Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1941)

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PRODUCTION & RELEASE In the Release Chart, the date under "Details" refers to the issue in which cast .director, plot, etc., appeared. "Rel" is the national release date. "No." is the release number. There may be variations in the Running Time in states where there is censorship. All new productions are on 1940-41 programs unless otherwise noted. <T) immediately following title and running time denotes Technicolor production. RECORD COtUMBi A 1940-41 Features (44) Completed 144) m Production (0) Westerns (16) Completed (16) In Production (0) Serials (4) Completed (3) m Production (0) 1941-42 Features (48) Completed (13) In Production (3) Westerns (16) Completed (5) In Production (0) Serials (4) Completed (0) In Production (0) BEDTIME STORY Comedy — Shooting started August 25 < 1941-42) Cast: Loretta Young, Fredric March, Robert Benchley, Eve Arden. Director: Alexander Hall Pi'oducer: B. P. Schulbsrg .Story: An actress, who is married to a writer, wants to give up the theatre and retire to private life, but her luusband writes a new drama and insists on Itjr starring in it. RELEASE CHART EM PRODUCTIOM Title — Kiiiiniiig Time Cast Details Kel. No. Sing for Yo'ir Supper J. Falkenburg-B. Rogers Lady Is Willing. The M.Dietrich-F.M Murray Details under title: Miss Madden Is Willing 1940-41 Adventure in Washington (8fi) H.Marshall-V.Bruce Details under title: Senate Page Boys Big Boss, The (TO) O.Kruger-G.Dickson .. Details under title: Chain Gang Blondie in Society ( — ) Singleton-Lake-Simms EUery Queen and the Perfect CrinieR. Bellamy-M.Lindsay Details under title: Devil to Pay Ellery Queen's Penthouse Mystery .. R.Bellamy-M.Lindsay Fieht for Life (69) L'S. Govt. Film Great Swindle. The (— ) J. Holt Details under title: Missing Evidence Hands .Across the Rockies (57) B.Elliott-D.Taylor Her First Beau (77) J. WithersJ.Cooper ... Here Comes Mr. .Jordan (!»3) R.Montg'ery-R. Johnson Details under title: Mr. Jordan Comes To Town Iron Claw (serial) C.Quigley-W. Sands I. one Wolf Takes a Chance . . . -Medii o Hits the Trail, The ( — ) Naval .icadeniy (fi.5) North from the Lone Star (58) . OHicer and the Lady, The (.5!)) , Our Wife .W.WilliamsJ. Storey .C.Slarrett-P.McCarty . .7-26 . F.Bartholoraew-B.Cook 3-8 . B.Elliott-D.Fay 2-22. .R.Hudson-B.Bennett . .3-22. .M.Dr.uglas-R.Hussey . . . .5-3 2-22 . .5-30. .2010 .3-8. .4-28. . .2037 4-19. .7-17. .2014 5-17. .8-14. .2023 1-25. .3-24. . .2025 . .4-6. 6-1.. .4-10. . .2034 .4-5. .6-19. . . 