Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1952)

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4 Something Happened t< Y. Critics Hans Christ Color K X X K Highest rating from KATE CAMERON, Daily New$: A charming, delightful, tuneful, amusing, touching, colorful, lavish, eye-filling entertainment. All this and more is 'Hans Christian Andersen'. " ROSE PELSWICK, Lovely to look at and enchanting to hear. Made with taste and skill, a blend of charm and romance and humor, of beautiful ballets, rhythmic songs, glowing colors and gorgeous sets. It's delightful entertainment!" imencant nine: OTIS GUERNSEY, h«m im. "Big, merry and tuneful! Samuel Goldwyn has created a Hollywood fairyland. There is so much spread across the screen that one hardly knows where to begin. A bona fide Goldwyn dazzler!" FRANK QUINN, Mirror: "Hurrah for Goldwyn!! Everything about this film is laudatory. Rich humor, great war th and delightful charm. Frank Loesser contributes a score that will have you humming when you leave!"