Film Culture (1956)

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We hope you have noted the progress we have made since our first issue. As editors, we had taken upon ourselves the duties relating directly to the publication of the magazine. But the ultimate realization of our aims will largely depend upon the response and effective financial support of our sympathizers. You can help us by being our sponsor. Film Culture is not a private enterprise: it is the common undertaking of all those who are concerned with the development of genuine cinematic culture in our country. EDITORS SPONSORS James Ageet Gideon Bachmann Louis and Bebe Barron Sidney Berkowitz Thomas Brandon Richard S. Brummer Robert M. Campbell George Capsis Shirley Clarke Contemporary Films, Inc. James E. Davis Paul Falkenberg A. P. Fenin Film Directions, Inc. David Flaherty Frances Flaherty Francisco Forcade Alexander Hammid Edward Harrison Robert Harrison Peter Hollander Félix Marti-Ibafez Lewis Jacobs Martin Kamin William S. Kenly Arthur Knight Rosalind Kossofft Richard Kraft Siegfried Kracauer P. G. Krishnayya Francis Lee Helen Levitt Albert Lewin Daniele Lusa Len Lye Maria Nowosielska Elodie Osborn Donald Phelps Hans Richter Henwar Rodakiewicz Roger Tilton U. S. G. Willard Van Dyke Robert R. Vickrey Amos Vogel Herman G. Weinberg FILM an international revue of film criticism Editors: Umbro Apollonio, Flavia Paulon Publisher: Lombroso Editore, San Marco 2157, Venice, Italy FILM gives a panorama of the world's critical thought in the art of cinematography. It proves that the cinema is a fundamental factor in modern culture. FILM provides information on film events, technical and production developments. IT has contributors from all over the world among the most authoritative students of cinema. Subscription rates: 6 issues — $3.50, 12 issues — $6.00, in any country. 20°, discount to readers of FILM CULTURE FILM MUSIC DEVOTED TO THE MUSIC IN THEATRICAL AND NON-THEATRICAL FILMS. ANALYSES OF CURRENT SCORES, COMPOSERS’ NOTES, SCORE QUOTATIONS, REVIEWS, RECORDS AND OTHER SUBJECTS IN THE FIELD. FIVE ISSUES A YEAR — $2.50 BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE PUB., BY THE NATIONAL FILM MUSIC COUNCIL 11 EAST 87th STREET, NEW YORK 28, N.Y.