Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1954)

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LIPPERT (Continued) HEAT WAVE Alex Nicol, Hillary Brooke. Producer Anthony Hinds. Director Ken Hughes. Murder drama. Faithless wite allows husband to drown a young, an unwitting accessory, keeps silent but tells police after widow jilts him. May COWBOY, THE Eastman Color. Producer-director, Elmo Williams. Documentary feature. Photographed in color on actual Southwest locations, story relates the cowboy's true life from pioneer days to now. 49 min. MONSTER FROM THE OCEAN FLOOR Anne Kimbell, Stuart Wade. Producer Roger Corman. Director Wyott ' Ordung. Science-fiction. A girl skin-diver and scientist in one-man submarine brave shark-infested waters to ' face a huge sea monster far under the ocean. RIVER BEAT Phyllis Kirk, John Bentley. Producer Herman Cohen. Director Guy Green. Mystery drama. Girl radio operator on U. S. freighter becomes unwitting accessory to diamond smugglers. Teams with detective ' to investigate murder and round up gang in chase. 'une BIG CHASE, THE Glenn Langan. Adele Jergens. Producer Robert L. Lippert, Jr. Director Arthur Hilton. Action drama. Rookie cop goes on patrol car duty, takes part in chase by auto, boat and helicopter that ends in shooting of payroll robbers. PAID TO KILL Dane Clark. Producer Anthony Hinds. Director Montgomery Tully. Mystery drama. Desperate business man hires thug to kill him so his wife can collect insurance. Changes his mind and barely escapes death, to learn that his wife was responsible for I close call. Coming DEADLY GAME, THE Lloyd Bridges. Producer, Robert Dunbar. Director Dan Birt. Mystery drama. American novelist in southern Spain becomes involved in murder, blackmail and smuggled microfilm of secret formulas. RACE FOR LIFE, A Richard Conte, Mari Aldon. Producer Mickey Delamar. Director Terence Fisher. Action drama. Former auto racing champion quits big race when his best friend crashes to death. He makes a comeback and wins back his wife by winning the Grand Prix. SIEGE, THE Special Cast. Historical spectacle. Story of the Spanish "Joan of Arc," who persuades Spain's army to resist Napoleon, but dies as a besieged city falls and French rule prevails. TERROR SHIP William Lundigan, Naomi Chance. Producer W. H. Williams. Director Vernon Sewell. Mystery drama. Writer buys derelict ship, finds it has been used to cache highly-explosive atomic formula. Boards yacht for sea-chase after plotters attempt to escape with the secret. UNHOLY FOUR. THE Paulette Goddard. Producer Michael Carreras. Director Terence Fisher. Mystery drama. Hutband returns after four-year memory loss to tr:' and find which of wife's three suitors tried to murder him. METHD-DDLDWYN-MAYER February LONG, LONG TRAILER, THE Ansco Color. Lucille Ball, Desi Arnai, Mariorie Main. Producer Pandro S. Berman. Director Vincente Minnelli. Comedy. Trials and tribulations of family life in a trailer. 94 min. SAADIA Technicolor. Cornel Wilde, Mel Ferrer, Rita Gam. Producer-director Albert Lewin. Costume melodrama. East-meets-West story of love and violence in the Morrocan desert. 80 min. March ROSE MARIE CinemaScope-Kodacolor. Ann BIyth. Howard Keel, Fernando Lamas. Producers Arthur Hornblow, Jr. and Lawrence Weingarten. Director Mervyn LeRoy. Musical outdoor drama. Romance and murder in the Canadian north woods involving a beautiful girl, a trapper and a mountie. 104 min. TENNESSEE CHAMP Ansco Color. Shelley Winters, Dewey Martin. Keenan Wynn. Producer Sol Baer Fielding. Director Fred M. Wilcox. Comedy. Prize fighter who believes the Lord is in his corner and his slick nianager become involved with a blond bombshell along the Mississippi river-front. 73 min. A pril EXECUTIVE SUITE William Holden, Barbara Stanwyck, June Allyson. Frederic March. Walter Pidgeon, Paul Douglas. Drama. Effect the death of a president of a largq firm has on the first 4 vice-presidents. 104 min. GYPSY COLT Ansco Color. Donna Corcoran, Ward Bond, Frances Dee. Producers William Grady. Jr. and Sidney Franklin Jr. Director Andrew Marton. Dram^. A spirited black colt refuses to accept separation from the little girl who raised him. 72 min. RHAPSODY Technicolor. Elizabeth Taylor. Vittorio Gassman. Producer Lawrence Weingarten. Director Charles »idor. Love story. A beautiful woman in Europe holds the lives and music careers of two young artists in her hands. Background of classical music. 