Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1941)

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Cast: Tom Tyler, Bob Steele, Rufe Davis, Lois Collier, Tony Roax, Duncan Renaldo, William Rulil, Ed Cobb. Director: Les Orlebeck Producer: Lou Gray Sliiiy: lias Ihe mistiiki'n iilentil> iiiiKl.' as its theme wliPti one of the Mesi|Uiti-ers is bclii-vi'il hy an old uiiniaii lu ho her long' lost son. They lila,\' it strHi.ylil in oiricr lo help ht-i tliwari a hankfi who is conniving: to Kaiii control of liiT proporty wliioh luis valuable mineral elements. RELEASE CHART IN PRODUCTION 'I'itle — Kiiiinin:; TiMi-Angels «itli Broken Wings (7'J) Arliun>cuN tltidgo (I'.i) Baek in tlie l>;a(l.lli'( <:!) B;i<l Miin of Dcixl wood (<>l ) .... Boi'dci' l.e^ion ("iSi Captain Marvel (serial) Citadel of Crime <.58) C<nintry I'air (75) Desert Bandit (36) Ooetors Don't Tell ((>.>) Gangs of Sonora (5(>) Gay Vagabond ((ifi) Great Train Kohbery, The ((il) Iee-Ca|)a(les (8S) In Old Cheyenne (58) JiingE< (iirl (SiM-ial) Kansas Cyclone (5(!) Lady from I.onisiaiia (8'>) 1940-41 Cast Del nils . .B.Rarncs-E.Xorris . . . .4-l!>. . , . . i;. I S W, ax cr Bros. 1214. , , .1 l.A 111 1 \ S 1 iiniiette . . . . K. Kmi;. IS (1. Hayes . . . . li. Kii-ei s-l ;. Haves . . T.Tyler-F.Couglan, Jr. . . I'" .\ I II' 1 1 ■ II r{..\r'strong . , I ,||lu I ; ■:ii and Scotty . . 1 1 I ;,i I I \ I, .Merrick . . . ..I i;. ,il-l' Kice . .1; l,i\ iimslon-B. Steele . .1;, Kai MS K, Donnelly . . ii.SI.-. I,. M StMiic . . . . I ■<tluiina .U.Lc H.Ui ■al , i'\i;irrni .i-'|-,.\'. .1)1! 11 r\ -I,.Mi'n ick . O.MunsonJ.Wayne Details under title: Lady from New Orleans . . .2-8. . . .7-2B. . 10 111 . ..1-11.. 6-28. . .:i-22 . .4-li». . . . <-'.'<i. . ..i-:5l . . . . . 4-.-> . . . . .2-8. . . .6-14 . . . .~.i-r,'. '. ...5-17.. ...3-8.. Kcl. .5-27. .1-28. .:<-i4. . . !»-5 . . l2-(i. ..'i-28. .7-24. 8--;7 . . 7-10. . 2-28. . .8-20. , , . J-l . . (!-2 1 . . 6-24. . 4-22.. . I. Waynv-F. Ucp .. D.O'Keefe-F.Uice . ! Man Betrayed, .A (80) Mr. District .Attorney (60) Nevada City (58) R.Rogers-S.Payne I'als of the I'ecos (56) Three Mesquiteers S-8.. I'etticoat I'olitios (67) U. Karns-lt. Donnelly .12-28.. riiantoin Cowboy, The (56) D. Bari y\'. Carroll 1-11.. Detai s under title: Two-gun Sheriff I'oisoii Pen (66) F.Rnbscin1 :. Ni-wtun ....For.. Vrairie Pioneers (58) B.Li\int,'sinne-H.. Steele Puddin' Head (80) J.Canii\ :iI'V l.-dci i r . Bags to Ki<-lies (57) A. Ba.\teL'-.M .( 'a i I isb . Kidin' the Kainbow (70) O.Aulry-S.Buinetle .. ICobin Ilood of the Pecos (5!)) . . . R.Ro.irei sM tteynolds 2-22. . .5-3.. 1-11. .5-17. . .7-12. . 12-14. 1 !-:«>. Hookies on Parade (6!)) B.Crosby-R.Terry 3-8.. Saddleniates (56) B. Livingston-B. Steele ..5-:{.. Sheriir of Tombstone (36) R.Rogers-G.Hayes 4-5.. Singing Hills. 'J lie (75) G.Autry-M.Lee 3-22.. Sis Hopkins (98) I .( "anova-C. Bui terw' t h .2-8.. Sunset in Wyoming (65) Autr.v-.S. Burnet te ....5-:{l.. Details under title: Under Fiesta .stars Two-Gun Sheriff (36) D.Barry-L.Merriek Under Fiesta Stars (64) G..