Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (Sep 1935 - Aug 1936)

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1936 7 SUBJECTS FROM PHILLY By Nonamaker ALL THE NEWS THAT FITS— WE PRINT . . . BEN SCHILDLER, Avenue, Wilmington, interested in new theatre being built in Paxtang, which is a suburb of Harrisburg, Pa. . . . HARRY CHERTCOFF, Strand, Lancaster, interested in new house being built at Lemoyne, Pa. . . . HERMAN RUBIN creates mild sensation on Vine Street when he appears beneath a ten-gallon hat . . . HARRY LA VINE thought GENE AUTRY had dropped in to say "Howdy" . . . CHARLIE DUTKIN'S birthday was celebrated by the entire nation July 4th .. . MILTON WEEKS, formerly with MILTON ROGASNER at the Iris, now assisting AL FISHER out at the Keswick . . . AL TRUELL, JOE LEON, HERB GOTTLIEB, OSCAR NEUFELD and others of the 'Sylvania Film Club' instrumental in arranging benefit last Saturday night at Willow Grove Park for Marjorie Fontaine, one of the Walton Roof girls. Sufficient funds were raised to send her to White Haven . . . HARRY THOMAS, Horlacher N. Y. driver, promoted to assistant to JOE KENNEDY . . . LYLE TRENCHARD vacationing riding the waves to nowhere in his own boat . . . JOE GLASNER, former organist, back in town again after assisting JOE ROSSHEIM up in Reading . . . LOU BLAUSTEIN, National Screen, still sick at his home in Brooklyn . . . LEW MARTIN, formerly interested in Darby Theatre, to become manager of the Bijou burlesk house shortly . . . GEORGE DEBER, handling the Anthony Wayne Theatre for HARRY FRIED, likes Wa yne so well that he has moved to the Wayne Hotel. Says it is much v 0& Paramount's "Advertising Material Rental Service Contract" will COST THEM from $300 to $500 MORE per year! Protect yourself by dealing ONLY with National-Kline Poster Co. 13 07 VINE STREET, PHILADELPHIA Simon Libros • Al Blofson • Oscar Libros better than commuting . . . AL TRUELL, Fox advertising, in N. Y. State camping for vacation . . . SAM (newlywed) STEIFEL on the street. Closeted with MURRAY BEIER, who is back to selling "Custer's Last Stand" after cleaning up with Joe Louis' last fall . . . LARRY DAILY'S the proud daddy of a baby girl born last Friday .. . PERCY HASSENGER, former exchange owner, seen chatting to BENNY HARRIS, sun-tanned Masterpiece booker . . . MRS. GIVEN had to call the S. P. C. A. to remove some crazy cats from empty store next door to her exchange . . . The FELTS, WARNERS and CHARLIE STIEFEL, all busy building, while every other day someone THINKS about taking over the once art film Little, or the Locust . . . Ventnor, Atlantic City, reopens this Saturday . . . Hang out the crepe— OSCAR NEUFELD'S 'heart' has gone bye-bye to New York and thence to Florida, so the marriage, which he still insists was no fake, is off indefinitely. CONTINUING RUMOR STARTED SEVERAL WEEKS AGO . . . It is BOB LYNCH'S son-in-law, THOMAS BURNS, who is in back of HARRY SLATKO, who is going to inaugurate a Lincoln Theatre policy up at Nixon's-Grand! AWAKENING THE 'SLEEPERS' (Continued from page 2) to come in cold. Of course, if you're the type of guy who can afford to tack up another 'red' day because of your own laziness, you'll look at this attempt at analysis of picture merchandise and say, "Aw it's just another pix that I'll have to take a licking on," and promptly shift from left to right cheek and continue snoring . . . We hope not. You can come from behind with this one. NOW is the time to attend to such matters as equipment, seats, carpets, etc., so your theatre will be in tip-top shape for the coming season, to which we are all looking forward as the best in many years. And, of course, when you consider these things you'll think of CLEM'S INDEPENDENT THEATRE SUPPLY HOUSE 1224 Vine Street, Philadelphia "Everything From Street to Screen" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Ten cents per word, including initials, address, or box number. Minimum insertion 1 5 words. Cash or money order with each copy. Yearly contract rates are lower. Send for contract scale. Address communications to FILM BULLETIN, 1323 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. INSURANCE All forms of special insurance applying to theatre operation handled on minimum rates. Representative will be sent on request. Box FB 107. TRAILERS Snappy, effective trailers; special low prices. Film Service Co., 25th St. and Lehigh Ave., Phila., Pa., SAGamore 1653. JANITORS' SUPPLIES Cups, towels, toilet paper, bulbs, disinfectants, soaps, etc., Krankel's Sanitary Supplies, 305 S. 40th Street, Phila., Pa., FREmont 0127. Everything in Equipment NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 1225 VINE ST. PHILA., PA. TAKES A step forward in transportation TO Offer our customers the best in modern service THE Satisfied accounts prove to be our best ad A I R Land and sea all used as the show must go on Agents GENERAL AIR EXPRESS TWA Anywhere in United States overnight Many distant points the same day H ORL ACHE Delivery Service R INC. PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE 1228 Vine St. 206 N. Bond St. WASHINGTON NEW YORK 1031 3rd St., N. W. 518 W. 48th St. Member National Film Carriers, Inc. M. Lawrence Daily, Notary Public, Phila.