Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1958)

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rr«cki© r«raovor, lilac wat^rT (sho 19 atill sllant) in't sail you» can I? CURA lave an aspirin, pleasat e Script BEN t hav« headaches myself, because I ion't have problems. BEN thin 3l<ln, Is what The world belongs t ers. A.nd If ycu've Well, the old -1 Hiss Clara, le You're twen golden ye«rs (quietly) P-at down your boc I 'm golnc to kiss CLARA ( imploring) Please, please — BEN I'll tell you what's troubling you... It's all those boys callinr for Eula every night - ana Eula with her hair with his shirt off and your old man, at sixty, calling on his lady love. t:-~ lon:-, hot S'j-iMEa" A more subtle love-hate conflict smoulders between Varner's schoolteacher daughter (Joanne Woodward) and the opportunistic intruder Paul Newman, in a sequence which rates as a masterpiece of passion point and counterpoint. Against the prosaic setting of the father's general store, the two square off in an intense expression of concealed desire, exploded when the girl angrily flings at him the "barn-burner" epithet he is trying to live down. She puts her arms around him suddenly, wild, distracted, amazed, and responds to him. Then she twists out of his arms savagely. Trembling, she cries: Ves, ma'a-n. You' CLA 3arn burner I Bar right, head. (harshly) ou've heard There are f Film BULLETIN February 17, l?58 Page 19