2 2 1 .5 »>_o>> .2013 .5-3. .8-21. . .20(1: 4-19. .6-30. . .20tl .fi-28. . .8-15 2-28. .3-6. . .2022 .3-22. .4-19. Penny Serenade (118) I.Dunne-C.Grant 11-2. Prairie Stranger ( — ) ('..Stant-tt-P.McCarty ..7-26. i»iiails undei title: Medico Hits The Trail Return of Daniel Boone (61) B.Eliott-D. Taylor Richest Man in Town F.Craven-E.O Hearn Details under title: Obituary. She Knew All the Answers (85) . . . J.Bennett-F.Tone 2-8 Details under title: A Girl's Best Friend Is Wall Street Son of Davy Crockett B.Elliott-W.Taylor .5-3 Sweetheart of the Campus (65) R.Keeler-H.Hi:iiaid ...4-19 Dt-iails under title: Betty Co-Ed. They Dare Not Love (75) G. Brent-M.Scott 1-11 Thunder Over the Prairies ( — ) . . .C.Starrett-E.O'Hearn ..6-14 Details under title: The Medico Rides Tillie the Toiler (66) K.Harris-W.Tracy 5-3 Time Out for Rhythm (75) R.Vallee-R.Lane 3-8 Two in a Taxi A.Louise-R.Hayden 4-19 Details under title: One Way Street. Cnder Age (60) Voice In The Night (79) White Kagle (Serial) You'll Never (iet Rir-h ( — ) ... .. N. Grey-A.Baxter 2-22. . .C.Brook-D.Wynward . . .For. . .B.Jones-D.Fay 11-30. . . F.-\staire-R.Hayworth .5-31. 1941-42 Blonde From Singapore ( — ) F. Rice-L.Erikson Bullets for Bandits B.EIliott-T.Ritter Details ur.der title: Honor of the West Kllery Queen and the Murder Ring . R.Bellamy-M.Lindsay Details under title: Dutch Shoe Mystery Five Men [...Howard-R.Massey . <;<> West, Young Lady ( — ) I'.Singleton-G.Pord llariiiiiii of .Michigan ( — ) T.Harmon-.A. Louise . King of Dodge Cily W.EIIlott-T.RItter Ladies in Kelircnient ( — ) I.Luplno-L.Haywaid Lone Star \ igilantes ( — ) H. lOlliott-T. Rltter ... .Men in Her Life, The ( — ) L. Voung-D.Jagger ... Details under title: Tonight Belongs to Us. Mystery Ship (65) P.Kelly-L.Lane Roaring Frontiers ( — ) B.KIIIott-T.RItter ... Royal Mounted Patrol ( — ) C.Starrett-R.Hayden . 6-28 . . 8-23 . .8-9. .9-19. .5-'22. .3-31. .7-24. .8-'28. .4-24. .9-19. .7-15. . .6-26. .4-30. , .7-30. . .8-7. . .6-20. .7-10. .4-26. .5-20. .1-31.. .9-25. 10-16. .2020 .2213 .2039 0000 . 220X .2214 . 202(i .2008 .2216 .2019 .2011 .2207 .2017 . 200!» .2012 .2036 .2010 .2120 ...roT. . .7-26. . .7-26. . ..5-31 . .5-31 . .9-11. .8-14. .9-18. . .5-17. . 10-30. r>-31 . r-12. .8-9. . .9-4. IU-16. Secrel of the Lone Wolf ( — ) W.William-R.Ford 8-9.. 11-13. Details under title: Lone Wolf Doubiecross Stork Pays Off, The R.Hudson-M.Rosenbl'm 7-26... 11-6. Te-vas ( — ) W. Holden-C. Trevor 5-17... 10-9. Three Girls .About Town ( — ) J. Blondell-B. Barnes ... 7-12 .. 10-23 . Two I>atins From Manhattan l.Falkenberg-J. Davis . .5-31 ... 10-2 . D. tails uihl'i till.-: ilirls Friiiii PaiiHiiia METRO^COlOWYN-MAYiii 1940 41 Features 1941 42 Features (50) Compleled i50) ( — ) Completed (11) In Production (0) In Production (7) HER HONOR Romantic-Comedy — Shooting started Augu,=t 21 il941-42i Cast: W'alter Pidgeon, Rosalind Russell, Lee Bowman, Claire Trevor, Vera Vague, Richard Nichols, Jean Rogers. Director: Norman Taurog Producer: John Considine, Jr. story: A woman Judge thinks that notliing can interfere with her devotion to her profeSiSion until she falls in love with a newspaper r"iMnter. WOMAN OF THE YEAR Romantic-Drama — Shooting started August 28 11941-42) Cast: Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Fay Bainter, Reginald Owen. Director: George Stevens Producer: Joseph L. Mankiewlcz Stor.v: Deals with a i-omance between a brilliant woman columnist and a newspaper man. RELEASE CHART IN PRODUCTION Title — Running Time Cast Babes on Broadway M. Rooney-J. Garland H. M. Pulhuni, F:s<i H.Lamarr-R. Young . Kathleen S.Ttmple-H. Marshall Panama llattie A. Sothern-G. Murphy .Shadow of the Thin Man W.Pcweil-M.Loy Details . .7-26. . . . . . 