Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (Sep 1935 - Aug 1936)

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REPUBLIC CHIEFTAINS W. RAY JOHNSON President E. H. (Manny) GOLDSTEIN V ice-President INDEPENDENT EXHIBITORS FILM BULLETIN' REPUBLIC NAMES 52 STORIES; TITLES; ADD 16 NEW WESTERNS 'MAJOR' PRODUCT, SAYS NAT LEVINE ENTHUSIASM . . . Republic, fastest growing film company in the business, held its second annual sales convention at the Drake Hotel in Chicago last Thursday to Saturday, and announced a schedule of 5 2 features, 16 additional westerns and four serials for release during the 1936-37 season. In addressing the convention on opening day, Nat Levine, head of the production forces, asserted that Republic's product must be regarded now as "of major calibre." The intense enthusiasm of the assembled executives, branch manager and salesmen left no doubt in the observer's mind that everyone in this outfit really believes that Republic has carved itself an important niche in the industry structure and will continue to go forward. SIX DIVISIONS . . . The originally announced schedule of 5 2 features is divided into six divisions with the following titles: 2 Anniversary Specials: "Two Years Before the Mast" and "The President's Mystery Story." The Jubilee 6: Marion Talley and Michael Bartlett in "Follow Your Heart," "Army Girl," "Portia on Trial," "Happy-Go-Lucky," "Join the Marines" and "Hearts in Bondage," with James Dunn and Mae Clarke. 24 Gilt Edge Pacemakers: "Down to the Sea," "The Country Gentleman," "Gangs of New York," "Steamboat Mary," "Legion of the Damned," "The Broadcasting Mystery," "Between Two Loves," "Navy Blues," "Bachelor Girl," "Sky Hostess," "Isle of Lost Men," "Why Worry?" "Two Men and a Woman," "Special Order," "The Beloved Brute," "Bulldog Edition," "The Affairs of Cappy Ricks," "The Kentucky Handicap," "Swift Lightning," "The Chinese Orange Mystery," "Dangerous Pleasure," "Missing Men," "Call of the Primitive" and a Mrs. Wallace Reid special. 4 Natural-Color Epics: "Lives of a Texas Ranger," "The Painted Stallion," "In Old Monterey" and "The Vanishing West." 2 Gene Autry Specials 6 Gene Autry Musical Westerns 8 William Colt MacDonald Westerns 4 Serials To these have been added these two series of westerns: 8. Bob Steele Westerns 8 Johnny Mack Brown Westerns SPEAKERS . . . The convention was addressed by President W. Ray Johnston, General Sales Manager J. J. Milstein, Ad Chief Ed Finney, Contract Manager Sam Hacker, and M. J. Siegel, studio executive. Other executives who spoke were E. H. Goldstein, Edward Schnitzer, Herbert J. Yates, Walter Vincent, Herman Gluckman and Norton V. Ritchey. Several franchise holders and branch managers also addressed the convention, including Ed Morey of Boston, Harry A. LaVine of Phila., and Jack Bellman of New York. EDWARD FINNEY Director of Advertising and Publicity August is "Support the Independents Month" Book as many independent pictures as possible to encourage the production of more good films. Philly Closings Lincoln Theatre closes next week for the summer. Remodeling includes new seats. Will reopen late in August. Jackson Theatre in South Philadelphia likewise closes for summer and is being practically rebuilt. B-T President to N. Y. Hollywood. — Ben S. Cohen, president of Burroughs-Tarzan, leaves here for New York Thursday to arrange for extended runs on "Phantom of Santa Fe," all-color feature, and "Tundra," huge outdoor spectacle, which took seven months to complete. 52 ISSUES $2.00 SUBSCRIBE NOW!