The Film Daily (1937)

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THE Friday, May 14, 1937 -W»l DAILY m NOT APPEAL t Y. 2% SALES TAX (Continued from Page 1) nance. Refunding is being handled by each firm individually. United Artists some days ago started its money-back move. Members of Allied Theaters of New Jersey have written New York » exchanges asking for a refund. Rolan Names New Ampa Committees for Season (Continued from Page 1) Rutgers Neilson, Chairman; Leon Bamberger, Hortense Schorr, Eli Sugarman, Ruth Weisberg, Tess Michaels, Tom Waller, Arthur Jeffrey, Mort Blumenstock, Irwin Zeltner. Service Bureau — Ray Gallagher, Chairman; S. Barret McCormick, Charles Alicoate. Publicity — Ken O'Brien, Chairman; Francis Weil, Joseph Schorr, Mel Heyman, Jack Harrower, James Cunningham. Membership — Ed Finney, Chairman; Paul Lazarus, James Cunningham, Ralph Lund. Advisory Council — Howard Dietz, Charles Einfeld, Charles McCarthy, Rodney Bush, Paul Gulick, Ed Finney, Barret McCormick, Monroe Greenthal, William Ferguson, Robert Gillham, Al Selig, Hy Daab, Marvin Kirsch, James Cunningham. It was announced that A. J. Powers would function as national counsellor of the U. S. Chamber of Com Shoot New Ecuador Film Cyril von Baumann and Andre Roosevelt, explorers whose expedition recently made the feature ''White Gods," now being released here, are now engaged in shooting a follow-up film in Ecuador and other South American locales. With the cooperation of Ecuador's aviation officials they have completed plans for flying over that country's six active volcanoes on May 21. Roosevelt and von Baumann have alreday taken aerial scenes of Ecuador's extinct volcano, Chimborazo, one of the highest peaks in the Andean range. Hurley Back on Monday West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Harold Hurley, production assistant to William LeBaron, managing director of production for Paramount, will return to his duties in the company's Hollywood studio on Monday following a four-week vacation in Honolulu. .-«*; Detroit a "Hollywood"? Detroit — Jack Moss, manager of lV;y Ky Picture Exchange, reports plans for local production of feature pictures, to start in the fall. Bezel is now working on distribution of several state right films in this territory. Reviews o% View Filtns "The King's People" E. R. Conne 61 Mins. TIMELY BRITISH FILM CHRONICLE POSSESSES GENERAL AUDIENCE APPEAL. The late John Drinkwater, author, playwright and poet, made this film record of historical content dealing with the premise that the British nation, and the empire, now the British commonwealth of nations, could and can, regardless of what storms of political, economic or sociological natures beset it, adjust itself successfully to such changes. To prove the point he has, apropos of the present coronation, collected newsreel and other material relating to recent royal regimes from the time of Queen Victoria to date, built into them interviews and expressions of contemporary British notables, and obtains as a net result "The King's People." Whether or not Drinkwater makes a thoroughly tight case with the components he has pieced together is immaterial, and a question of opinion. But from the entertainment standpoint the picture will be enjoyed generally for reason of its timeliness and the fact that it has plenty of current event starch in its collar plus interesting cut-backs into the reigns of the House of Windsor monarchs to appeal strongly to ail strata of audiences. Script was written by Drinkwater, George Bernard Shaw and others, and is performed by these two plus Lady Astor, Sir Austen Chamberlain, Mary Claire. Production is credited to E. R. Conne. Six New Industry Firms Receive N. Y. Charters Albany — Six new film industry companies have received charters from the Secretary of State here. The list: Bronx Cinema, Inc., Bronx; to exhibit motion pictures. Mildred Feltman, Nathan J. Hellerbach, Lawrence S. Timen, incorporators. Sandy Amusement Co., Inc., Brooklyn; to operate motion picture theaters. Esther Monks, Ruth Fine, Nathan L. Levitz, incorporators. Visual Education, Inc.; to deal in motion pictures. Rose M. Canade, Paul Reilly, Juliette Ajello, incorporators. Imperator Pictures Corp., New York City; to distribute motion pictures. Caserll Greenberg, Martha Harris, Eleanor Brook, incorporators. Depth-Portraits, Inc., New York City; to deal in motion pictures. Carl Percy, Arthur Swallow, J. George Leidheiser, incorporators, Whitree Picture Corp., New York City; to distribute motion pictures. Lew White, Hazard E. Reeves, Bernard L. Miller, incorporators. Rebuild Lebanon House Chicago — Rebuilding of the Carey and Alexander Family Theater at