8-9 . . . . .8-9. . . . .7-26. . . . .8-23. . . Rel. No. 1940-41 Bad Man, The (70) W.Beery-L.Barrymore 11-30 Barnacle Bill (91) W.BeeryV.Weidler 5-3 Big .Store, The (80) Marx Bros.-T. Martin .4-5 Details under title: Step This Way Billy, the Kid (95) (T) R.Taylor-B.Donlevy ..12-28 Blossoms in the Dust (105) (T) . . .G.Garson-W.Pidgeon ...2-8 Dr. Kildare Goes Home (78) L.Barrymore-L.Ayres .7-17 Dr. Kildare's Wedding Day (79) ..L.Barrymore-L.Ayres ..6-14 Details under title: Untitled Dr. Kildare. Getaway, The (85) R.Sterling-D.Adams 5-3 Details under title: The Man from the City I'll Wait for You (75) V.Weidler-R. Sterling ..3-22 Life Begins for .Andy Hardy (100) .L.Stone-M.Rooney 5-31 Love Crazy (99) W.Powell-Jt.Loy 2-22 Mata-Harl (89) G.Garbo-R.Novarro .Reissue Men of Boys' Town (106) S.Tracy-M.Rooney 11-16 Navy Blue and Gold (94) J.Stewart-L.Barrymore Reis. Penalty, The (80) L.Barrymore-E. Arnold 1-11 Details under title: Roosty People vs. Dr. Kildare, The (77) . . . L.Ayres-L.Barrymore ..3-22 Rage in Heaven (85) R.M'g'mery-I.B'gman 12-28 Ringside Maisie (96) .\.Sothern-G.Murphy ...5-31 Stars Look Down, The (120) M.LockWd-M. Redgrave For They Met in Bombay (92) C. Gable-R.Russell 4-5 Details under title: The Uniform ...L.Day-R.Young l-II ...F.Morgan-K.Taylor 3-8 . . .J. Craw ford-R.Taylor . .7-12 . . .R.Skelton-A. Rutherford 6-28 , . . J. Craw ford -M.Doug I as .1-11 11-16 Trial of Mary Dugan (90) .. Washington Melodrama (80) When Ladies .Meet (105) ... Whistling in the Dark (77) Woman's Face, .Y (106) Ziegfeld Girl. The (131) J.Stewart-J.Garland .. 1941-42 Chocolate Soldier ( — ) N.Bddy-R. Stevens ... Down In San Diego (70) L.Gorcey-B. Granville Details under title: Young Americans. Dr. .Iek.\ll and .Mr. ll>de (123) S.Tracy-I.BersmAn Feminine Touch, The R.Russe'l-D.Ameche I>' tails uTiilir title: Female of the Species lloiiky Tonk ( — ) C. Gable-L.Turner Lady He <;ood (110) A. Sothem-E. Powell .Married Bachelor, The ( — ) R.Hussey-R. Young ... .Sniilin' Through ( — ) I.MacDonald-B..-viierne Tar/.an's Secret .Vdventure \Veiss;ii'ler-0'Sullivan Twins, The (5. Garbc-M. Douglas Deiails under: tTntltled Garbo I'nholy Partners ( — ) E.Robinson-E.Arnold Details under title: New York Story , 6-28 .6-14 .7-12. . . .3-28. . .121 7-4. . . .141 ...6-20.. . .139 ...5-30.. ..137 ...7-25.. ..144 9-6. . . .1*1 . . .8-22. . ..145 . . .6-13. . . .138 . . .5-16. . .135 . . .8-15. . ..146 ' 6-6 ...4-11.. . .132 7-11 . . ...3-14.. . .129 5-2. . .133 3-7. . . .128 8-1 . . ..143 . .7-18. . . .142 . . .6-27. . .140 . . .2-14. . .12.1 . . .4-18. . . .131 . . .8-29. . ..148 8-8. . . .147 5-9. . .i:{6 ...4-25.. .130 . . .9-19. . . . 1 . . 9-5. . . .1 . . .6-14. . . 3-8 . .6-28. .5-17. .7-12. .6-28. .7-12. 16 FILM BULLETIN