Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1941)

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Leon Errol, Butch and Buddy, Louis Da Pron, Red Stanley, Don Douglas, Howard Hickman, Barbara Brown. D:rector: Charles Lamont Producer: Ken Goldsmith story: Revolvi-s around the rise to tame of the Merry Alacs, corny musical aggregation led by Robert Paige In which Baby Sandy is a featured entertainer. RELEASE CHART IN PRODUCTION Title — Running; Time Cast Keei> •Km Flying ti.A bhot t J>.( Detafls Rel. No. Ktello . 1940-41 IJaelielor Daddy (01) B.Sandy-E.E.IIorton Details under title: Sandy Steps Out Back Street (89) M.SuUavan-C.Boyer .. Black Cat. The (70) B.Rathbone-H.Herbert Cracked Nuts (— ) S.Erwin-U.Merlcel .... Uangerous Game, A (61) R.Arlen-A.Devlne ... Details under title: Who Killed Cock Robin. Flame of New Orleans, The (79) ..M.Dietrich-B.Cabot ... Hello Sucker H.Herbert-P.Moran ... Hit the Road (CI) G.George-B.MacLane . Hold That (ihost (KB) Abbott-Costello Detail.^ under title: Oh. Charlie In the Nav.v (85) B.AbbottL.Costello .. Lady from Cheyenne, The (87) ...D.Young-R.Preston ... I.ii\v of the R.ang:e (BO) J.M.Brown-F.Knight . Detnds under title: Marshal Law Margie (58) T.Brown-X.Orev .■Men of (he Timl.erlamls (Bl) R.ArIen-A.De\ ine . Model Wife (78) J.Blondell-D.Powell .. Mutiny in the Arctic (fil) R. Arlen-A.Devine .... Raiders of the l)e>erl (BO) R.Arlen-I.. Haves .. .. Rawhide RaiiKers (5(i) J.M.Brown-F.Knight . San Antonio Rose (63) R.Pagie-J.Frazee This Woman is Mine (92) F.Tone-C.Bruce Details under title: I, .James Lewis. Tight Shoes (67) T.Howard-B.Barnes . Too Many Blondes (60) R. Vallee-H.Parrish .. M-Ti. 11-16. 2-22. .3-22. . 10-5. 1-11. .4-5. . . 5-3 . .1-11. ..5-3. B-ir, . .4-l!». .1-25. .3-22. .6-14. .5-17. .5-31 . .5-17. 1941-42 -> .(■.Hoyer-M.Siillavaii ..J.M.Br.ivvu-lvKniyht .R.Dix-U.'^ia.k . W. GarKan-I. H ervey .('.Bickford-E. Ankers .Appointment for l.ove (.Arizona Cyclone ( — ) .... Badlands of Dakota ( — ) Bombay Clipper ( — ) . . . Burma Convoy ( — ) Details under title: Halfway to Shanghai Girl Must Live. A (— ) " M.Lo.kwnod-L.Palmer (.host Town Buckaroo L.m I ;m.\m,-F Knisht Hell/.apoppin ,„,„„ ,„„| .,„„„.s„n .. Flying: Cadets VV.U.uaan-E. Lowe ... It Started with Eve (— ) C.Laughton-D.Durbin Details under title: Almost An Angel House Blues R.Paige-A.Gwynne ... Details under title: Rhapsody in Stripes Kid from Kansas, The (— ) D. Foran-T. Carilln Man from Montana JM r,r.>wn F Kni l,t Man or .Mouse ( — ) u | i , , |„., t m . .u n Masked Rider, The I. .M . I ;i . ,« ,, K Kiiiulu ' Mob To,vn i; ^.\..;„^„ne Moonlight in Hawaii I 1 1 w us ,1 Fi aze. Never (iive A Sucker an Kven Break\V.c'.Fit-Ids-G Jean " . .' Details under title: The Great Man Nobody-s Fool H.Herl.^rt-A.Owvnne Overland Mail (— ) „ I 'a . nsl, 1 , . h n v, Jr lans Calling ( — ) K 1 i n. i 1 ■ ^, ,,tt <}uict We<IdinK ( — ) M . I k u ,,. i'1 , Farr" " Riders of Death Valley (Serial) . . .D.Foran-L.CarriUo Ride 'Em Cowlioy (— ) Abbott and Costello' ' '. Sea Raiders (Serial) Dead End Kids Sealed Lips (— ) W.Gargan-J.Clyde .... Details under title: Beyond the Law Sing Another Chorus J.Downs-J.Frazee South of Tahiti (— > B.Donlevv-M.Montez 0,.t i)ls undia tille: White Savaye SwMiig It, .Soldier (— ) F.Langford-K.Murray Details under title; Radio Revels of 114'' Terror of the Island (— ) U.Me -kel-N.Pendleton I nfinis ied IJusiness (1,4) ' >ig.lante.s. The (— ) J.M Brown-F.Knight .4-5. .4-19. . 