Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (Sep 1935 - Aug 1936)

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1936 9 TERMS OF ALLIED DEAL WITH CHESTER'D-INVIN'BLE DISCLOSED SUPPORT . . . The terms of the deal whereby Allied States Ass'n agrees to suport the product of Chesterfield-Invincible has been made known to leaders of the organization's units throughout the country. The contract, entered into between the two, jointly operated film companies and Nathan Yamins, Herman Blum and H. M. Richey, as representatives of Allied, states, in a preamble, that the producers "propose to increase the number and improve the quality of the motion pictures produced by them and desire to enlist the goodwill and assistance of Allied" in obtaining contracts. Further, it states, Allied "is desirous of stimulating and encouraging the production of suitable motion pictures in order to preserve competition in the production and distribution of such pictures and to insure an adequate supply of motion pictures for the use and benefit of the motion picture exhibitors of the United States." % TO ALLIED . . . Under the terms of the contract Allied, in return for its promotion of the business of Chesterfield-Invincible, is to receive 2 yo of the first $100,000 in film rentals paid to the companies by all exhibitors in the United States on each picture. If any picture grosses in excess of $100,000, C-I agrees to pay Allied 25% of what it receives as its share from the territorial distributors. The exhibitors' group may advise the producers on the selection of stories, titles and casts, but C-I is to have the final word on all production matters. V SfiS £5> Paramount's "Advertising Material Rental Service Contract" will COST THEM from $300 to *500 MORE per year! Protect yourself by dealing ONLY with National-Kline Poster Co. 13 07 VINE STREET, PHILADELPHIA Simon Libros • Al Blofson • Oscar Libros HIGH LIGHTS . . . Following are the high lights of the contract: 1. Chesterfield and Invincible will each announce, not later than June 15, 193 6, a program of 9 features (18 in all) for 193 6-3 7 season. First Chesterfield picture is to be released not later than September 1st; First Invincible not later than September 28th. Both companies are to complete their programs within fifteen months from the date of their first releases. 2. With the advice of Allied unit leaders, but reserving to themselves power of selection, trie producers are to negotiate franchise agreements with regional distributors. 3. Allied, its officers, local units, their leaders and members are to use their best efforts to promote the goodwill and business of C-I and to cooperate fully and actively in assisting sales representatives to secure exhibition contracts from exhibitors on these pictures, and to counsel, advise and encourage bona fide observance and performance of such contract. 4. The advice and counsel of a committee of experienced exhibitors designated by Allied will be made available to the producers in the selection of suitable stories, titles and casts, but the ultimate determination of such matters shall rest with the producers and they shall not be obligated to avail themselves of the assistance of the Allied committee when to do so might interfere with or retard production schedule. Producers are to place special emphasis on avoidance of material known to be offensive to organized public groups. 5. Each of the producing companies is to pay the treasurer of Allied an amount equal to two per cent (2%) of the gross film rentals paid by exhibitors in the United States to regional distributors, until the total of such film rentals shall reach $100,000. 6. On any picture grossing more than $100,000, the producers are to pay Allied an amount equal to twenty-five per cent (25%) of all amounts received by the producers from the distributors as their share of the gross film rentals above the said $100,000 per picture. 7. On the 15th of each month throughout the term of the contract, the producers are to send Allied a certified statement showing the gross amounts received by each exchange as film rentals. 8. The producers are to require all distributors to make adequate provision for keeping ac "Finest Tbeatrt Painting and Decorating" HARRY BRODSKY 2 3 15 WALNUT STREET, PHILA., PA. R IT ten house 782 8 • TRInity 1189 "Not a dark bouse in more than 20 years of film delivery service!" NEW JERSEY MESSENGER SERVICE Member National r'ilm Carriers' Asa'n 250 N. JUNIPER STREET, PHILA. I.OCu.t 4181 ICACE 4600 curate records. Allied is to have the right to audit the companies' books, if it desires to do so. 9. Each monthly statement to Allied, from the producers, is to be accompanied by the check covering the amount due Allied. 10. The right of Allied to its percentage of the rentals shall continue for three years after the first release of each picture, or until the franchise agreements with the distributors expire, whichever is the later date. 11. The money received by Allied, after deduction of expenses incurred by Allied and amounts released to Allied by its units in the form of dues or otherwise, is to be divided between the units in accordance with a plan to be approved by the Board of Directors of Allied on the principle of rewarding the units in accordance with the effort put forth and results achieved. The producers are to have no control over the distribution of such funds. 12. Allied is not to enter into agreement to foster or support the product of any other producing company in the 1936-37 season. 13. Allied has the right to appoint a committee of two to cooperate with a like committee from the producers to draft an appropriate form of exhibition contract for use by the distributors subsequent to the 1936-37 program. For the 193 6-3 7 season the distributors are to use a form of standard exhibition contract. 14. At any time between 10 months and one year from the date of the contract, Allied and the producers, on the application of either party, are to meet with a view to formulating and executing a new agreement extending the plan for the next year's product. The contract was signed by George R. Batcheller, President, for Chesterfield Motion Pictures Corporation; M. M. Cohen, President, for Invincible Pictures Corporation, and Nathan Yamins, H. M. Richey and Herman A. Blum, Representative of Allied. It was witnessed by George R. Batcheller, Jr. THEATRE BEAUTY PATRON COMFORT . . an IDEAL combination featured in IDEAL SEATS If you are planning to re-seat . . . by all means visit our showroom . . . get our quotation first . . . you'll find the BEST at CLEM'S INDEPENDENT THEATRE SUPPLY HOUSE 1224 Vine Street, Philadelphia "Everything From Street to Screen"