The Film Daily (1937)

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ITS // YOU WOULDN'T FOOL US MR. STROMBERG? (about your new M-G-M picture "NIGHT MUST FALL") You didn't fool us on January 1, 1936 when you telegraphed about "ROSE MARIE" "Sneak previewed ROSE MARIE at Pomona last night at same house NAUGHTY MARIETTA previewed stop Sensational reception and manager questioning people coming out stated they unanimously enjoyed it even better than NAUGHTY MARIETTA stop You can truthfully proceed with one hundred per cent promises to theatres for big success." You were too modest on March 9, 1936 when you wired about "GREAT ZIEGFELD" "First sneak preview GREAT ZIEGFELD held at Oakland stop Most amazing event I have ever experienced stop Overflow crowd stood for more than three hours with applause and cheering throughout picture stop Write this down for the future GREAT ZIEGFELD will make box-office history." Your telegram on November 11, 1936 gave us the real low-down on "AFTER THE THIN MAN" "Just screened AFTER THE THIN MAN in rough assemblage in projection room and can tell you this far in advance that all promises to exhibitors and public for outstanding entertainment can be safely and enthusiastically made now." "MAYTIME" has more than lived up to your advance information wired on March 4, 1937 "Previewed MAYTIME at Grauman's Chinese last night to terrific acclaim assuring glorious box-office triumph stop Take my word for it and tell I all exhibitors they can ballyhoo this to the limit." AND NOW! STROMBERG TIP-OFF ON NIGHT MUST FALL! Next Page!