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Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (Sep 1935 - Aug 1936)

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2 INDEPENDENT EXHIBITORS FILM BULLETIN' AWAKENING THE 'SLEEPERS' The purpose and plan of this department is to bring forcefully to the attention of theatremen those pictures which are ordinarily overlooked or neglected in their advertising. Mr. Wolfe-Smith, prominent theatre publicity expert, aims to point out the latent exploitation angles in these "Sleepers" with the view t& having you SELL them to the public in a manner that will bring you the best possible returns. Follow these "Sleeper" campaigns for bigger grosses! By Wolfe-Smith It hasn't been so many moons back when the whole motion picture world was gaga about the G-MAN yarns, and rightly so. The idea unfurled itself high, wide, and handsome to the tune of many, many bucks that changed the tune of the ole cash register from the Swan Song to "Happy Days Are Here Again." This a peculiarly "follow-the-leader" world, and when the idea takes hold you can almost cash in for the approximate results in dollars and cents. Okay, guys, hold your seats for a new cycle of film fare, started by the New Universal, that's gonna sweep across a thrill hungry nation-wide audience . . . THE G MEN OF THE POSTOFFICE!!! 'POSTAL INSPECTOR' has what it takes, and we're not foolin' ... A cast that's worth plenty in bucks just to stick their names up on the marquee . . . CORTEZ . . . ELLIS . . . LUGOSI . . . each and everyone of them has a definite and profitable following . . . Cortez just finished in a radio drama that was plenty swell on a national hook-up that added to his already acclaiming audiences. We don't have to go into the appeal and ability of Pat Ellis, nor the specific following of Lugosi. The story is fast, exciting, thrilling, romantic, with action that's the McCoy . . . For those situations located near the recent flood areas, it'll be well to remember that there's a scene in 'POSTAL' that's, no fooling, thrilling . . . Mail thieves go wild in this flood swept city . . .The inspectors give chase . . . Over roof tops, through the swirling streets, and then smash-bang into a building. POST OFFICE ANGLE Here's the most obvious of all the stunts to exploit this yarn . . . Special performance for the postal employees in your neighborhood or city . . . Of course, if your house is in a large city it would be advisable to limit your invitations to the local carriers of your community plus a few of the officials . . . Address them from the stage after the performance on the virtues of the story as told in the picture, and why the public at large should be told about it . . . Get 'em steamed up as a form of G-Man (and they'll love it) and send them out to spread the word . . . NOW THEN . . . Here's the angle that'll make il easy for the mail-men to get over their story without feeling as though they were bully's . . . Contact your local postal authority before the screening for the carriers and explain (and show if necessary by a special showing) why and how the pix extols the virtues, bravery, G-Man type of person the mail-man is . . . Get steamed up and BUILD THE GUY UP, harping on the G-Man angle who never before received the recognition publicly that he rightly deserved . . . Then sell him on the idea that each carrier wear a button about an inch or inch and a half in diameter which carries the title, play-date, cast and theatre, on his lapel for about two weeks in advance of your showing. EXPLOITATION Paint up a "post card" 40x60 inches with copy such as: "Beware of stock-swindlers, confidence men, and the slick gangsters who use the mails to defraud you . . . See 'POSTAL INSPECTOR' at the STRAND THEATRE, starting MONDAY" ... Address the card to every sub-post-office station in your city or neighborhood . . . Make certain that these cards are mailed from the mail box in a busy spot in town immediately after the postman has made his collection . . . That'll insure a showing on the street . . . Make certain that there's sufficient postage on the 40x60 . . . They'll have to pick it up ... If there aren't many sub-postoffices that you can mail them to, pick out city officials, newspaper editors, etc. These are only two angles that should be very effective if you expend a little effort to get them going . . . The press sheet lists a slew of good stunts as compiled by Jow Weil . . . Pick out those suitable for your spot . . . The paper is swell and should be used liberally . . . The 24 sheet would make a knock-out of a cutout that should be used in the lobby in advance and on the front when the flicker plays . . . Get along, little doggies, this is a natural for action and class spots alike . . . There's dough aplenty in it, so ferret it out!