Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (Sep 1935 - Aug 1936)

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1936 1 1 SUBJECTS FROM PHILLY By Nonamctker GRAVENSTINE THREATENS SUITGEORGE GRAVENSTINE is contemplating legal action against Fox Films for refusal to abide by their contract to supply film to his Carman Theatre. He claims the exchange is allowing Warners to run product due him . . . The Boyd closes Sunday night for four days prior to opening of "Anthony Adverse" . . . Getting new carpets and sound . . . The Yorktown is closed for enlargement, complete renovation and installation of new sound equipment and will reopen Sept. 4th . . . Germantown reopens August 15th with new and improved sound installation . . . JACK COHEN has purchased the Embassy, Jenkintown . . . Quality Premium's 6th Annual Dish Show is really sumpin' to see and admire. Credit is due the ingenuity of DAVE BARRIST for the arrangement and the workmanship of BILL TRIPLER for the handsome display . . . CHARLES GOODWIN is due back from Europe on the 27th . . . JAY EMANUEL is back from Europe and looking healthy . . . LEWEN PIZOR says he likes to see his name in this paper, so here 'tis . . . SIMON LIBROS returned from vacation Monday in the well known "pink" and immediately plunged into his labors of printing and lobby displaying . . . The hay fever victims are straining at the leash and will start their annual migration to the hills next week . . .JOHNNY ROBERTS, booker for Comerford, seriously ill with intestinal influenza at his Scranton home . . . HAROLD SEIDENBERG still manager at the Fox despite change to Warner management . . . HARRY WEINER's golf team will meet OSCAR NEUFELD's club swingers Aug. 2 3 rd at Ashbourne Country Club. WEINER's team consists of himself, DAVE MILGRAM, JIM CLARK, TED SCHLANGER, PERCY BLOCH and DAVE MOLIVER. OSCAR'S bunch includes BILL WOLF, JACK McFADDEN, SAM LEFKO, BILL DOYLE, JOE SCHAEFER, JOHNNY BACHMAN, LARRY DAILY, and, of course, OSCAR. The bald pated wag of Vine Street also has AL DAVIS and BILL CLARK in reserve . . . Premium Sales Corp. folded with LEW FOXMAN and JAY RENTER about to re-open at same address after lease adjustment . . . BILL DEVENSHIRE, formerly with HERB GIVEN, now with JOHN GOLDER as salesman . . . CHARLES KIRKEL will positively build that new Media house . . . SPANISH INN near MOSCOW, Pa. will show short subjects three days a week. No animal pix will be shown, lest drunks think they're seeing pink elephants . . . MURRAY DIAMOND of Metro Premiums has signed quite a few deals on the attractive "Golden Glow" dishes . . . ERNY and NOLEN's new Renel Theatre up on North Ogontz Avenue now taking definite form and viewed in awe by natives . . . Quality Premium moves within a month. National-Penn taking over their present quarters . . . The HEENAN Bros, arc right on the job ready to cash in on prints of "THOSE WE LOVE" with the scandalized MARY ASTOR . . . FROM BOSTON By Bruce WARREN NICHOLS is seen in the film district almost every Friday despite the fact that he is leaving his cool retreat in Peterboro, New Hampshire for the heat and humidity of Boston . . . The August Bulletin of Independent Exhibitors has aroused the exhibitors considerably — to put it mildly. Metro and Paramount are the chief objects of denunciation . . . BILL HARWOOD, owner of the Strand Theatre in Gardner, Maine, came down to say "hello" to his many friends and, incidentally, transact a little business . . . HARRY ZEITZ was also very much in evidence. Harry runs the State in New Bedford in case you don't know . . . There is a very definite rumor that E. M. Loew Theatres, Inc. are going to construct a new theatre in Winchester. And these definite rumors have a habit of being true . . . BEN ABRAHAMS, salesman for Warners, had a bit of tough luck. He fell down accidentally — result; a very painful split lip. LARRY HERMAN, booker for RALPH SNIDER, takes his work very seriously. He hardly misses a picture shown in the film district . . . ALLAN DAVIDSON came up from New York for a vacation. His brother, Harold, is very well known hereabouts and represents the General Talking Picture Corporation. Republic Trade Shows 'Heart' Republic will hold a trade showing of the Talley-Bartlett musical "Follow Your Heart" at the Astor Theatre, N. Y., Thursday morning. Plans are being made to hold similar previews in Philadelphia and several other exchange centers. The Phila. showing may take place next week. Hy Daab Loses Father Philip Daab, father of Hy, popular advertising director of Columbia Pictures, died last Sunday at his home in Woodcliff, N. J., at the age of 71. He was a former newspaper publisher. BENNY HARRIS feels neglected because he hasn't been mentioned here for a week or so. We're sorry . . . HARRY FELT, who is doing nicely out at the Park Theatre, Highland Park, Pa., likewise "commanded" a showing of his moniker herein. Anybody else, we've overlooked recently? . . . DAVE MILGRAM denies that the Lorraine is leaving his chain . . . Genial SKIP WESHNER won't be pinned down to affirming or denying the rumored Mastbaum re-opening. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS i Ten cents per word, including initials, address, or box number. Minimum insertion 1 5 words. Cash or money order with each copy. Yearly contract rates are lower. Send for contract scale. Address communications to FILM BULLETIN, 1323 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. INSURANCE All forms of special insurance applying to theatre operation handled on minimum rates. Representative will be sent on request. Box FB 107. DEODORANTS Silveray perfumed crystals eliminate unpleasant odors in vour theatre. Flavor Products Co., 54 N. Fifth Street, Phila., Pa. Lombard 7554. JANITORS' SUPPLIES Cups, towels, toilet paper, bulbs, disinfectants, soaps, etc., Krankel's Sanitary Supplies, 305 S. 40th Street, Phila., Pa., FKEmont 0127. Everything in Equipment NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 122 5 VINE ST. PHILA., PA. TIME SAVE ENERGY INSURANCE WORRY MONEY H Economically Sensible for All Your Deliveries to Be Made by ORL ACHE Delivery Service R INC. PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE 1228 Vine St. 206 N. Bond St. WASHINGTON NEW YORK 1031 3rd St., N. W. 518 W. 48th St. TWA Motor Carrier Agents for GENERAL AIR EXPRESS Coast to Coast Overnight M. Lawrence Daily, Notary Public. Phila. Member National Film Carriers, hie.