The Film Daily (1937)

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Vol. 71, No. 114 Sat., May 15, 1937 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : Publisher CHESTER B. BAHN DONALD M. MERSEREAU : : : Editor General Manager Published daily except Sundays and Holiday, at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretai-y Treasurer; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Holly wood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne. Friediichstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Ccse Chg. 23 23 23 — y4 32 31 % 32 Am. Seat Columbia Picts. vtc. Columbia Picts. pfd. Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. East. Kodak 1 do pfd Gen. Th. Eq Loew's, Inc do pfd Paramount Paramount 1st pfd. paramount 2nd pfd.. Pathe Film RKO 20th Century-Fox 20th Century-Fox pfd. Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Bros do pfd NEW YORK Keith A-0 6s46 . . . . Loew 6s41ww .... P2ra. B'way 3s55. . . Para. Picts. 6s55 1 RKO 6s41 Warner's 6s39 .... 3% 13 61 1 3V4 33/8 12'/2 121/2 — l/4 581/2 161 + 3 24 76'/2 223/4 24 + 1/2 741/2 761/z + 2 191/4 183/g 191/8 + I1/4 171/2 65/8 8 '/a 361/4 45 12 BOND 99 981/2 003/8 1 951/2 165/8 171/2 + H/4 6 1/2 6 1/2 — 1/8 73/4 8 + 1/4 353/4 353A 45 45 + 1/2 113/g 11 % +"3/8 MARKET 99 99 + 1/2 983/g 983/g OO'/s 1003/s 95 " 95 V4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Picts. vtc Grand National 2l/4 2 'A 2l/4 Sonotone Corp 1% 1 1/2 1 Vi — Vs Technicolor 22y2 21% 22y2 + 1 Trans-Lux 41/2 43/8 43/8 Universal Picts N Y OVER-THE-COUNTER STOCK MARKET Bid Asked Pathe Film 7 pfd 95 98 Fox Thea. Bldg. 6y2s 1st '36 13 14y4 Loew's Thea. Bldg. 6s 1st '47 . . . . 953/4 97 1/4 Met. Playhouse, Inc. 5s '43 67 70 Roxy Thea. Bldg. 6'/4s 1st '43... 56 Vs 57*4 Asks Injunction Dismissal Joseph D. Basson, president of Local 306, yesterday moved in Supreme Court to obtain dismissal of the injunction suit of the Gotham Amusement Corp. and six other theater companies to enjoin the Local 306-Allied merger on the ground that the complaint failed to set forth a sufficient cause of action. THE ■a&H DAILY Saturday, May 15, 1937 • • • THE PORTABLE sound motion picture equipment that accompanied Rear Admiral Byrd on his Antarctic trip has been presented by Erpi to the New York Museum of Science and Industry as a permanent exhibit ▼ T T • • • ONLY NINE months old but growing by leaps and bounds meaning Loew's Movie-Goer Magazine which adds five more cities to its circulation centers with the June issue Richmond, Va., Wilmington, Del., Newark, Boston and Providence the list of cities included in the more than 400,000 circulation of the mag, in addition to Greater New York and Westchester now comprises New Haven, Hartford, Bridgeport, Waterbury, Springfield, Washington and Baltimore it is distributed thru Loew's theaters in those cities eventually it is planned to cover all cities in which Loew's has theaters ▼ ▼ T • • • ASSOCIATES of John Byram, Paramount eastern play editor gave him a cocktail party yesterday by way of a bon voyage gesture prior to his sailing with the missus today on the Conte di Savoia for a month's trip to Italy perhaps Vienna and Budapest, if they can squeeze 'em in ▼ T T • • • THE DEBUT of Kirsten Flagstad was made in pictures yesterday at the Astoria studio the great Wagnerian soprano sang Brunnhilde's battle cry in "Walkure" in a scene in Paramount's "Big Broadcast of 1938". . . • Ben Cohn of United Artist's pub staff TWA's to the coast Monday and will be in the flicker city for a month Cohn has clocked 52,000 miles in the air on pressagey biz, and the TWA hostesses all call him by his first name the guy musta promised 'em screen tests. . . • Frank Gillmore, president of the Actors Equity Association since 1928, celebrated his 70th birthday yestei-day U", GN Sales Groups Reach Coast Tomorrow West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — ■ Universal's and Grand