Vernon, Roger 77 Véronneau, Pierre 201 Verrall, David 189 Verret, Jacques 95 Verstee, John 17 Vézina, Myriam 67 Viau, André 34 Viau, Catherine 27 Vincent, Kitson 30 Vincent, Ruth 5 Viner, Anthony P, 44 Viner, Kathy 90 Viner, Peter 43 Vinet, Natalie 146 Virgo, Clement 12, 39 Virzi, Pacifica 34 Vivier, Carole 192 Vivolo, Dominic 46 Viahovic, Jack C. 95 Vogt, Liliana 29 Volkmer, Werner 6, 77 Volpe, Michael 31 Vrem, Mark Jan 48 Waayer,R.De 104 Waddell, Stephen 87 Wagner, Margaret 118, 121 Wakefield, Kimberley 191 Wakefield, Steve 14 Waldie, Randy 91, 208 Walker, Clare 67 Walker, Drew 68 Walker, Len 154 Walker, Michael 114, 120, 124 Walker, Richard 58 Walker, Russell 80, 115 Wallace, Chris 113, 123 Wallace, Frédérick 46 Wallace, Susan 89 Walsh, John 115, 118, 122 Walter, Michel 10 Warburton, Richard 57 Ward, Barry 111 Ward, Bruce 72 Warren, Chris 36 Warren, Neil H. 114 Wasik, Walter 33 Wasserman, Leslie 38 Waters, Allan 44 Waters, Jim 44 Waters, Ron 44 Watson, Cathy 90 Watson, Dennis 54 Watson, Florence 146, 154, 156 Watson, Paul 111 Watt, Judy 29 Waugh, Thomas 207 Weatherford, Jim 24, 138 Webb, Richard 19 Webber, Danny 60 Webber, Maryanne 190 Weber, June 8 Webster, William 87 Wechsler, Bradley J. 18, 136 Weeks, Joan 16 Weese, Kevin 78 Weggler, Karen 136, 144 Wehrfritz, Curtis 36 Weinstein, Julie 117, 121 Weinstein, Larry 28 Weinzweig, Layla 70 Weir, Christopher C. 151 Weir, Terrence L. 151 Weis, Noemi 72 Weiss, Edie 35 Weiss, Jennifer 16 Weller, Victoria 192 Wells, Lorraine 71 Wells, Nancy 32 Wells, Randi 67 Welsh, Jonathan 16, 24 Welter, Michel 132, 142 Wendy O'Brien 67 Wertelecky, Peter 133 Westin, Tom 78, 115 Weston, Graeme 99 Whelan, Gerry 90 Wheler, Doug 104 Wheller, Maureen 12 White, Ana 200-201 White, Bill 104, 168 White, Casey 73 White, Helene B. 18 White, Jean 140 White, K.S. 81 White, Marian Frances 12 Whitehead, Bruce 95, 157 Whitehead, lan 17 Whitehead, Oliver 78 Whiting, Glynnis 33 Whitley, Patrick 14 Whitmore, Ken 82 Whittenberger, Larry 151 Whyte, Justine 201 Whyte, Peter J. 144 Wichers, Karyn 188 Wichmann, Susan 32 Wickes, Kenneth 87 Wieshofer, Marni 21 Wigmore, Linda 208 Wigston, Lori 103 Wilde, Lisade 46 Wilkinson, Valerie 38, 126 Willcox, Lori 200 Williams, Barbara 47-48 Williams, Megan 89 Williams, Ronald D. 189 Williamson, Neil 112, 117, 121, 124 Williamson, Peter 9, 131 Williamson, Shawn 30 Williston, Rick 148 Willoughby, Mike 9 Wills, David 78 Wilson, Amber 70 Wilson, Eldon 101, 154-155, 157 Wilson, Keith 47 Wilson, Lee 82 Wilson, Martha 189 Wilson, Ray 195 Wilson, Sharon 194 Winkler, Arthur 62-63 Winning, David 33 Winter, Pam 70 Wise, Wyndham 210 Witta, Michael 32 Wolch, Mimi 93 2001 ° FILM CANADA YEARBOOK 7 vVyvyTvroyvrvryvrevvvwewewe ive wwe wa a a