Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1938)

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18 %depe*tdeu£ EXHIBITORS FILM BULLETIN THE FINEST of Everything in Equipment NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY COMPANY 40 Piedmont Street Boston 1225 Vine Street Philadelphia SAVE TIME ENERGY INSURANCE WORRY MONEY • • Economically Sensible for All Your Deliveries to Be Made by HORLACHER DELIVERY SERVICE, Inc. PHILADELPHIA 1228 Vine St. WASHINGTON 1438 3rd Si., N. E. BALTIMORE 1801 Bayard Si. NEW YORK 606 W. 471h St. M. Lawrence Daily, Notary Public, Phila. Member Nalional Film Carriers, Inc. SHORT SUBJECTS FROM PHILLY By "Jaywalker" The long anticipated move to organize an Allied unit in Philly is apparently reaching a head with the calling of a meeting of a select group of independent exhibitors at the Broadwood Hotel this Friday, 11 A.M. A delegation of local indies went to the Jersey Allied Convention in A. C. and petitioned National Allied leaders to assist them in organizing a unit in this territory. Principal reason behind the move is the general antipathy to LEWEN PIZOR'S dictatorial control of the UMPTO and his persistence in linking his group with the producercontrolled MPTOA. It is believed likely that the men behind the Allied forces here will place the new unit's direction in the hands of a non-exhibitor, who will act as business manager. Allied advocates include some men formerly among the most loyal UMPTO adherents. . . . JEFF DAVIS leaves this city to become branch manager of United Artists Atlanta office. . . . The sensational success of the WB-Daily News Jitterbug Contest in Warner nabes will probably result in a wave of similar efforts in other spots. JOE CONWAY, who told us of the idea early in September, opened with a Bugfest at his Egyptian, Friday — with a bang. . . . The explosion, which injured six workers in Affiliaied's new Adelphi, failed to delay the opening last Friday night, the 14th. A huge crowd welcomed the new 52nd Slrael house. . . . Colored shows are being lined up for the Lincoln. It is slated to open Xmas Week with pictures supplementing the big flesh attractions. . . . The MEYER SCHINE circuit of N. Y. State is reported to be invading Maryland and Delaware. . . . The renovated Byrd reopened Friday night under WM. GREENFIELD operation. . . . SAM WALDMAN, former indie exhib, is selling film for MURRAY BEIER'S Preferred Exchange. . . . The Variety Club is tossing a Hallowe'en Barn Dance next Saturday night. . . . The best food on the Street is served at JOE SKODZUS' Economy Rest., 1243. It pleases our palate. . . . The Stratford, done over from front to rear, lighted again Friday evening to a big crowd. . . . WM. J. ('Bill') CLARK was elected chief barker of Tent. 13. He takes office at the annual stag banquet Dec. 11. "Not a dark house in more than 20 years of film delivery service!" NEW JERSEY MESSENGER SERVICE Member National Film Carriers' Ass'n 250 N. JUNIPER STREET PHILADELPHIA LOCusi 4822 RACE 4600 FROM BOSTON By Bruce ART HOWARD has been taking an active part at the convention in Atlantic City. What a worker. . . . JOE COHEN'S modesty amazes everybody. JOE admits that he is a ping pong player of the first water! . . . DICK RUBIN was giving his kids a treat this week taking them to the previews. . . . GEORGE WEEKS, general sales manager for Monogram Pictures, was in town last weekend and genial STEVE BROIDY announces that he has acquired the New England distribution rights to the Woodard Production, "Adventures of Chico." . . . Ask MARTY GLAZIER to show you that trick finger of his! . . . All the theater men are asking JACK GOODWIN, manager of the Metropolitan Theater, how he gets that way. JACK should give lectures on how to look and stay young! . . . BEN WELANSKY knows a good pun when he has one! He has just organized the Trailer-Made Service of New England. . . . BRAD ANGIER is out for big game in the Canadian Wilds! He just left all decked out with his brand new six shooter! . . . BOB COBE is the new branch manager tor Grand National according to districi manager HARRY ASHER. BOB was formerly branch manager for Republic Pictures in New Haven. JIM KENNEDY is again a member of the Grand National sales force covering the New Hampshire and Vermont territory. . . HENRY WOLPER, office manager for Metro, is an ardent football fan and every Saturday afternoon you can find him on the fifty-yard line at the Harvard Stadium. . . . ABE WEINER has been promoted. ABE, who was selling for United Artists in the Boston district, has been named branch manager of the United Artists office in Pittsburgh. Congratulations! . . . TOM SPRY has resigned as district manager for United Artists. TOM'S plans are indefinite. . . . ARCHIE SILVERMAN will reopen his Strand Theater in Providence, R. I., on the 27th of this month after having spent over S60,000 to remodel the house after the recent flood and hurricane disaster EDDIE REEDING is managing as usual. . . . The Paramount Exchange is now holding previews both in the morning and afternoon on Tuesdays. The exhibs are duly grateful to BILL ERBB. . . . ARTHUR TUOHY, assistant manager and head of publicity for the Trans-Lux Theater has been confined to his home with a bad cold. It must be pretty bad for trifles have never been known to keep ART away from his theater. . . . SAM PINANSKI was reelected head of the Allied Theaters of Massachusetts as expected. . . . Some day JOE BRENNAN will cooperate and give out a little news. You know, JOE, still waters can run too deep. . . . FRED GREENWAY and VAUGH O'NEILL of Loew's State are always impeccably dressed.