Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1952)

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RODUCTIOn , R€L€flS€ R6CORD 951-52 Features Westerns ALLIED ARTISTS Completed (53) Completed (18) In Production (0) In Production (0) N PRODUCTION TITLE — Running Time COMPLETED vfrican Treasure krctic Flight tunny Bound _ lattie Zone .anyon Ambush lead Man s Trail Jesert Pursuit RELEASE CHART — 1951-52 -• Cast Sheffield-Luez )isc Jockey 177) _ ■lephant Stampede (71) hat Top IC) ■eudin' Fools iold Fever Gunman. The Here Comes the Marines Hiawatha Id Morris-Albright Clements ______ — Hodiak-Christian Brown-Co*tes _ _ Brown-Eilison _ — Morris-Caruso _ Simms-O'Shea _ Sheffield Elliot _ Hayden-Carlson Gorcey-Hall Morgan-Calvert Wilson-Knight _ Gorcey-Hall Edwards-Dugay Highwayman, The IC) 183) Hendrii-Coburn ungle Girl Sheffield-Sharpe .ansas Pacific (C) Hayden-Miller '.ansas Territory 173) Elliott-Stewart awless Cowboys 1581 Wilson-Knight _ •Han from Black Hills '781 Brown-Ellison _ Pelican Silver Wilson-Clyde Ret. 4-S2 7-20 10-52 9-52 . 10-12 7-4 S-S2 8-23 10-29 9-52, 11-52 9-14 6-8 . 4-13 A1 5 . 12-7 9-8 . No. Rev. 5207 5210 _ 521* 22 _ 5244 . 5243 _5209 21 6-18 51 10 _ 5226 _ 5201 5213 . -5.20 _ 5252 -5212 _5202 -20 8-27 12-52 24 5-4— 5225 11-7 5 1 55 _ ___ 3-52_ 5242 . Montana Incident light Raiders lorthwest Territory 161) odeo IC) 171) os« Bowl Story. The (C) (73) ea Tiger 171) ! on of Belle Starr lo Holds Barred .. angier Incident ______ eias City Kmberwolf torpedo Alley 'rail Dust icious Years, The (79) Vaco (68) . _ _ •vagons West (C) (70) Vild-Stallion (C) jVyoming Roundup 'quared Circle, The ukon Gold --Wilson-Stewart _ Wilson-Knight _ .Grant-Chinook — Jane Nigh Thompson-Miles Archer-Chapman _ Larsen-Castle -Bowery Boys . Brent-Aldon Brown-Elliscn _ Curwood Stevens-Malone Albright-Winters . Cook-Moore — Elliott Cameron lohnson-Hyer „. ... . Wilson-Coates . Kirkwood-Gleason Grant-Hyer . 8-17 5253. 2-52. 5251 12-9 3-9 5104. 8-24 7-52 5204 5218 . 12-52 5214 12-30 12-28 5222 11-52 23_ 12-31 5I07_ 2-18 _ 2-52 5224 . 6-29 . 5203 _ 4-27 -5205 II-?— 5254 _ 6-30 8-52 5221 COLUMBIA 951-52 Features Serials Completed (68) Completed ( 3) In Production (3) In Production (0) N PRODUCTION TITLE — Running Time ove Song (T) ■seta led Beret. The IT) OMPLETED Iffair in Trinidad (98) 1 1 • Ashore IT) RELEASE CHART — 1951-52 — Cast . Wyman-Milland Crawford-Derek Ladd-Andrews .. Rel. No. Rev. Imbush at Tomahawk Gap (T). oache Country (62) Issignment — Paris 185) ,-rbed Wire (61) _ . — I ue Canadian Rockies (58) ;-eve Warrior IT) (73) i-igand. The IT) (94) lelifornia Conquest (T) (79) aptain Pirate IT) (85) louded Yellow, The (89) aego Bill _ _ ripple Creek (T) 178) •eth Of A Salesman (III) ght Iron Men 180! . ... . refighters, Th e rst Time, The 189) 000 Fingers of Dr. T., The r >er Foster, The (103) olden Hawk