Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1962)

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w and pay with 4cM Here's What You Get Value $14.95 STAR SPANGLED BANNER TRAILER 20.00 NARRATED COLOR DATERS 8.50 OUR FEATURE PRESENTATION (2 prints at 15 ft. each) 8.50 PLUS THIS 2ND HIT (2 prints at 15 it. each) 10.00 -PREVIEWS OF COMING ATTRACTIONS — (2 prints at 25 ft. each) 5.00 -WE PROUDLY PRESENT PREVUES OF OUR NEXT CINEMASCOPE ATTRACTION — rone print) $10.00 -"COMMONWEALTH" HEADER FOR COMING ATTRACTIONS ' 10.00 HOLLYWOOD "BUSY BEE" HEADER FOR COMING ATTRACTIONS 33.75 -DAY LEADERS — ("choice of 15 at 10 ft. each) while you PROFIT NATIONAL SCREEN'S lot* FULL COLOR 52 WEEKS of BIG SCREEN SHOWMANSHIP for only * a wee k! 9.00 GO TO CHURCH TRAILERS (2 different subjects at 34 ft.) REGULAR PRICE $129.70 A whole year's supply of SPECIAL TRAILERS ... in FULL COLOR! Each trailer specially designed to add valuable SHOWMANSHIP to your Theatre and to your Attractions! Individually they'll cost you $ 1 29.70 . . . BUT. . . on National Screen's new SHOWMANSHIP PACKAGE PLAN... you receive the full assortment .. .valued at $1 29.70 ... RIGHT NOW! . . . and you pay only $2 a week, for 52 weeks . . . WHILE YOU USE THEM! ask your rNSS Salesman] about the DeLUXE 5HOWMANSHII PACKAGE!. It's $25.70 in your pocket! . . . and a Big SHOWMANSHIP PACKAGE on your SCREEN! Sign up NOW! ... Pay LATER! . . . Just $2 a week! n«nonfli#O^W scRVKf C J rmit aatr or mt /Mwsr.