The Film Daily (1937)

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OH, THOSE GERSHWIN SONGS! "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off"— "Slap That Bass"— "I've Got Beginner's Luck"— "They All Laughed"— "They Can't Take That Away"— "Shall We Dance." THE NIGHT IS YOUNG AND SO IS GINGER ! . . .THE MOON IS HIGH AND SO IS FRED ! ■ ■ ■ Here they come in their gayest, gladdest show! . . . Mad melody, romantic rhythm, the clear joy of living . . . ringing in the street of every funhungry city in the land ! FRED ASTAIRE GINGER ROGERS SHALL WE DANCE with EDWARD EVERETT HORTON • ERIC BLORE JEROME COWAN * KETTI GALLIAN WILLIAM BRISBANE and HARRIET HOCTOR Music by GEORGE GERSHWIN • Lyrics by IRA GERSHWIN Directed by Mark Sandrich * Pandro S. Berman Production Fred and Ginger surrounded by the greatesl comedy cast ever assembled . . . AND three-score of Hollywood's mosi glamorous beauties! . . . 6 NEW SONGS ! . . . 8 NEW DANCES! ... 100 NEW{ LAUGHS! RKO RADIO TTtureT V • LITHO U.SjJ MMlllllfc