7-26. .6-2«. .7-12. .(i-28. .4-l!». .For. .X-23. .7-12. 5-31. . .6-14. . .7-4. . .5035 . .2-7. . .5002 . . 6-2 . . .6028 . .8-1 . 503!) . . 8-22 . . 50.>1 .4-25. . .501 i .7-11 . . . 5038 .6-27. . .502iJ . .8-8 .5-30. . . 5000 .4-11. . .5043 .6-20. . .5066 12-6. . .-.021! . .fi-6. . . 5055 .4-18. ..6014 .4-J8. . . 50 > 1 .7-18. . .5051! .7-18. . .5007 .6-20. . .5031 .8-22. . .5044 6-13. 5012A .5-23. ..5034 . 10-31 . .11-14. . . .9-5. 10-17. .9-19. .11-7. 10-24. . .9-26. .5-3. .B-28. ..■>-:! 1 . .ii-'.'d. B I 4 . .6-14 ,5-17 . 7-26 . .9-19 . .!)-5. . BOBl , . D-d. . .8-23. .8-23. . . For. 11-10. . 10 24 . . ,H0B2 . 10-3 11 21 .11-4 . 12-5 11-14. 11-21. 1 . . .6781 . 1 1-2H. 10-14. .4-19. . .4-5. . .9-6. .9-19. 10-10. 7-26. .3-8. . .9-6. . .9-12. 10-17. 1940 41 Features 1941 42 Features (48) Completed (48) ( — ) Completed (14) In Production (0) In Production (8) JUKE GIRL Drama— Shooting .started October 1 (1941-42) Cast: Ida Lupino. Directors: Curtis Burnhardt Producers: Jerry Wald. Jack Saper Story: A ".Juke" is the Southern version ot "li" girl and Ma Lui.ino plays th"' tit'e role who em imiil. i s arlx ciilnres in a l ural si rticin iiC the Soulhein :itales RELEASE IN PRODUCTION Title — Running Time (apliiins of the Clouds DaiigeroiiMly They Live I) t ill.i uMd i title: Remembci lUnK's Row CHART Cast Deliiils Kcl . . .I.l'agiiey-D.Mi i Kari . . 7-26. 1911-12 . . ../.Garfleld-N. Coleman .9-20. 194 1-12. Tomorrow . . .A.Sherldan-R.Reagen .7-26. 1941-42. No. Male .Animal, The ( ». DellaVaml -H . -Man Who Came To Dinner, The ... H. Davis.M. Wooley Wild i;ill Hickok Rides C. Hennett-B. Cabot You're in the Army Now .J.Durante-J. Wymaii . 9-6 . 1941-42. . . 7-26. 1911-12. . .9-20. 1941-42. . .9-20. 1941-42. . 1940-41 An'e.lionately Yours (85) M.Oberon-D. Morgan ..1-25.. H;ul .Men of .Missouri (74) D.Morgan-W.Morris ....4-5. Bride ( aiiic C. O. I)., The (91) B.Davis-.I.Cagney 1-11.. Hiillels for O'llara (.50) 1. 1'erry-R. I'ryor 5-17.. De\il DoKs of the .\ir (81!) J.Cagney-l'.fJ'Brien .Reissue Dive iioniber (132) E.FIynn-F.MacMurrav .4-5. Great Lie, The (107) B.Davis-G. Brent 11-16.. Details under tille: Far Horizons Here Comes Happiness (58) M.Coles-R.Ainley 12-14.. Highway West (62) B.Marshall-(5.Bradna .2-22. Kisses for Breakfast (82) D.Morgan-.I.Wyatt ..12-14.. Di'tails under title: She Stayed Kissed ."Manpower (105) Rnh'son-I)ietrich-Raft 3-22. Meet John Doe (128) G.Cooper-B.Stanwyck 7-27.. Million Dollar Bahy (87) P.L ine-.l. Lynn 1-11.. Details under title: Miss Wheelwright Discovers America Nurse's Secret, The (65) L.Patrick-R.Toomey .2-22.. .2-22. . Out of the Fog (85) J.Garfleld-l.Lurnno .. Details under title: The Gentle People Passage from Hongkong (61) K.Luke-L.Fairbanks . Shining Victory (85) G.Fitzg'ld-J.Steph'son Details under title: Winged Victory Singapore Woman (64) n..\larsha'l-D. Bruce . Thieves lull Out (72) E.AIbert-J.Lealle 1-25.. Details uiid. r title: Thirty Days Hath September Three Sons O'Giiiis (65) W Morris-T. Brown 2-22. Tugboat Annie .Sails Again (75) . . . M.Rambeau-A.Hale ..6-29.. Fnderground (94) J.Lynn-K.Verne 3-8.. . .4-5. 1-11. . I -25 . .5-10. . .7-26. .7-12. . .7-19 . . .fi-7. . .8-30. .4-12 . . .3-15. . . .8-23. . . 7-5 . . . . .8-9. ..6-4.. . 5-3 1 . . .6-24.. .6-14. . .6-21 . . ..6-7.. . ..5-17. ..6-3.. . . .8-2. 