IT) (83) angman's Knot (T) .. appy Time. The (94) . tr Wonderful Lie > ick McCall, Desperado IT) _ 'ggler, The Hayworth-Ford RooneyLawrence Derek-Hodiak Autry-Buttram — -Andrews-Toren — Autry-Buttram — Autry-Buttram _ —Jon Hall Deiter-Lawrence Wilde-Wright — Louis Hayward . -Simmons-Howard McGuire-Moore _ -Montgomery-Booth — March-Dunnock CoMeano-Franz _ Williams-Reynolds — Cummings-Hale — Hayes-Healy — Harrison-Palmer — Fleming-Haydn .. — Scott-Jarman _ Boyer-Driscoll — Kiepura-Eggerth 9-52 7-28 5 52 10 52 7-52 11 52 6 52 7 52 7 52 8 52 8-52 _ 8-25 5-19 431 6-30 . 7-28 10-8 7-52 2-52 I 1-52 423 6-30 12-31 11-3 -2-52 424 2-11 10 52 1 1 52 10-52 508 506 6-30 ■action City (54) ngle Safari d From Broken Gun (56) ■ ramie Mountains 154) st of the Comanches (T) list Train From Bombay (72) tarrying Kind, The 193) _ lember of the Wedding, The ontana Territory IT) (64) It-finder. The IT) I ula (80) _ ___ nee of Pirates (T) Montgomery-Stevens — Douglas-Vitale — Starrett-Burnette — Weissmuller-Greene Starrett-Bunett Starrett-Burnett — Crawford-Hale Hall-Ferraday — Holliday-Harrison _ Waters-Harris __ McAllister-He ndrix Montgomery-Carter . _ Young-Smith Derek-Rush inbow Round My Shoulder (T! (78) Laine-Daniels 7 52 .... 486 8 S2 " 481 4-52 485 8-52 8 52 504 4-52 425 ~6-5? 438 * 6-52 436 5 9 52 ZI 503! In the Release Chart, "Rel." is the National Release Date. "No." is the release Number. "Rev." is the issue in which the Review appeared. There may be variations in the running time in States where there is censorship. All new productions are on 1951-52 programs unless otherwise noted. Listing of color pictures follows immediately after title: (T) Technicolor, (CI Cinecolor, (SO Supercinecolor, (TR) Trucolor, (AC) Anscolor, (NO Natural Color, (WO WarnerColor. Red Snow 175) .Madison-Male Riders of the Whistling Pines Autry-White Rough. Tough West 154) Starrett-Burnette . . Salome — Dance of the Seven Veils (T) Hay worth-Granger Sniper. The 187) Meniou-Frem Storm Over Tibet IB7) Reagjon-Douglas Sound Off ISC) (83) Mickey Rooney Target — Hong Kong Denning-Loo Thief of Damascus. The IT) (78) Henreid-Sutton Vatican, The IT) 142) . Documentary _ Voodoo Tiger (47) — Weissmuller-Burekhart Wagon Team (61) Autry-Buttram Walk East on Beacon 198) Murphy-Gilmore War Cry IC) — Montgomery-Long Yank in Indo-China. A 147) Archer-Dick Strange Fascination 180) — Moore-Haas 8-1 5-5 ■30 7-S2 6 52 5-52 7 52 5-52 4 52 Special I 1-52 9-S2 6-52 5 52 9-S2 439 487 434 428 427 476 426 435 436 505 5-5 10-6 1951-52 LIPPERT Completed (40 Production (0! IN PRODUCTION TITLE — Running Time COMPLETED * Bad Blonde . Captain Kidd (Reissue) For Men Only 193) Gambler and the Lady Great White Hunter (Reissue) Hellgate 187) , I II Get You RELEASE CHART — 1951-52 — Cast Rel. Johnny the Giant Killer (T) Jungle, The 174) , Loan Shark (79) Mr. Walkie-Talkie Payton-Wright Scott-Laughton