115 min. May FLAME AND THE FLESH Technicolor. Lana Turner, ^ler Angeli, Carlos Thompson. Producer Joe Pasternak. Director Richard Brooks. Rmantic drama. Beautiful girl oritting around world from one love affair to another gets involved in web of intriaue and romance. 104 min. PRISONER OF WAR Ronald Reagan, Steve Forrest. Producer Henry Berman. Director Andrew Marton. War drama. Army officer parachutes into Red prison camp to check on stories of Communist atrocities. 81 min. Jl 'une MEN OF THE FIGHTING LADY Ansco. Van Johnson, Walter Pidgeon, Louis Calhern, Frank Lovejoy. War drama. Navy fighter iQuadron in Korea overcomes tremendous odds to save blinded pilot. 80 min. STUDENT PRINCE, THE CinemaScope, Ansco Color. Ann BIyth. Edmund Purdom. John tricson. Producer Arthur Freed. Director Vincente Minelli. Musical. Film version of Romberg's operetta. 107 min. Coming BEAU BRUMMEL Eastman. Stewart Granger, Elizabeth Taylor. Producer Sam Zimbalist. Director C. Bernhardt. Drama. In England during Napoleonic era. dashing cavalry captain gains reputation for revolutionary fashions, but personal ambitions lead to disaster. BETRAYED Eastman. Clark Gable, Lana Turner, Victor Mature. Melodrama. Beautiful airl becomes involved in esoionage and romance in occupied Holland during World War II. CREST OF THE WAVE Gene Kelly. Producer-Directors John and Roy Boulting. Science melodrama. AngloAmerican temperaments get a workout during the development of a new torpedo explosive. HER TWELVE MEN Ansco Color. Greer Garson, Robert Ryan. Producer John Houseman. Director Robert Z. Leonard. Comedy-romance. Sole woman teacher in a boys' school copes with the problem of sharing her living room with 13 males. 91 min. INVITATION TO THE DANCE Technicolor. Gene Kelly, Mora Kaye. Producer Arthur Freed. Director Gene Kelly. Ballet. Four episodes dealing in romance, drama, comedy and pathos told entirely through the medium of the dance. JULIUS CABSAR Louis Calhern, Marlon Brando, James Mason, Greer Garson. Deborah Kerr. Producer John Houseman. Director Joseph L. Mankiewicz. Historical drama. Assassination of Caesar, with friend Antony wreaking vengeance on Brutus. Cassius et al. 121 min. 7 BRIDES FOR 7 BROTHERS CinemaScope Ansco Color. Jane Powell. Howard Keel. Producer Jack Cummings. Director Stanley Donen. Outdoor Musical Comedy. Keel marries Powell and takes her into the hills of Oregon where she is faced with prospect of living with his six semi-civilized brothers. VALLEY OF THE KINGS Eastman Color. Robert Taylor, Eleanor Parker. Producer, Sam Zimbalist. Director R. Pirosh. Adventure drama. Young archeologist aids beautiful girl to carry on dead father's ambition ot find lost tomb of Egyptian Pharoah. 84 min. PARAMOUNT February ALASKA SEAS Robert Ryan, Jan Sterling. Producer Mel Epstein. Director Jerry Hopper. Adventure drama. Salmon fishermen plagued with thieves robbing their traps, break the agng when the sweetheart of fishing fleet becomes involved with one of the thieves. 78 min. MONEY FROM HOME 3D Technicolor. Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis. Producer Hal Wallis. Director George Marshall. Comedy. Horseplayer becomes heavily indebted to a bookie king. Ordered to fix a race to pay off he calls in veterinary interne pal who blows up plot. 100 min. March NAKED JUNGLE Technicolor. Eleanor Parker, Charlton Heston. Producer George Pal. Director Byron Haskin. Adventure drama. South American plantation owner considers his mail-order wife too elegant for rough jungle life. She proves herself when plantation is attacked by hordes of soldies ants. 95 min. Avoilabl* to exhibitors in May will b* 23 footares, not counting a number of reissues. Paramount is the only mo. (or without a feature release. Columbia. RKO. Fox. UA, and Warners will each hove a 3D film. Fox has the lone CineffloScope entry. Eleven features ore in color. Toqqed for May release ore: 4 Dramas 5 Westerns 7 Melodramas 4 Adventures 1 Comedy 1 Documentary 1 Science Fiction RED GARTERS Technicolor. Rosemary Clooney. Jack Carson, Guy Mitchell. Producer Pat Duggan. Director George Marshall. Western musical comedy. Fanciful yarn revolves around Mitchell's arrival in California town to avenge death of his brother. Killer turns out to be best friend of Mitchell. 