\utry-S.Burnette Wyoming Wildcat (36) D.Barry-J.Duncan 3 26. .6-20. . .4-8. 1-31 . .2-14. .6-30. .2-20. 6-25. .7-31. . I -28 . .1-11. .4-17. .5-24. ..5-7. .4-26. 4 12. .7-15. ,016 .01(1 . 04 5 .058 ,0 , .080 .024 ,015 ,077 ,o-;(i 068 . 022 .021 .001 .o-.-> .083 .078 .014 Oil .Ol-.' .057 . .0.16 .020 . . 075 . .02:', . .01: ,-, , . 003 . .025 . .014 . 0-.4 ..013 . . 067 . .056 ..046 .002 ,04 7 1941-42 , . 1 1 I ; 1 1 1 \ M,-i .\1 el rick I ick . W \':it I llib Aiiache Kid (— ) Death \ alley Outlaw 1 1 I ; 1 1 1 \ 1 , Down .>Ie\ico Way ( — ) (l,,\iinx Iliirricune Sniilli (67) R.Midill^ h .Ii-sse .James .\t Ba.'\ ( — ) R, Rimi i.-^-i i 1 1, King of the Te-\as Rangers (.serial ) .s, 1 ;a im h 1 >, I ;i 1 .Merc.^ Island ( — ) K ,\I n I d .1 mi -< ; I iirk. Mountain .M.-ionliglit (68) \\i ;i\. i Ili s \ 10 \ Details umler title Thunder Over the Ozarks, Newspapermen .Are Human ( — ) . . . W. B 1 1 1 i' I ' Ti i ry Outlaws of the Cherokee Trail ( — ) T.Tvb 1 1 '. Siei lo Details undiT title: Three Te.xas I;iii,l;ims Pittsburgh Kid. The ( — ) 1 . 1 ..m I I'ai kei .. Sailor Be (iood W, l.inMlii;an-S,Rnss Details under title: Gobs in Blue 3-8. .4-l».. .076 . . , 7-26, .8-25. . . .048 . .11-30. . .1-0. . .074 8-!). .0-12. . .171 0-6. , . 5-:{ 1 , .7-20. . . . lOH !»-(!, , . , .<>-28 Ml S-23. ,10-1 0 ii v 4-10. . ,7-12 . . . . 107 0-6. 8-!). . .9-10. . .161 7-26. . . 8-29 . . . . . .8-23. . .9-30. . HKO-RADIO 1940 41 Features Westerns 1941 42 Features Westerns (53) Completed (41) (6) Completed (6) (40-50) Completed (17) ( — ) Completed (4) In Production (0) In Production (0) In Production (3) In Production (1) RELEASE CHART IN PRODUCTION title — Kunning Time Itall of Fir, f all Out (he .Marines Come on. Hangers Cast Details Rel . .G.('ooper-H .Starnvv ck 8-2:i, 1941-42 . . \',IVlcI,a};lell-K. l.owf . .9-6. . 1941-42 . .T, Mnll -l<',.\eal 9-6, , 1941-42 1940-41 No Reissue. , . .4-19. . .12-28. . 8-24. A (iirl, A (;iiy and a (iob (91) . . . G. Murtihy-L.Ball 10-15.. Ii.'i!.ils .ind-r litl. -i-iMee Girls and a Hob, BrinKing Up Baby (102) K.Hepburn-C.Grant < ,^ ^•lone on Horseback (60) T, Hoi t -M. Heynolds I>evil and .Miss Jones, The (92) I.Artliui -O.Coburn lariio Kill. I'lie (6:<) T. Hult-J.Drummond Foolllght Fever (69) A .Mowbray-D.McBride 12-28 Details iindi-r title: .Show Business Hurry. Charlie Hurry L. Errol-M. Coles 3-22. .lungle CavaU-ade (76) Frank Buck Keissue. Killy Foyle (105) (J.Rogers-D.Morgan 9-7 I.iKle loves. The (115) B.Davis-R.Carlson 3-3. .Melody for Three (67) l.Hersholt-F.Wray 12-14 (I). -tails under tille: T'rndlcvl Meviciin S|>it(lre Out AVest (76) M> Life u ith < aroliit). (81) .... Kiductanl Dragon ,'i'lie (73) (T) Ketnedy for Hielies (67) J. Hersholt-D.I.,ovett 9-21 Hepcnt at l.