The Film Daily (1937)

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THE -3&< DAILY Friday, May 14,1937 Vol. 71, No. 113 Fri., May 14, 1937 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher CHESTER B. BAHN DONALD M. MERSEREAU : : : Editor General Manager Published daily except Sundays and Holidayat 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretai-y Treasurer; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all com munications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne. Kriediichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour des-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Am. Seat Columbia Picts. vtc Columbia Picts. pfd Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. East. Kodak do pfd Gen. Th. Eq Loew's, Inc do pfd Paramount Paramount 1st pfd. Paramount 2nd pfd. Pathe Film RKO 20th Century-Fox 20th Century-Fox pfd. Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Brcs do pfd NEW YORK Keith A-0 6s46.... Loew 6s41ww Para. B'way 3s55 Para. Picts. 6s55 RKO 6s41 Warner's 6s39 NEW YORK High Low Cloes 23'/2 23 'A 231/4 — 33 Vi 32 32 401/4 401/4 401/4—1 31/2 33/8 33/e — 13 123/4 123/4 — 159 1573/4 158 — 152 152 152 + 243/8 231/2 231/2 — 753/4 741/2 741/2 — Net Chg. % 2 1-16 Va Vi Vi 1 2'/2 21/4 193/8 175/s 177/8 — 138 126 126 — 13/4 13 l'/2 Ms 1 1 121/4 HI/, IH/4 _ 11/s 17'/2 7 8 361/2 45 72 I6I/4 I6I/4 — 65/8 6% 73/4 73/4 35'/2 353/4 441/2 441/2 72 72 BOND MARKET 98'/2 98i/2 98i/2 983/8 98 983/g 703/4 703/4 703/4 IOOV4 100 y8 100 Va 95 95 95 CURB MARKET Columbia Picts. vtc Grand National 2i/2 2V4 2i/4 — Sonotone Corp 13,4 1 5/8 1% + Technicolor 22 21 1/2 21 1/2 — Trans-Lux . 43^ 43/8, 43/8 Universal Picts. 241/2 24'/2 241/2 — 1 N. Y. OVER-THE-COUNTER STOCK MARKET Bid Asked Pathe Film 7 pfd 95 98 Fox Thea. Bldg. 6i/2s 1st '36 13i/8 143/8 Loew's Thea. B!dg. 6s 1st '47 96!/2 98 Met. riayhouse. Inc. 5s '43 67 70 Roxy Thea. Bldg. 6i/4s 1st '43 . . . . 563/4 58 y4 Hold Over "Shall We Dance" One hundred per cent holdover business on the first 50 engagements on "Shall We Dance" was reported by RKO yesterday. Holdovers occur in the following cities: Boston, Cincinnati, San Francisco, Washington, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Los Ange'es, Hollywood, Kansas City, Omaha, Providence, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Detroit, Denver, Rochestei and Syracuse. Coming and Going MRS. AL FRIEDLANDER arrived in New York yesterday from the coast. DON HANCOCK returned yesterday from Washington. TRACY BARHAM is in New York from Hamilton, Ohio. BOB WILBY, now in New York, leaves tomorrow on his return to Atlanta. JULES RUBENS is due in New York Sunday from Chicago. LOUIS PHILLIPS was in Philadelphia yesterday from New York. JOE COOPER arrived in New York last night from Oklahoma City. Y. FRANK FREEMAN and LEON NETTER go to Galveston May 24 from New York. JOHN D. CLARK and CHARLES McCARTHY of 20th-Fox leave tor the Coast Monday. KENNETH O'BRIEN, U. A. pubilcist, has returned from the coast and his honeymocn, accompanied by MRS. O'BRIEN. NED E. DEPINET, RKO vice president in charge of distribution, and S. BARRET MCCORMICK, advertising and publicity director, have returned from the coast. GEORGE J. SCHAEFER, vice president and general manager of United Artists; JAMES A. MULVLY, vice president of Goldwyn Productions; and MAURICE SILVERSTONE, head of U. A., Ltd., accompanied by MRS. SILVERSTONE, left New York yesterday for Hollywood. BETTY FURNESS. M-G-M player, arrives today from Hollywood for a brief vacation. ALEXANDER KORDA leaves for the coast tomorrow by plane. BASIL BLECK, English legal advisor to London Films, also leaves for the coast tomorrow by air, accompanying Douglas Fairbanks, SR., and the latter's party. KATHARINE HErBURN, who has been vacationing in the East returns to Hollywood May 15. ELEANOR ROTH, United Artists' home office receptionist, leaves Sunday night for the coast for a two weeks' vacation. A. H. BLANK, who is now in New York, returns to Omaha the middle of next week. JULIUS BERNHEIM, former Universal associate producer accompanied by MRS. BERNHEIM; ALDO ERMINI, technician at Technicolor's Los Angeles studio; ARTHUR SAMUELS, playwright, and his wife, the former musical comedy star VIVIAN MARTIN; and EILEEN STANLEY, stage and radio prima-donna, sail for Europe today on the lie de France. TOM BARROWS, publicist for Bushar and Tuerk and the William A. Brady offices, has arrived in Europe for a vacation. ALEXANDER FIELD, actor, accompanied by MRS. FIELD, sails for England today on the American Bankei. MAX GORDON will return from Hollywood May 24. DWIGHT DEERE WIMAN leaves for the coast June 1 for production conferences with Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart. NANCY CARROLL, who arrived from the ccast this week, is stopping at the Hotel Flaza. PHIL DUNAS, mid-central division manager for Columbia, and O. J. RUBY, Milwaukee branch manager, are visiting the home office. DON BECKER, production manager of TransAmerican Broadcasting and Television Corp. is in New York from the coast. FLORENCE GOLDEN, who has worked in pictures and for radio, is in New York from Hollywood. S. K. WOLF of Erpi leaves New York today for Hollywood to attend the S.M.P.E. convention. JOSEPH GREEN, producer of "Yiddle With His Fiddle," HYMIE JACOBSON and MIRIAM KRESSYN, Yiddish actors, sails today on the Me de France en route to Warsaw. HERBERT T. KALMUS sails tomorrow for London on the Europa. JOHN LEGATTA, RUBE GOLDBERG and ARTHUR WILLIAM BROWN, artists, arrive in Hollywood today from the East. McCLELLAND BARCLAY arrived in Hollywood yesterday by air from New York. Block Plans to Make 6 in Italy for Toeplitz Ralph Block, who has been associated; with various major studios at the coast, expects to make six features in Italy for Toeplitz, beginning next Fall. Under the plan, Block, who has arrived in New York from that country, would work at the Cines studio at Rome, which has nine stages, and a three-stage plant near Pisa. Productions would be made with English dialogue and English stars, although most of the cast would be obtained in Italy. Block goes to the coast in a week or 10 days. Trans-Lux Earnings Up to $92,850 for Quarter Trans-Lux Daylight Screen Corp. had net earnings of approximately $92,850, after all charges for the first quarter of 1937, compared with $72,386 for the corresponding period last year. The company at its annual meeting Wednesday re-elected Percy N. Furber as president and all other officers and directors of the company. Majors Legal Heads Meet on Gore Anti-Trust Suit Heads of major company legal departments yesterday conferred at the Hays office on the Gore antitrust case which originated in the U. S. District Court, Atlanta, against Vitagraph and other national distributors. B. E. Gore, operator of the Broadway at Tampa, Fla., as plaintiff in the action, has appealed to the Circuit Court of Appeals from a recent District Court decision denying him a preliminary injunction. Merrill Flying to U. S. and May Have Newsreels With reports differing as to whether his plane was carrying newsreels of the Coronation, Dick Merrill's plane was speeding over the Atlantic last night, bound for the U. S. on a return hop. Merrill took off from Southport Airport, England, at 4:12 P.M. New York time, and expected to reach here in 22 hours. Press cables said he had only still pix aboard, but the NBC news service said newsreels were being transported. PH0T0PH0NE BIZ UP* 35%, SAYS HARTLEY J Indianapolis — A 35 per cent increase in the number of high fidelity sound equipments installed in theaters during the first four months of the year, with over 300 back orders awaiting shipment despite dayand-night operation of the Company's new local factory, was announced by Edwin M. Hartley, RCA Photophone sales head, at the open j ing yesterday of a three-day sales convention here. Photophone's foreign business has also been making extraordinary gains, particularly in the British Empire and in South and Central America where the largest key theaters have been replacing their old apparatus with the new RCA equipment, Hartley said. He estimated that, from present indications, the sales figures will show a still higher percentage increase before the year's end. Hartley said the number of theaters, large and small, replacing old sound equipment was "unprecedented", the situation reflecting "favorable box-office conditions". As for the Hollywood sound situation, he added "a virtual revolution has taken place in the major studios" where there has been speedy adoption of advances in recording technique. Exhibs. Hopeful New Tax Move in Penn. Will Fail Harrisburg, Pa. — Pennsylvania film men were still hopeful last night that the amendment to the chain store taxation measure which specifically includes theaters would be killed, following reports that House leaders were not favorably inclined towards a new theater levy. Passed by the Senate, the amended ' bill has been returned to the House for concurrence. The House passed the original bill aimed at chain stores. There had been no film industry appearances at hearings because of the understanding theaters were beyond the scope. The amendment was a surprise move by Senator Cavalcante, Fayette County. st\or MAY 14 Archie Goettler Frank Gillmore Arthur Eddy Billie Dove Robert J. Benjamin Maude Fulton