Lebanon, Ind., is under way at a cost of $40,000. C. & A. also controls theaters in Attica and Monticello. "Pudgy Picks A Fight" (Betty Boop T-6-10) Paramount 8 Mins. Amusing When wide-eyed Betty receives the fur neckpiece she has ordered from the furrier, it means fastidious dress to her, — but to Pudgy the Pup it is a new pet his mistress has brought into the household. The animated and jealous young canine is sure it isv alive and moves to the attack as soon as Betty's back is turned. Shaking the fur "fox" with gusto and fury, Pudgy believes he has killed it. His conscience then bites him, and in vain he tries to resuscitate his adversary. Betty bids the pup not to weep because the "rival" was inanimate in the first place. Pudgy's ire and shame are astir, so he tears the fur scarf to pieces. Generally amusing reel. "Safety In the Air" (Paragraphics V-6-13) Paramount 10 Mins. Excellent Public confidence in the safety of air travel should be rapidly rehabilitated by witnessing such films as this one, which Paramount has made with the cooperation of the United States Bureau of Air Commerce. How the Federal Government supervises the traffic carried on by the nation's airways is convincingly and excellently demonstrated. Patrons of all ages will like this short, with its outstanding camera work by Willard Van der Veer, and the intriguing subject matter which shows the ultra-modern apparatus such as radio beams, radio beacons and instruments used in connection with transcontinental transport plane flights, both by day and by night. Radin to Handle French "Popular Front" Series Matty Radin, operator of the Cameo, N. Y. and the Belasco, Washington, completed arrangements while in Paris to handle U. S. distribution of a series of features to be made by the Cinematographie International Office of Paris, a "Popular Front" organization, he said yesterday following his return from a several months' stay abroad. Radin said that the first picture he will distribute will be "La Vie Est A Nous," (Life Is Ours), which is already completed. The second production of the C.I.O. will be "La Marseillaise" to be directed by Pierre Renoir. Cleveland's Carter Reopens Cleveland — The Carter, downtown subsequent run house long closed, has reopened with a three-change weekly policy by Community Circuit Theaters, now operating 12 houses in the Greater Cleveland area. GIFESA TO PRODUCE IN GERMANY, MEXICO By MARCO-AURELIO GALINDO FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Mexico, D. F. — Spain's Compania Industrial Films Espanol, S. A. (CIFESA), which is preparing to produce Spanish pix here, will also turn out at least one and possibly three features in Berlin, according to Justo Jose Aznar, the company's Mexican representative. First film to be made in Germany will be "Gracia y Justicia," ("Justice and Pity"), intended as a sequel to "Morena Clara" ("Light Brunette.") It will star Imperio Argentina, with her husband, Florian Rey, directing. Locally, CIFESA is planning to import a number of French productions as well as to handle Spanish product of other producers. Ramon Peon is shooting Gonzalo Varela's production of "La Llaga" ("The Blight"), with Rene Cardona, Josefina Escobedo, Sara Garcia and Joaquin Coss in the cast, and Ross Fisher at the camera. It's an adaptation of the novel by Federico Gamboa. Producciones Talan's "Chicos de la Prensa ("The Press Boys") has opened playing seven houses dayand-date. It is a story with a newspaper background. Raul Talan, former prizefighter, Adelita Trujillo, Manuel Noriega and Rene Cardona head the cast. Ramon Peon directed. Producciones Continental's "Esos Hombres. . . .!" ("Those Men. . .!") was also released last week-end as a film version of Catalina d'Erzell's stage play. Adriana Lamar is starred with Arturo de Cordova opposite. Rolando Aguilar directed. Ramon Pereda, once starred in Paramount's Spanish-language films, becomes a producer with "Cuatro Milpas" ("Four Cornstalks"), based on a Mexican folksong. Antonio R. Frausto, Lola Camarillo and Carlos ("El Chaflan") Lopez will top the cast, with Pereda himself megaphoning. New St. Louis Exchanges St. Louis — RKO Radio Pictures, the new motion picture exchange building to be erected at Compton Ave. and Oliive St. by Mrs. Hymar Lowenhaupt and Dr. Meyer Wiener. A new home for Warner Bros. -First National Pictures is now under construction at 3302 Olive St. Muriel Hutchison Signed Muriel Hutchison, who plays one of the leading roles opposite Cedric Hardwicke in "The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse", has been signed to a long term contract by Paramount. Miss Hutchison will leave for Hollywood shortly after her present vehicle closes.