Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (Sep 1935 - Aug 1936)

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1936 11 SUBJECTS By Nonamaker VINE STREET GONDOLIER — We like the gag credited to ELLIOT GOLDMAN wherein he supposedly invited somebody to meet him at 13th and Vine Streets BY THE LAKE! Whitey, the traffic cop, claims 'NOOKIE' BECKETT and BENNY HARRIS were shooting wild ducks on the lake one day last week after sundown. Harris was using 'S.r' ELI GINSBURG as 'pointer' while Beckett had decoys cut from Habanello 'seconds' cigar boxes! We also liked Sock's gag that the reason sailors like burlesque is because they are SEE-shows! And we are interested in Paramount's "DESIRE" since one of their goofy press releases states it heralds the return of sex to the screen — sex embellished with that Lubitsch touch! Whoopee! And a couple of Huzzahs! WEATHER SYMPHONY — Slip, slop, slush, slup, slip, splash, crash, drip! GAG — Press agent for "Tobacco Road" said his show was the "Georgia White's Scandals!" EXCHANGE — DORIS LASKEY is new assistant to ANN ROSEN over at Capitol, who have several religious pictures dusted off for the lenten season . . . The report that CHARLIE KLANG will go with First Division is denied . . . MRS. GOLDEN and the Hollywoodites started a 'date campaign' during Johnny's Florida vacation and rounded up a lot of nice business in his absence . . . AL BLOFSON, NationalPcnn Printer, modestly side-steps giving any information to 'the press' . . . And speaking of Quality, CHARLIE GOODWIN will be ready for a vacation as soon as Dave Barrist gets back if he keeps on working as hard as he was last Monday . . . BEN KASSOY's son cried and yelled when he first saw DAVE MOLIVER, whom the smart youngster mistook for the 'boogy man' ... J. STEWART SILVER and SAM PHALEN, the boys who keep your amusement directory ads straight in rival newspapers, work together in rounding up data . . . The Chaplin film which is doing stand in line business at the Erlanger has huge sign heralding it atop the closed Lyric's electric sign . . . WM. GREENFIELD, who operates the Riviera up Manayunk way, has plans for the re-opening of NIXON'S GRAND, Broad and Montgomery Avenue, but if he cannot get set soon lie will pigeon-hole the vaudc-film idea until September. OSCAR FORMAN slated for the manager berth. RKO's "The Lady Consents" follows "Ghost Goes West" into the Aldine . . . WILLIAM GANE, pioneer theatre man, died suddenly Sunday . . . CHARLES WAGNER of Milgram's Avenue, has a swell tie up with his local merchants and naborhood newspaper. Merchants contribute cash for $30.00 prizes and get publicity in theatre anc{ the newspaper . . . DAVE MILGRAM left Sunday for Florida's sunny climate to join the contingent of local film men already there. PHILOSOPHY — Last week we learned that it is bad to say that an exhibitor's business is good. DROP IN TO SEE US • • • at our new headquarters National Theatre Supply 1225 VINE STREET, Phila., Pa. — REVIEWS — (Continued from page 9) of campus communists. Their leader is Howard with whom Taylor soon finds herself in love. Stander, agitator and one man political party, kidnaps the girl and holds her for ransom. Rescued by G-men, she returns home determined to forget the campus cut-ups and marry Wallsten. The night Connollyplans to announce his daughter's betrothal, the radicals with Howard at their head stage a demonstration on his lawn. Aware of Taylor's love for Howard, Connolly entertains the demonstrators and insists that the Red marry his daughter. He does. AD TIPS: Picture must he sold around names of Hecbt, Mac Arthur and Connolly. Also worth mention is Howard who scored in "Annapolis Farewell." Sell hard to local sophisticated gentry. RUDY. NEW RELEASES Eastern Pa., S. N. J., Del. Major contracts provide for a ten per cent cancellation privilege for exhibitors. If you desire to cancel a picture, you must notify the exchange by registered mail WITHIN 14 DAYS of the date of general release. Latest releases are listed below. Send in your notice NOW! COLUMBIA Lady of Secrets Feb. 1 1 Mysterious Avenger Feb. 1 5 Lone Wolf Returns Feb. 17 MET RO-GOLDWYN -MAYER Voice of Bugle Ann Feb. 7 Bohemian Girl Feb. 14 Garden Murder Case Feb. 21 Wife vs. Secretary Feb. 2 8 Three Godfathers March 6 RKO Two in the Dark Feb. 12 Muss 'Em Up Feb. 14 The Lady Consents Feb. 17 Follow the Fleet Feb. 2 5 Love on a Bet March 6 Yellow Dust March 13 Silly Billies March 20 Farmer in the Dell March 27 UNIVERSAL Dangerous Waters Feb. 10 Love Before Breakfast March 9 PENN THEATRE EQUIPMENT CO. Dependability — Lowest Prices Let Us Quote on Your Next Requirements 309 N. 13th St., Phila. RIT. 3273 "Finest Theatre Painting and Decorating" HARRY BRODSKY 23 15 WALNUT STREET, PHILA., PA. RITtenhouse 7828 • TRInity 1189 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Ten cents per word, including initials, address, or box number. Minimum insertion 1 5 words. Cash or money order with each copy. Yearly contract rates are lower. Send for contract scale. Address communications to FILM BULLETIN, 1313 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DECORATORS Decorate your theatre attractively and economically by Paramount Decorating Co., 311 North Thirteenth Street, Phila., Pa. INSURANCE All forms of special insurance applying to theatre operation handled on minimum rates. Representative will be sent on request. Box FB 107. JANITORS' SUPPLIES Cups, towels, toilet paper, bulbs, disinfectants, soaps, etc., Krankel's Sanitary Supplies, 305 S. 40th Street, Phila., Pa., FREmont 0127. TRAILERS Snappy, effective trailers; special low prices. Film Service Co., 25th St. and Lehigh Ave., Phila., Pa., SAGamore 1653. UNIFORMS Ushers' and doormen's uniforms attractively made to measure. American Uniform Co., 134 South Eleventh Street, Phila., Pa. I ERVING theatre needs with a knowi ledge of theatre business. E SS1STING theatre owners with a staff of trained clerks and L office files. No missouts. REEING theatre owners of the worry that they may have forgotten part of their show. FFICIENTLY operating the largest film delivery service in the world. lAKING CARE of every possible need in the delivery of film IELDING the epitome of safety. service and efficiency at a minimum cost. H ORLACHE Delivery Service R INC. PHILADELPHIA 1228 Vine St. BALTIMORE 206 N. Bond St. WASHINGTON NEW YORK 1031 3rd St., N. W. 518 W. 48th St. M. Lawrence Daily, Notary Public, Phila.