Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (Sep 1935 - Aug 1936)

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6 INDEPENDENT EXHIBITORS FILM BULLETIN ERRITT CRAWFO ( Continued from Page 5 ) This is another and very cogent reason why the independent theatre owner should keep free of entanglements with the affiliated theatres, whose labor problems will necessarily be tLd up with the problems of the studios with which they are identified. Further, it is another and an equally vital reason why all indepandents should unite and definitely organize, recognizing their common interests. Th;y will then be enabled, and only then, to make working agreements with their employees, which all concerned can carry out with mutual benefit, but which would be impossible if left to be adjusted in each individual case, especially under the increasingly difficult competitive conditions that seem to impend. This is a phase of the developing industrial scene, which to some may seem to be a bit far-fetched at this time and which has as yet received no general consideration. Nevertheless, it is important enough to make mention of it now as it may well prove to be a very important factor in the progress of the industry during the coming year. CLASSIFIED A D VERTISEMENTS Ten cents per word, including initials, address, or box number. Minimum insertion 15 words. Cash or money order with t-ach copy. Yearly contract rates are lower. Send for contract scale. Address communications to FILM BULLETIN. Hli Vine Street, Phila., Pa. DECORATORS Decorate your theatre attractively and economically by Paramount Decorating Co., 311 North Thirteenth Street, Phila., Pa. You'll Be "LUCKY" with This BOX OFFICE TONIC The Original "Fool-Proof Game" FOR PROFITS PLAY OVER 400 ' LUCKY" THEATRES ARE NOW MAKING MONEY WITH THIS BOX OFFICE BUILDER SIMPLE TO PLAY AND OPERATE SHUFFLE IF YOU LIKE YOUR AUDIENCE WILL ENJOY "LUCKY" AND SO WILL YOU u LUCKY play LUCKY OUR NEW ADDRESS 1235 VINE ST. Or Phone LOCutt 2412 DENNIS GAMES CO. FRANK HAMERMAN Exclusive Representative Gifts For Games LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES HORROW NOVELTY CO. 1319 VINE STREET The Largjrt Gift Dictribut zrs :n America (,<nne in and Be Convinced N. J. Racing Bill Killed; No Special Session Voted TRENTON. — The prospect of legalized parimutuel betting and hor;e racing in New Jersey is much more remots since leaders of the State Legislature decided last week against Governor Hoffman calling a special session of the 1935 Legislature. It is necessary that the proposed Constitutional amendment be passed by the 1935 body if the question is to be submitted for a referendum in the near future. Failure to win approval from this year's Legislature necessitates passage by two other successive Legislatures before it is presented to the voters. ERVING theatre needs with a knowledge f of theatre business. A F SMSTING theatre owners with a staff of trained clerks and office files. No mtssouts. REEING theatre owners of the worry that they may have forgotten part of their show. |FFICIENTLY operating the largest film g delivery service in the world. |AKING CARE of every possible need in the delivery of film. YIELDING the epitome of safety, service and efficiency at a minimum cost. ORLACHE Delivery Service INC. PHILADELPHIA 1228 Vine St. WASHINGTON 1031 Third St., N. W. BALTIMORE 206 N. Bond St. NEW YORK 518 W. 48th St. M. Lawrence Daily, Notary Public, Phila. JANITORS' SUPPLIES Cups, towels, toilet paper, bulbs, disinfectants, soaps, etc., Krankel's Sanitary Supplies, 305 S. 40th St., Phila., FREmont 0127. INSURANCE All forms of special insurance applying to theatre operation handled on minimum rates. Representa■'\ e will he sent on request. Box FB 107. SCREENS REFINISHED Work executed in theatre by factory expert":: white or silver; Williams Screen Co., Akron, Ohio. TRAILERS Snappy, effective trailers; special low prices. Film Service Co., 25th St. and Lehigh Ave., Phila., Pa., SAGamore 1653. THEATRES WANTED PENNA., N. J., DI£L., MD. Buy or lease. Goodis, 1201 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. UNIFORMS USHERS' and doormen's uniforms attractively made to measure. American Uniform Co.. 134 South Eleventh Street, Phila., Pa. "Finest Theatre Painting and Decorating" HARRY BRODSKY 2315 WALNUT STREET, PHILA., PA. RITtenhouse 7828 © TRInity 1189 P E N N THEATRE EQUIPMENT CO. Dependability Lowest Prices Let Us Quote On Your Next Requirements 509 N. 13th St., Phila. RIT. 3273