Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1952)

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Skirts Ahoy IT) (109) William-Blaine 5-52 233 Sky Full of Moon (75) Carpenter-Sterling 12-52 Small Town Girl IT) J. Powell-Granger 4-53 Sombrero IT) Montalban-Angeli 3—53 Steak for Connie — Johnson-Leigh . Story of Three Loves (T) _ _ . All-Star Cast ... -. Talk About a Stranger 1*51 Murphy-Davis 4-52 22» Time Bomb 177) . .... ..... Ford-Vernon — Vaguero lAns) . Gardrer-R. Taylor Vicki IT) _..„.._„..„ Garson-Pidgeon ..... . Wahington Story 1821 .... Johnson-Neal 7-52 . 238 When in Rome 178) Johnson-Douglas ... 4-S2 2Z»_ You For Me 170) Lawford-Greer 8-52 240.. Young Man With Ideas 184) Ford-Roman 5-52 230 4-21 11-17 3-10 7 14 3-10 8 11 3-10 PARAMOUNT 1951-52 Features Completed (77) In Production (4) RELEASE CHART — 1952-53 — IN PRODUCTION TITLE — Running Time Arrowhead IT) Here Comes the Girls IT) Little Boy Lost Untitled . Cast Heston-Palance Hope-Martin Crosby-Dauphin Martin ft Lewis Rel. No. Rev. COMPLETED Anything Can Happen (107) Atomic City, The (85) Blaiing Forest IT) 1911 Botany Bay IT) Caribbean (T) (95) Carrie 1 1 181 Cleopatra 1104) Reissue) Come Back Little Sheba 199) Denver ft Rio Grande IT) (89) Encore (901 Forever Female Greatest Show On Earth IT) (151) Green Gold of Nevada (T) Houdini (T) _._ Hurricane Smith (T) Jumping Jacks (98) _ Jamaica IT) Just For You (T) ( 104) Los Alamo* _ Military Policeman My Son John (122) Pleasure island IT) Pony Express (T) Red Mountain (T) (84) _ Road to Bali IT) 191) Ferrer-Hunter 5-52 5117 Barry-Clarke 4-52 5120 Payne-Moorehead 12-52 5207 Ladd-Mason _ Payne-Dahl 9-52 ...... 5202 ... Olivier-Jones 8-52 5123. Colbert-WilcoKon 12-52 5208 Lancaster-Booth 2-53 5213 O'Brien-Hayden 4-52 5115 Maugham Stories _ 7-52 5122 Rogers-Holden • Stewart-Hutton 7-52 5 1 29 Payne-Morrow Curtis-Leigh DeCarl'i-lreland Martin-Lewis Milland-Dahl Crosby-Wyman . Barry. Carke 3-10 10-20 4-14 4-7 1-14 10-52 . 5204 7-52 5121 4-14 9-52 5201 8-1 1 Rock Grayson's Women (T) Roman Holiday . Savage, The (T) 195) Scared Stiff Shane IT) Somebody Loves Me IT) (97) Son of Paleface IT) . Stalag 17 _ Stars Are Sinaing, The IT) S'ooge. The (100) Thunder in the East 198) Turning Point, The (85 ( _ Tropic Zone (T) 194) _ _ War of the Worlds (T) _ Hope-Maxwell — . Hayes-Heflin 4-52 5116 4-21 Genn-Taylor 3-53 5215 Heston-Flemming — Ladd-Kennedy 5-52 5113 Hope-Crosby-Lamour 12-52 5209 12-1 Payne-Sterling .._ _. Peck-Hepburn ..— — . Heston-Hanson 11-52 5204 10-4 Martin-Lewis LaddArthur __ . Hutton-Meeker 10-52 5203 9-8 Hope-Russell 8-52 5124 7-14 Holden-Taylor Alberghetti-Clooney 3-53 5214 __ Martin-Lewis 2-53 5212 Ladd-Kerr 1-53 5210 11-17 _ Holden-Smith 1 0-52 S20S 10-4 Reagan-Fleming 1-53 5211 _ Barry-Robinson RELEASE CHART IN PRODUCTION TITLE — Running Time COMPLETED Battles of Chief Pontiac (75) _ Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla 1741 Breakdown (74) Cairo Road 185) Cuban Pete 161) (Reissue) Fame ft the Devil 180) _ Geisha Girl (47) House of Darkness (43) If This Be Sin 174) _ Inside Job 165) IReissue) Kid Monk Baroni (80) ... Lucy Goes Wild (90) (Reissue) Maytime in Mayfair (T) (741 . Mug Town (40) (Reissue) My Death is a Mockery (47) Summer Storm (92) (Reissue) .. Wall of Death 182) 1952-53 — Cast Rel. No. Rev. Barker-Wescott 11-52 Luskosi-Mitchell . 