91 min. April CASANOVA'S BIG NIGHT Technicolor. Bob Hope. Joan Fontaine. Producer Paul Jones. Director Norman McLeod. Comedy. Hope, mistaken for the lover Casanova Is hired to test the faithfulness of another man's fiancee. 85 min. May NONE June ELEPHANT WALK Technicolor. Elizabeth Taylor, Dana Andrews. Producer Irving Asher. Director William Dieterle. Drama. Girl married to tea plantation owner in Ceylon, falls in love with his foreman and plans to run away with him. Plague strikes and in crisis she finds she still loves her husband. 103 min. SECRET OF THE INCAS Technicolor. Charlton Heston, Nicole Maurey, Thomas Mitchell. Robert Young. Producer Mel Epstine. Director Jerry Hopper. Melodrama. American pilot stranded in Peru joins a renegade in searching for lost Inca treasure. Coming ABOUT MRS. LESLIE Shirley Booth, Robert Ryan. Producer Hal Wallis. Director Daniel Mann. Drama. Woman rooming house owner finds tenant's problems lead her to reminisce about own past and ill-fated affair. CONQUEST OF SPACE Technicolor. Walter Brooke. Eric Fleming. Producer George Pal. Director Byron Haskin. Science fiction. Fliaht to Mars from man-made space station 1000 miles above the earth. KNOCK ON WOOD Technicolor. Danny Kaye, Mai Zetterling. Producers a*d directors Norman Panama and Melvin Frank. Comedy. American ventriloquist in Paris undergoes psychonanalysis to overcome a fear of marriage finds the female psychiatrist has same complex, gets involved in spy plot and murder. 103 min. LIVING IT UP Technicolor. Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis. Janet Leigh. Producer Paul Jones. Director Norman Tauroq. Comedy. Dr. Dean Martin mistakenly announces that Jerry Lewis is dying of radiation poisoning and he is given one last fling at life by reporter Janet Leigh. REAR WINDOW Technicolor. James Stewart, Grace Kelly. Director Alfred Hitchcock. Comedy drama. Freelance photographer becomes involved with Greenwich Village characters, society girl and murder. SABRINA Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn, WiMiam Holden. Producer and director Billy Wilder. Camedy. Two rich brothers fall for their chauffeur's daughter after she return; from a year in Paris. ULYSSES Technicolor. Kirk Douglas, Silvana Mangano. Produced by Lux-Ponti DeLaurentis. Director Mario Camarini. Adventure Spectacle. Homeric feats of Ulysses as taken from the Odessey. REPUBLIC February CRAZYLEGS EIroy Hirsch. Lloyd Nolan, Joan Vohs. Producer Hall Bartlett. Director Francis Lyon. Sport drama. Life of Ail-American "Crazylegs" Hirsch from his high school football days up to his present starring role with the Los Angeles Rams. 87 min. SEA OF LOST SHIPS John Derek, Wanda Hendrix. Walter Brennan, Richard Jaeckel. Action melodrama. Two young me who have grown up together fall out because of a girl, but are reunited in fighting the dangers of the arctic while on ice patrol with the U. S. Coast Guard. 85 min. March FLIGHT NURSE Joan Leslie, Forrect Tucker. Director Allan Dwan. War drama. Air Force nurse, assigned to Korean duty, at first more interested in locating her sweetheart than in doing her duty, is molded by war into woman of heroic and responsible stature. 90 nun. April GERALDINE John Carroll. Mala Powers, Stan Freberg. Producer Sidney Picker. Director R. G. Springsteen. Comedy with music. Tin Pan Alley publicity girl oiscovers young college music instructor with golden voice, interested only in folk songs, eventually interests him in popular music and a marriage license. 90 mm. May JUBILEE TRAIL Trucolor. Vera Ralston, Joan Leslie. Forrest Tucker. Associate producer-director Joseph I. Kane. Outdoor drama. California trader meets and marries Eastern girl takes her West. Romantic complications when she learns he has a son by unmarried Spanish girl. 103 min. Coming HELL'S HALF ACRE Wendell Corey. Evelyn Keyes, Elsa Lanchester. Associate producer-director John H. Auer. Mystery melodrama. Woman goes to Honolulu to check on husband reported killed at Pearl Harbor in 1941 but his crime-ridden past destroys hope for the revival of marriage. 91 min. FILM BULLETIN — THIS IS YOUR PRODUCT