The Film Renter and Moving Picture News (September-October 1922)

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THE FILM RENTER & MOVING PICTURE NETS. September 2, 1922. The Result! !— No. 9 ON THE BRITISH NATIONAL PROGRAMME | | THE WALTER WEST PRODUCTION The ‘youngster’ has romped | YY ; | home—a big success. LHS tA All the wise ‘* bookies” | put their money on this. the “‘big one’’—the greatest Racing Picture yet produced. We gave you “ Kissing Cup’s Race.” Then— “Scarlet Lady.” NOW—“SON OF KISSING CUP.”, With the famous British Artistes— VIOLET HOPSON & STEWART ROME. LEEDS pais MANCHESTER: 66 New Briggate. Releasea—March 1923. U Certificate. 40 Dénnszaics Phone— Phone— Leeds 26339. City 1270. Wires— =~ BUTCHER'S FILM ae Camera House :: Farringdon Avenue :: LONDON, E.C.4. Phone: Holborn 5995 (5 lines). Cables: Butchilms, London. A.B.C. 5th Edition. Wires: Butchilms, Fleet, London World’s Rights for Walter West Productions wd, Other important British Productions are erclusively owned and controlled by Butcher's Film e, Ltd., lo whom all enquiries should be addressed, ry GO de