The Film Daily (1937)

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THE Friday, May 21, 1937 ■s&m DAILY n "JUttU" from Hollywood "Xols /> By RALPH WILK HOLLYWOOD JOE E. BROWN has returned from an eastern trip and will resume picture work June 7 in an untitled production, for David L. Loew. While on his trip he broadcast several baseball games in Chicago. T T T Dr. Ernst Schwarz, president of Agfa-Ansco Corp., has arrived here by automobile and is conferring with C. King Charney, American distributor of Agfa-Ansco film. T ▼ ▼ Karen Morley, Alan Mowbray, Roscoe Karns, Eduardo Cianelli, Milly Monti have been cast in the Major Production, "On Such a Night," formerly titled "Flood Crest." This is an original by Morley F. Cassidy, S. S. Field and John Klorer, screenplay by Doris Malloy and William R. Lipman. E. A. Dupont will direct. Production starts May 24. T T T Konrad Bercovici has been signed by Major Pictures to do the screen play of his own untitled original based on the Life of Sir Richard Burton of Arabia. Tammy Cotter is co-scripting. Sig Schlager agented Bercovici. ▼ t ▼ 20th Century-Fox studio has sent out a call for an impersonator of Kaiser Wilhelm II as that one-time ruler appeared during the latter years of the World War. The play WHO'S WHO IN HOLLYWOOD • • • Introducing Interesting Personalities: No. 8 5 • • • A RCHIE MAYO. Director for Warner Brothers. Born in New York City in 1896 and attended public schools and Columbia University. Made debut on the stage in 1912 and went to Hollywood with Sid Grauman in 1912. Has been a writer, song writer, singer and filled extra roles in pictures for a time. Turned to gag writing for a living, after a try at selling shirts. Eventually began directing comedies for Stern Bros, and Christie. His Warner pictures includes "Petrified Forest," "Call It a Day," "Black Legion," "Doorway to Hell," "Convention City," "Illicit," "Bought," and "Mayor of Hell." Hobbies, Pekingese. Eyes, blue. Hair, black. Stands 5, 8. er is needed for a featured role in "Lancer Spy." More than a hundred applications have been received, the studio announced, but none came from Doom. T T T Casting assignments — M-G-M: Dame May Whitty, "Marie Walewska"; GN: Celeste de Bellis, "Love Takes Flight"; Paramount: Dorothy Lamour, "Her Jungle Love"; Betty Grable, "This Way, Please"; Eleanore Whitney, Johnny Downs, "Good Night Ladies"; WB: Wayne Morris, "Submarine 262"; Columbia: Beatrice Blinn, George Lloyd, Lee Shumway, "Girls Can Play." News o' the day — Leo G. Carroll will play three widely divergent roles in M-G-M's "The Umbrella Man" . Stuart Erwin starts his second GN pix, "Face the Facts", May 25 Walter Wanger has acquired the rights to Sascha Guitry's "The Illusionist" and will star Charles Boyer Irving Berlin will publish Mickey Rooney's foxtrot, "Mister Heartbreak" . . New contracts — M-G-M: John Boyle, Robert Grandin, Roger Converse, Tom Rutherford, players; Ed Marin, director. Title change By M-G-M: "You'll be Married by Noon" to "Married Before Breakfast". ▼ T T Madeleine Carroll and Francis Lederer will shortly appear as a new starring team in a production entitled "Lovers On Parole," by Adelaide Heilbron. ▼ T T "Mr. Shadow" has been named by Edward J. Peskay, Grand National vice-president in charge of distribution, as the first release on the 1937-38 program. This picture was formerly called "The Shadow" and is the first in a series. Larry Blake, who is appearing at the present time at the Metropolitan Theater in Boston, is due to arrive on June 1 for his next role in the B. G. (Buddy) DeSylva production "A Young Man's Fancy." T T T Paramount claims a record for the return of preview cards. At the preview showing of Wesley Ruggles' production "I Met Him In Paris," in Oakland, 600 cards were distributed. Within 72 hours 526 of these cards had been received at the studio. T ▼ T Glenn Morris, Olympic Decathlon champion, has signed a contract with M-G-M to do a Pete Smith short subject which will demonstrate the performances of an allaround athlete. IATSE Names Brennan to Push Radio Organization James Brennan, I.A.T.S.E. vice president, has been placed in charge of the union's drive to organize the radio field. Plan is to issue a separate charter to a group in that field whose jurisdiction would cover control board men, sound men, sound effects men and others. Local 1, Theatrical Protective Association, acting in conjunction with Local 802, musicians' union, and Local 306, movie operators, yesterday served notice on Loew's that the A. F. of L. wanted jurisdiction over sound engineers employed at the Loew-owned radio station WHN, A number of the sound men have joined the American Radio Telegraphers Association, a C.I.O. organization. r Judith Anderson Weds "' Tovar, Ariz. — Judith Anderson^ actress, and Prof. Benjamin Harrison Lehman of the University of California were secretly wed early this week at Kingman, Ariz., it was revealed when the honeymooners arrived here. Occupational Tax Levy by County on Theater Illegal Atlanta, Ga. — A Georgia county may not levy an occupational tax against a motion picture theater, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled in the case of Brooks County versus the Ilex Theater, at Quitman. The court held that a county has the right to levy a license tax for the privilege of operating a motion picture theater but, as the state already levies an occupational tax against amusement houses, the county cannot levy a similar tax against them. Gould Weds German Actress Vienna (By Cable) — That Margarete Mosheim, German stage and screen actress, and Howard Gould, third son of the late Jay Gould, American railroad financier, were married last Saturday at Klagenfur't, became known here. The bride, the former wife of Oscar Homolka, left Germany following the advent of the Nazi regime. Her professional name is Grete Mosheim. Para. Production Overflows Stages; Unit Uses Garage West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Production overflowed the stages in Paramount's studio yesterday, forcing one company to shoot in the studio garage in lieu of a better place. With 10 companies working on the lot, and construction in progress on unoccupied stages, Director James Hogan worked in the garage with principals and 800 extras filming scenes in "Last Train From Madrid." Morris Returns from Coast Sam E. Morris, Warner Bros, vice-president in charge of foreign distribution, returns from the Coast tomorrow. He was called to the Coast hurriedly just before Convention meetings owing to the serious illness of his son, Edwin H. (Buddy) Morris. Latter is now well on the road to recovery and Morris returns to set plans for the selling of the new season's product through Warner's 120 Foreign Branches. Standard Enters Producing And Distributing Fields West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Standard Pictures Corp. and Standard Pictures Distributing Corp., have been formed with B. W. Richards as president and executive production manager. Lou O'Brasky is vice-president and sales manager of the distributing company. O'Brasky is now in the East, lining up exchanges, which will number 36. Standard will not take over any existing exchanges. It has opened its own exchanges in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Denver, Salt Lake City, Milwaukee, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Minneapolis and Chicago. Eight pictures will be made for i937-38 season and they will be sold individually or in a group. The first will be "The Deerslayer," by James Fenimore Cooper, with production starting May 24. Lynn Shores will direct, with Emile De Ruelle as production manager. The Selznick International studio will be used and the company will headquarter there.