10-52 Richards-Bishop 9-52 Harvey-Portman 10-52 Arnez-Smith 11-52 Auer-Buford ... 11-52 Hyer-Andrews 8-52 Harvey-Shaw 10-52 Loy-Greene 1 1-52 Curtis-Rutherford 12-52 Cabot-Knox . __, 8-52 Ball-Brent 11-52 Wilding-Nagle 8-52 Dead End Kids 12-52 D. Huston-Byron 12-52 Darnell-Sanders 9-52. Harvey-Shaw 9-52 ... REPUBLIC 1951-52 Features Serials Westerns Completed (21) Completed ( 0) Completed (15) In Production In Production In Production (3) (0) (0) IN PRODUCTION TITLE — Running Tim* City That Never Sleept Perilous Voyage Woman They Almost Lynched, COMPLETED Sal Tebarin (901 ■lack Hills Ambash 154) •order Seddlemetes (67) Desperatoes Outpost 154) Fabulous Senorita, The (10) Fair Wind to Java ITr) RELEASE CHART — 1952-53 — Cast Young-Powers Raltton-8rian The Lund-Leslie Rel. No. Rev. Lawrence-Ching .... Lane-Waller Allan-Kay . Allen Estalita-Clarke MacMurray-talston 4-1 5129 5-20 5172 4-IS ..... 5143 JO-t— 5174 4-1 5125 .7-14 4-21 Gobs and Gals 184) Downs-Hutton S-52 5128 Hoodlum Empire 198) Donlevy-Trevor 4-15 ..5105 I Dream of Jeania (Tr) (90) Middleton-Shirley 4-15. 5104. Lady Wants Mink, The (Tr) Hussey-O'Keefe Last Musketeer. The (47) Allen-Kay ._ _.. 3-52 5142 Leadville Gunslinger (54) .._ Lane-Riley .3-52 .5171 Marshal of Cedar Rock Lane-Waller Oklahoma Annie (C) (90) Canova-Russell 3-24 5122 Old Oklahoma Plains (40) Allen-Kay 7-25 5144 Old Overland Trail Allen-Hall _ .. ... Ouiet Man, The IT) (129) Wayne-O'Hara 5108 . 5-1? Ride the Man Down ITr) (90) Donlevy-Tucker 11-52 11-3 South of San Antone Cameron-Whelan ... South Pacific Trail (60) Allen-Estelita 10-20 Sun Shines Bright Winninger-Whelan Sweetheart Time (Tr) Middle tonNorman Thunderbirds (98) Derek-Barrymore 11-27 5201 Thundering Caravans 154) Lane-Waller 7-20 5173 Toughest Man in Arizona (Tr) (901 Monroe-Leslie 10-10 5109 Tropical Heat Wave (74) Estelita-Hutton 10-1 Valley of Missing Men Lane-Waller WAC From Walla Walla 183) Canova-Dunne 10-10 5123 Wild Horse Ambush Chapin-Jansen 4-15 5069 Woman of the North Country 190) Cameron-Hussey 9-5 5107 8-11 RKO RADIO Cast McNally-Smitb Rel. No. Rev. Page 30 FILM BULLETIN December IS. 1952 384 383 368 1951-52 Features Completed (75) In Production (I) RELEASE CHART — 1952-53 — IN PRODUCTION TITLE — Running Tim* Split Second COMPLETED Allegheny Uprising (81) (Ra-issue) Annie Oakley |9I) (Re-issuel Androcles and The Lion (98) Beautiful But Dangerous Beware, My Lovely 177) Big Sky, The (140) Blackbeard the Pirate (T) Body Snatcher IRe-issue) Break-Up Bystander, The Captive Woman 165) Clash By Night (105) _ Desert Passage (60) Difference, The Face to Face 1921 Faithful City (86) Half-Breed, The (T) (81) Trevor-Wayne 9-52 Stanwyck-Foster 9-52 _. SimmonsYoung 11-52 Simmons-Mitchum 2-53 Lupino-Ryan 9-52 Douglas-Martin 8-52 Darnell-Newton 12-52 Karloff 4-52 Simmons-Mature Mitchum-Simmons 302. 