P. Henreid -Dane Clark _Peck-Preston Hayden-Leslie _George Raft Animation Feature CameronRomero Raft-Hart 12-12 I-S2 12-26 12-12 _ 9-5 1-16 Outlaw Women IC) 175) _ Pirate Submarine 169) Scotland Yard Inspector — Secret People Stolen Face, The (71) Stronghold 173) ... Tall Texan, The Tromba, the Tiger-Man 163) Valley of the Eagles (83) — Wings of Danqer 172) Tracy-Sawyer . -Windsor-Rober Special Cast . Romero-Ma.well _Cortesa-A. Hepburn .. Henreid-Scott Lake-Scott . .Bridges-Cobb .Special Cast -Warner-Gray Z. Scott _ 7-4 5 23 I 1-28 _ 6-2 7 18 10-31 8 25 6 16 2-S2 1-23 I 1-14 4-25 4-1 No. S2I0 5102 5204 5209 5113 5206 5205 5112 5IM 5203 5105 51.10 5202 51 16 .5109 5107 5207 5201 5114 5106 Re». 1-28 METRO-COLDWYN-MAYER 1951-52 Features Completed (106) In Production (7) IN PRODUCTION TITLE — Running Time Band Wagon. The IT) Clown, The ____________ Dream Wife Give A Girl A Break IT) RELEASE CHART — 1951-52 — Invitation to the Dance (T) Main Street to Broadway Remains To Be Seen Young Bess IT) COMPLETED Above and Beyond (123) Apache War Smoke 167) Bad and the Beautiful, The Because You re Mine (T) (103) Belle of New York IT) (82) Carbine Williams (93) Code 2 — Connie Cast Astaire-Charisse _Skelton-Greer _Grant-Kerr — . Bankhead-deHavilland — Kelly-Youskevitch -All-Star . Allyson-Johnson Sommons-G ranger Rel. No. Rev. Cry of the Hunted Dangerous When Wet Desperate Search, The Devil Makes Three, The 190) .Taylor-Parker Roland-Horton Turner-Dougles _ Lania-Whitmore Astaire-Vera-Ellen Stewart-Hagen Meeker-Forrest .-Johnson-Leigh _Gassman-Su Hi van . Williams-Lamas Keel-Greer 10-52 305 10-52 . 304 3-52 . 223 5-52 231 10-4 9-8 2-25 4-21 Kelly-Angeli Everything I Have Is Yours IT) 192) Champion-O'Keefe Fearless Fagan 179) Leigh-Carpenter Girl In White, The 193) _ Allyson-Kennedy Glery Alley (79) _ _ Caron-Meeker Girl Who Had Everything, The Taylor-Lamas . Holiday for Sinners (72) Hour of Thirteen, The 180) I Love Melvin (T) Ivanhoe (T) (106) Jeopardy . Julius Caesar ■ Lili IT) Lovely to Look At 1 102) Merry Widow, The IT) 1105) My Man and I 199) Young-Rule Lawford-Addams O Connor-Reynolds _ R. Taylor-E. Taylor Stanwyck-Sullivan __~ Brando-Mason Caron-Ferrer Grayson-Skelton Turner-Lomas Winters-Montalban _ Williams-Mature Stewart-Ryan — Gable-Tierney Tracy-Hepburn 9-52 .. 302 e-25 10-52 _ 306 . 10-20 8-52 _ 241 —7-14 5-52 232 6-52 234 7-52 _239 -__4?30 1 1-52 309 10-20 8-52 307 6-30 7-52 9-52 9-52 Million Dollar Mermaid IT) Naked Spur, The (T) Never Let Me Go Pat and Mike (93) Plymouth Adventure IT) < 104) — — Tracy-Tierney Prisoner of Zenda IT) 1100) Granger-Kerr Quo Vadis (T) 1168) Taylor-Kerr Rogue's March Lansford-Rule 12-52 237 301 303 312 6-52 235 11-52 310 I 1-52. _ 308 216 4-16 11-3 10-20 I 1-19 Scaramouche IT) 1115) See How They Run _ S. Grainger-E. Parker Dandridge-Horton , 6?52 FILM BULLETIN November 3, 1952 Page 25