<-isure (67) W.Barrle-K. Taylor 2-8. IC'.blxTM of llie Hiinge T. HoltV. Vale 1-25. .Sainl's \ ;ication, The (60) Il.Sinclalr-S.Oray l'"or. Seallergooil Haines (69) I i. K I bbee-C. H ughes ...12-14. Scatt-i'goed Meets liriiadway (('8) . .G.Kibbee-W. Henry 8-9. Scttttergood Pulls the Strings ( — ). .G. KIbbeeD. Trout 4-19. Siv (.Mu 4, old T.Hi'll-V. Clayton Story of tin Vatican, 'I'lie (55) March of Time Feature .3-14 120 L.Errol-r..Velez 8-10. R.Colinan-A.Lee 3-8. ('at■t^l(^n feature 10-19. ...5-2. .163 ,6-i:i. , . 185 .4-1 1 . . .122 . .12-6. .182 . .3-21. . .119 . 7-2.5 . . .129 .6-27. . . 166 .12-27. .112 .8-29. . . 1 75 . .3-28. . 124 . .11-8. 111 . .8-1 . . . . 135 .6-20. . .191 .11-29. . .113 . .4-4. . . .125 .4-18. . . .184 . .6-6. . . .131 .2-21.. . .12:1 . 8-22 . . . . i:56 ,5-2:! , 8-8 , , . . 1 32 .186 7-18. . . . 1 72 Sunny (95) A.Neagle-J.Carroll They Meet Again J. I lei sliol I 1 ). Lovei | They .Met in Argentina (74) .M.O 1 1 ai aA . \ i I la Tom, Dii-k and Harry (86) r;.]!iinei s-G.M ui idiy Too Many tiirls (85) R.Carlson-L,.Ball . Vivacious Lady (90) 3-8... 6-30. 7-11.. . . 11-30. . .4-23. . ...2-8.... 7-4.. 0-29.. .11-1. Keissue. . .3-28. . 10 17. . .!)-3. and You'll Find Out (97) K.Kyser-B.Kai loff 8-21.. 11-22. 1941-42 . . .l-I.Arno'd-VV. Huston 4-5. . . .O.Welles-D.ComlnKare .8-10. . . .G.S'inders-VV.H irrie . . .8-23 . . .T.Holt-M.R' vnoliIs 5-3 . . . Disney Feature . . . A.Mcn.jou-I,. Hall 5-3. . . . . .G.Sanuei s VV. Bai l 1 • ... .5-1 < Daniel Webster . . .D.O'Keefe-F..N'eal 3-3...!; 26. . . .T.HolL-H, Whitley 8-23 . . .E.Hergen-F.McGee . . . .5-31 . . .I-.Valee-r,.Errol 5-:il Lord Bjiping Sees A Ghost < — ) J. Carroll-E. O'Brien 7-12 T. Ho t-J. Waldo .. R.Preston-.X. Kelly 4-5. . .!/-l'i K.Kyser-.J. Barry more T.Holt-J.Birclay ... R.Bolger-A. Shirley .. Four Jacks and a CJueen C.Grant-.I. Font tiine . Before the Fact ) V.Shii ley-J.( 'r iis . . . ( — ) D.c.)'l<;ei-le-.I.Wyatt .. Column Denote Blocks of Five. .133 .134 .128 .126 .106 . 162 .108 .Ml Thai .Mon -y Can Buy (106) Citizen Kane (120) Dat • \« iih Ihe Falcon ( — ) . . . Drde Cowboy (59) Fantasia (1:15) (T) lather Takes A Wife (79) ... (iay I'ah'on, The 1 ) tails under title: Devil^ Sia!f:ice ((i9) Land of the Open Hange .. I^ook Who's l.aiigliing ( — ) .M< \i< au Soitlire's Baby (69) Details undi'l' tith' Obliging \<iung I.ady Outlaw Trail (60) Para<'liiite Battalion (75) Pla.\niatcs ' — ) Biding the Wind (60) . . Street (iirl (— ) .... l> -I lils unili r title Sus|)icion ......... 1 >i't ai s under tille I nevpected Uncle (Week-end for Three NOTK: Numbers in No. .W| .5-17. . .4-5. . .8-9. .7-26. . .8-9. . 6-28 . .6-28. 1910-41 Features 1941-42 Features (52) Completed (50) (— ) Completed (24) In Production (0) In Production (3) RELEASE CHART IN PRODUCTION 4'itle — HiiiMMng Hem 'inber the Da.v Hise auf! Siiine Son (tf l•'^Ir^ Cast .C.ColbertJ . I'ayne .;.()akie-r.. Darnell .T.l'o\vi'r-M,()'Hara Details Hel . .9-6. 1941-42 . .9-6, , 1941-42 , ,9-6. . 