361 8-1 1 271 Clarke-Field 10-52 Douglas-Stanwyck .4-52 Holt-Dixon . 5-52. O'Brien-Lovejoy 304 229 230 4-14 Hands Across the Sea Hans Christian Andersen (T) (120) I Walked With a Zombie IRe-issue) Jet Pilot (T) 1118) _ King Kong (Re-issue) Leopard Man, The IRe-issue) .... Look Who's Laughing (79) Lusty Men, The 1113) Macao (81) Man Who Fooled Hitler Montana Belle IT) (81) Narrow Margin (71) Never Wave At A Wac One Minute to Zero (105) Peter Pan (T) Rancho Notorious (T) (89) Rashomon (84) Road Agent (40) Story of Robin Hood IT) (84) Sudden Fear (110) Target (40) 309 303 228 272 249 270 Mason-Preston I 1-52 J. Smith-Ramati 5-52 .... Young-Carter 5-52 Rennie-Peters Kaye-Granger 1 1-52 Conway 4—52 Wayne-Leigh _.. Cabot 4-52 O'Keefe 4-52... Ball-McGee . 8-52 381 .Hayward-Mitchum 10-52 304 Russell-Mitchum 4-52 __ 224 Werner Russell-Brent 11-52 308 McGraw-Windsor 5-52 224 Russell-Wilson 1-53 . Mitchum-Tallman 8-52 301 Disney Cartoon Feature 2-53 Dietrich-Kennedy 3-52 Japanese 3—52 Holt-Martin 3-52 12-1 4 7 5 5 10-4 4-7 7-28 221 248 3-10 Tarian and the She Devil . Tarzan's Savage Fury (80) Too Many Girls (85) _ Under the Red Sea (47) . Wild Heart, The IT) 182) .-Todd-Rice 7-52 -Crawford-Palance 8-52 ...McGraw-White 4-52 Barker-MacKenzie Barker-Hart _ 4-52 225 . Ball-Arnaz . 8-52. .. 382 ..Hass-Berl 10-52 305 Jennifer Jones 7-52 . 274 223 391 342 8—11 227 3-24 6?2 20th CENTURY-FOX 1951-52 Features Completed (77) In Production (6) RELEASE CHART — 1952-53 — IN PRODUCTION Call Me Madam (T) Merman-O'Connor Desert Rats Mason-Burton 4-53 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (T) Russell-Monroe Nearer My God to Thee Webb-Stanwyck Sailor of the King Hunter-Rennie Untitled Western (T) Crain-Robertson COMPLETED Baptism of Fire . Belles On Their Toes IT) (89) Bloodhounds of Broadway IT) (90)... Deadline U. S. A. 1871 Destination Gobi (T) Diplomatic Courier 197) Don't Bother To Knock (74) Down Among the Sheltering Palms (T) Dream Boat (83) Farmer Takas A Wife, Tha (T) Girl Next Door. Tha IT) I Don't Care Girl IT) Kangaroo (T) (84) _ Lady in the Iron Mask (NO 171) ... Leave Her to Heaven ( I 1 0) I Reissue) Las Miierablas 1104) Lura of tha Wilderness (T) 192) __ Lydia Bailey IT) (89) _ Man On A Tightrope . Monkey Business (97) _ My Cousin Rachel My Pal Gus 183) . . My Wife's Best Friend (101) Niagara (T) Mature-Moore Crain-Loy 5-52 Gaynor-Brady 11-52 Bogart-Barrymore 5-52 Widmark-Taylor 4-53 Power-Neal 7-52 Widmark-Monroe 9-52 Lundigan-Greer Webb-Francis 8-52 Grable-Robertson 2-53 _Hever-Dailey Gaynor-Wayne 1-53 OHara-Lawford ._ 4-52 L Hayward-Medina 7-52 Tiarney-Wilde 4-52 Renni*. Paget 8-52 .Paters-Hunter *-S2 Robertson-Francis 4-52 March-Moore .Grant-Rogers _ — 10-52 deHavilland-Burton 1-53 Widmark-Dru 12-52 Baxter-Carey 10-52 Cotten-Peters 2-53