Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (Sep 1935 - Aug 1936)

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ROBERT H. COCHRANE On October 1st, 1906, at the instance of Carl Laemmle, 'Bob' Cochrane joined the Laemmle Film Service and invested his capital of $2500 to take a one-tenth share in the business. He became acquainted with the then embryo film magnate when the Cochrane Advertising Agency (brothers R. H., P. D. and W. K.,) was handling the advertising for an Oshkosh, Wis., clothing firm, with which Laemmle was associated. When Laemmle was conducting his historic campaign against the monopolistic General Film Company, Cochrane was behind the scenes concocting those powerful, attention-compelling ads WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1936 that are credited with doing as much as any other factor to smash the Trust. His acute and shrewd sense of advertising effect and his fighter's qualities gave him a role second to none in that industry drama. (See reproduction of one of those ads elsewhere on this page). R. H. Cochrane, one of six brothers, graduated from high school and stepped into a job as reporter for the Toledo Bee. It didn't take him long to advance to the position of city editor, the youngest man in that post, past or present, for the Scripps-McRae papers. In 1902 he married Julia Fallis and they have two children. In 1909, Mr. Cochrane became vice-president of the Yankee Film Company, first production unit organized by Laemmle. The release of Yankee films was effected through the famous IMP (Independent Motion Pictures.) In 1912 Universal Film Manufacturing Company was founded and Cochrane was again named vicepresident. Later this company was supplanted by the Universal Pictures Corporation. By all means, it should be mentioned that he sat on the Code Authority of the Motion Picture Industry during the NRA days and, although representing a producer, demonstrated a keen appreciation of the exhibitor's problems and displayed a sense of fairness that won him the voiced admiration and respect of so ardent an independent as Nathan Yamins. All through the 3 0 years of their association, 'Bob' Cochrane played "second fiddle" to Carl Laemmle only in the public eye, never in planning, building, fighting for their company's advancement. When 'Uncle Carl' stepped out of the picture, selling his interest in Universal to the J. Cheever Cowdin-Charles R. Rogers group, he left with these words for his friend: "When I turn over the reins of Universal, the company will be placed in the hands of R. H. Cochrane, without whose loyalty, good sense, unfailing courage and daily advice this company could never have weathered the storms that beset it or achieved the measure of success it has attained." On April 3rd, 1936, Mr. Cochrane was elected president of Universal. 9 ALLIED ASKS NONMEMBERS TO CLEVE. 'FALSE' LEADERS HIT YAMINS INVITES . . . An invitation to all non-members independent exhibitors throughout the country to attend the Allied annual convention in Cleveland on June 3,4, 5, has been extended by Nathan Yamins, the organization's president. Prospects for the largest turnout ever to attend an Allied confab grow increasingly brighter as the response from all sections pour into H. M. Richey's headquarters in Detroit. A program of important discussions and elaborate social affairs, plus the added inducement of low rail fares, has stirred considerable enthusiasm among exhibitors and sizeable delegations are expected to attend from almost every territory. MYERS HITS M.P.T.O.A. . . . In a letter to non-member independent unit leaders, Abram F. Myers attacks the "false leadership" of those exhibitors who "are opposing every constructive movement for the relief and benefit of the independent exhibitors." Although they are never mentioned by name, the charge is obviously directed against the M.P.T.O.A. officials. "Self constituted leaders receiving special favors from the distributors and speaking lines written by employees of the Hays association are opposing every constructive movement for the relief and benefit of the independent exhibitors and are even presuming to represent and speak for the latter at the Congressional hearings and industry conferences," Myer's letter states. URGES 'REPUDIATION' . . . "The mere silence of exhibitors in some territories on such momentous issues as compulsory block-booking, increased film rentals, designation of playdates, and last (but not least) chain expansion and aggression may be interpreted as acquiescence in the efforts of those who would gladly deliver the independent exhibitors into the hands of their oppressors in order to feather then own nests. "This convention will afford you the opportunity to repudiate such false leadership and to proclaim openly where you stand on the grave issues confronting the exhibitors." he concludes. Al Adams Joins Republic Al Adams, formerly with Monroe Greenthai at United Artists, has been named assistant director of advertising and publicity for Republic Pictures. The appointment was made by Ed Finney, head ot the deparl mem. ••GEN. FLIMCO'S LAST STAND Old Flimmyboy. surrounded by Independent Indians, has about as much chance as a snowball in Hades. Shot full of holes, punctured nnd perforated from peanut-head to pants, he is making one final rally and bluff by shooting threatening letters to exhibitors and publishing direful interview! in cities where he ha* "bought" exchanges. We are making arrangements with the artist now for the General's obaeo/iiea and burial. While the band is mournfully playing ' Has Anybody Here Seen Kennedy ' over the grave, you will be making arrangements to hook up with Old Doctor Laemmle who will cure you of all such diseases as "Repeatera," "Dropsy of the Film." "Rainstorms" and "Pip of the Cashbox " Send for Dr. Laemmle'* looseteat aupptementary fUm list to-day. CARL LAEMMLE. President The Laemmle Film Service HEADQUARTERS: 196-198 Ltvke Street. CHICAGO MINNEAPOLIS PORTLAND OMAHA SALT LAKE CITY: EVANSVILLE The Biggeat and Best Film Renter in the World. Reproduction of one of R. //. Cocbrane's ads against the Film Trust