10-26. . .6-28. . . F566 . . 1 557 \V507 . W518 . R5.50 . . F553 . W504 . W52 1 . . F565 .W517 W505 .W6(K> . W50» .W52S . \\ 5.55 .AV.524 . AV564 . . F563 .W516 . . F574 . F561 .W558 .All Through the Night (Blues in the Night ( — ) 1941-42 -) H.Bogart-J. Anderson ...8-9. P.Lane-R.Whorf 6-28. D tails iinil.i title: New Orleans Blues Bod.v Disai>pcars, The ( — ) LLynn-J.Wyman 8-9. Details unihT title: The B'.ack Widow Atlantic Ferry ( — ) M.RedgraveV.Hobson ..For. International Squadron (85) j ..Stephenson-R.Reagan Details under title: Flight Patrol Law of the Tropics (70) I. I^ynn-C. Bennett .Maltese Falcon, The (100) M. Astor-P.Lorre Navy Blues (108) A.Sheridan-.I.Oakie ... Nine I.i\es .\re Not Enough (63) ... R. Reagan-.!. Perry .... Prime .Minister, The (93) J.Gielgud-D.Wynward Sergeant A'ork (134) G.Cooper-.J. Leslie Smiling Ghost, The (71) B.Marshall-W.Morris . Steel -Against the Sky ( — ) L.NoIan-.\. Smith Details under title; Bridges Built at Night They Die<l AVith Their Boots On (— ) E.Flynn-O.DeHavilland .4-5. 10-11 . . . . lOG .5-31. . 10-4. . .105 .6-14. .5-3. .9-13. . .103 .6-14. .9-20. . .104 .6-28. .2-28. .9-27. . .101 .5-31. ...9-6.. . .102 . .9-6. SIZE -UPS (Continued from Page 13) as a tip for others to comb their respective lots for film men of the future. Encouraged by the interest in the first filmings of the Ballet Russe, Warner has slated two more of these featurettes for production after January 1... Local records have been toppled by "Sergeant York". . .Continuation of Warners' record-breaking production pace is indicated in the announcement of the starting dates for eight new pictures in three weeks. . .Olivia de Havilland and Bette Davis will co-star in "In This Our Life," to be directed by John Huston... Joe Graham's first directorial assignment will be "Always in My Heart." which will introduce 16-year-old Patty Hale and 15-year-old Gloria Warren. . .With studios outbidding each other for talent, heavy talent lists have become common and Warners has joined the leaders with 70 players currently under contract. . .Formerly scheduled for Ida Lupino, "The Hard Way" has been tossed Bette Davis' way. . .Robert Taplinger has become chairman of the Hays publicity unit, succeeding John Joseph, who served only six months. . .Idle since his brilliant enactment of the author in "The Sea Wolf." Alexander Knox has been set for one of the leads in "Iceland Patrol.'' IN PRODUCTION— "They Died with Their Boots On' (Errol Flynn-Olivia de Havilland), "King's Row" (Ann Sheridan-Ronald Reagan), "Captains of the Clouds" (James Cagney-Dennis Morgan), "The Man Who Came to Dinner" (Bette Davis-Monty Wooley-Ann Sheridan), "All Through the Night" (Humphrey Bogart-(5onrad ■Veidt), "Wild Bill Hickok Rides" 'Constance Bennett-Bruce Cabot), "Dangerously They Live" (John Garfield-Raymond Massey), "You're in the Army Now" (Jimmy DuranteJane Wyman). PREPARING— "Iceland Patrol." "Lisbon Clipper," "The Constant Nymph," "In This Our Life" and "Kickofl." C.A.STINti.S: .\ancy Coleiniin in "Dingerously They Live"... Mary Scott. .lulie Vv'ai ren in "King's Row" . . . Mich:iel Ames, Etta McDaniel. Davi<i Newell in "You're In the Army Now" ... Walter Huston, Una (J'Connor, Kay P'rancis. Frankle Thomas, .Ir., Bdrrah Minnevitch in "Always in My Heart"... Ed Rrophy in ".Ml Through the Nl.Kht" ... .Alexander Knox in "Iceland Patrol." 18 FILM BULLETIN