1941-42 1940-41 .A \ ery A'oimg Lady (79) T.W'ithers-J. Sutton 1-11.. .Accent on l.ove (61) G.Montgom'y-O.Massen 4-9.. D. tails nnd.'i litli-: ^]■,n With Shovel Blood and Sand (125) (T) T. Power-L.Darnell 1-11.. Bride Wore Crutches, The (55) .. .T. North-L.Roberts 6-1.. t •wi>o.> ard Ibe Blonde. I'lie ( 68 ) , G.Montgom'y-M. Hughes 2-8.. I>a'ice H'lll ((!«> (•.Romero-C.Landis 5-3.. De«d Men Tell (61) S.ToIer-S.Tung .. Details under; untitled: Charlie Chan For B:-aiit.\'s Sake (62) T. North -M. Weaver (ireat .American Broadcast, The (91 ) A.Faye-J.Payne . Great Commandment, The ( — ) .. .J.Beal-A.Dekker For.. Kipps ( — ) U.Wyny ird-.M lied^^ a\e ''ill-. Mail Train (85) G.Harker-A.Sim For.. Man Hunt (10:{) W. Pidgeon-J. Bennett ..3-22. Harii of Zorro, The (94) T. Power-L.Darnell Details under title: The Californian Hlcbael Shayne, Private Detective.. .Moon Over .Miami ( T) (92) D. Ameche-B.Grable Kid« On A'aquero (64) C.Romero-M.Hughes Scotland Yard (67) N.Kelly-J.Loder ... That Night in Kio (90) (T) A.Faye-D.Ameche . Details under title: Road to Rio 12-28. . .6-29. ...2-8. ..8-10. .6-13. .7-11. .5-30. .6-27. .5-16. .7-18. .3-28. . ,6-6, ..5-9. .5-23. ^4-25. .6-20. .11-8. .143 .148 .143 .112 .141 . 149 .136 .144 .140 .142 . I >il .139 .146 .lit . 3-22 . .7-4. . .147 12-28. .4-18.. ..138 12-14. ..4-4.. ..131 11-30. .4-11.. ..137 1941-42 B-llc Siarr (T) (87) G.Tierney-H. Fonda ... Cadet (iirl ( — ) G.Montgomery-C.Landis Charley's .\uiit (81) I. Benny-K, Francis .... Charlie Chan in Hio (61) S.Til.i-M IMI n -lies ... Conlirm or Deny ■]<■■ 1 n-uiii-tt .. Dangerous but Passable ( — ) .1. 1 !;i i i-.l ..Sut ti mi Dressed to Kill (74) L..\olan-M. B.Hughes . (ireat (inns ( — ) Laurel and Hardy 4-19. 7-26. .5-17. .8-1. .9-5. .B Ci'-ibl. .WM'i.iu .rj.M.ilit -JKiml.i .M,Wea\ . . B,.I.^yc-. .W.H list. \', Mature . . . . ii-M.O'Hara . iii',\ -L.Roberts mli-S,l{yan -i; K .■\-es . . I'M « li ds . . . ■r,.Mit"licll Hot srxii How (ireen \\ as My Valley ( — ) Last of (be Diiaiies (57) Lone Star Hanger ( — ) Man .\t Large (69) Marry the Boss' Daughter ( — ) . . . B .b yc 1 ; OutlaiT, The Private Nurse (60) B,.! \ c -,) , I la rv\ .11 Kiders <»f (lie Purple .Sage ( — ) . . . -G, M. .' [ '.^.inr ,\ -M . H . .\v ird Riders of (he PurpI • Sage (57) ... J. Withers-C.Wright. Jr. .Sun Valley .Serenade (86) S.Henie-J. Payne D.Mails iiiMb.i title; Siin \'alle,\ Swamii M'ater W, If ustnn w,Brennan We (io I'ast ( — ) -iirtis-S Ityan Week-end in Havana ( — ) .A Kaye-J, I'ayne «il(l (ieese Calling (77) H, Fonda-J.Bennett ... Yank In the H. .A. F., .A ( — ) T. Power-B.Grable .... doling .\iii:>rica ( — ) I.Withers-W.Tr:ic>' 1941-42 Korda : Pascal : Roach: Small : Szckely: . .8-9. .7-26. . .5-3. 7-26. . . 8-9 . .6-14. 3-3 . . .8-23. .6-14. .6-14. 12-14. 5 17. 6 28 . 7 12. . .4-5. , . .8-8. 10-10. .9-26. . io-;l . 8-22 . 10-10. .1.. . Wl , 8-29 1 . .6-28. .6-28. .5-31 . . .3-4. . 8-23 . .9-19. 10-17. .8-15. . 10-:<. Completed (1) In Production (1) Completed (1) In Production (0) Completed (5) In Production (0) Completed (3) In Production (0) Completed (1) In Production (0) 16 FILM BULLETIN