National's sales forces roll in tomorrow for the two companies' annual conventions at the Ambassador Hotel. Business sessions will start Monday. Universal's product announcement is expected Monday, Grand National's on Tuesday. The homeward trek for both groups will start Thursday night. "U's" delegates will be met at the station tomorrow by Charles R. Rogers, J. R. Grainger, J. Cheever Cowdin, J. P. Normanly, Robert W. Allison, and a corps of studio executives, who will conduct them to the hotel. The GN convention will get under way tomorrow, at a luncheon in the Moderne Room of the Ambassador Hotel, at which the program of events will be outlined by Edward J. Peskay. A tour of Hollywood, Beverly Hills and beach resorts will follow. At night, there will be a screening of "The Girl Said No," and "Sing Cowboy Sing." Film Art's Rental Policy Film Art Studios will be operated exclusively on a rental basis, it was said yesterday. Financing Said Nearly Set for Brandt-Dowling Progress is being made in formation of the new motion picture producing and distributing company which Joe Brandt and Eddie Dowling will head, with deal for the financing now slated to be closed by the middle of next week, according to Lew Morris of 32 Broadway, who is in charge of negotiations with various financial groups behind the new company. Morris leaves tomorrow night for Chicago and expects on his return next Wednesday to have financing details finally arranged. Brandt and Dowling have made preliminary arrangements to acquire eight produced pictures as the nucleus of the new company, Morris said. Herman, GN Producer West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Al Herman has been signed by Grand National to produce a series of four action pictures next season based on the Laurie York Erskine radio character, "Renfrew of the Mounted." New Paint for Kallet House Syracuse, N. Y. — Kallet Theaters, Inc., of Oneida, will redecorate the Regent theater here. Coming and Goir SIDNEY E. SAMUELSON, who has been in Indianapolis, is due back at his home at Newton, N. J., today. FRANK C. WALKER returns to New York Monday from Indiana. F. H GILDEMEYER is aboard the Borinquen, bound tor Porto Rico. ATTORNEY LOUIS NIZER is back in New York from Philadelphia. BARNEY BALABAN is expected to return to New York June 6 from Europe. TED SCHLANGER was in New York yesterday from Philadelphia. JACK CONNELLY returns to New York Tuesday on the Normandie from London. HOPE HAMPTON returns to New York from the Coast on Tuesday. DORIS NOLAN left New York yesterday for Baltimore to be the guest of Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt at the Preakness. TITO GUIZAR, film and radio star, left for Baltimore yesterday to fulfill an engagement there before going to the coast. MADELEINE CARROLL arrives in New York Monday on a vacation trip. ERIC LINDEN sails for the coast today on the Virginia. A. H. WOODS, following postponement of plans to produce at the Belasco Theater, Los Angeles, until next autumn, arrives shortly from the coast. HAL WALLIS, Warner production executive, arrives next week from the coast en route to Europe. VERA ENGELS, film actress, sails today for Europe. TOM J. BAILEY, northeastern district manager for 20th Century-Fox, has returned to Boston from New York. H. G. BALLANCE, 20th-Fox southern district manager has returned to Atlanta, Ga., after home office conferences. Gem Conspiracy Suit Trial Goes Over Until October Trial of the conspiracy suit of the Gem Theater, Cedarhurst, L. I., against the Central Theater of the Century Circuit, and the RKO, Columbia, U. A., and Big U exchanges has been postponed by stipulation until October. Gem Theater charges that the Central has been given seven days protection by the exchanges as the result of a conspiracy against it. The theater, an I.T.O.A. house, maintains the Central should have no protection. MAY 16 Bull Montana Rae Manheimer • tv*