Film Culture (1956)

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A SIMPLE FORMULA FOR A SATISFIED FILM SOCIETY takes: AN ABSORBING SUBJECT o AN INTERESTING LOCATION add © A SUPERIOR SCRIPT : A BRILLIANT DIRECTOR A KNOWING CAMERA CREW AN ENLIGHTENING COMMENTARY A DISTINGUISHED SCORE & take @ “BRIDGE OF TIME” es “EL DORADO” “FAMILY PORTRAIT” ‘THE CRITIC & FILM” “THE PAINTER & POET” “WATERS OF TIME” “THE HEART IS HIGHLAND” “OPERATION HURRICANE” “FIRES WERE STARTED” “CARIBBEAN” “CUMBERLAND STORY” “A CITY SPEAKS” | “FORWARD A CENTURY” “ROYAL SCOTLAND” “LISTEN TO BRITAIN” “SONG OF CEYLON” “THURSDAY’S CHILDREN” “HENRY MOORE” and you have the makings of a satisfying program for the most discriminating audience in the world, the members of your Film Society! —pSe = WHY IS THIS FORMULA SO SIMPLE? a Because all of these films, by the creators of the very best documentaries ever produced, in the birthplace of the realist film movement, Great Britain, are available from one source at the most reasonable rental and sales prices: bri tish information services 30 Rockefeller Piaza New York 20, N. Y. / ER (Free catalogue on request)