The Film Daily (1937)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought VOL. 71, NO. 124 NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1937 TEN CENTS Yamins Urges Adjustment Board Under U. 5. Auspices U. A. PRODUCERS SET 26JLLI0N 1937|3pUDGET Expect Five -Year Low for Summer Theater Closings rum (CONCLUDING installment of the ^ Squawk Parade of the Fifth annual FILM DAILY Critics' Forum appears today. A summary of ansivers to the nine questions asked the critics will be published tomorrow. DUALS AND HISTORY— I rise to protest, in a loud wailing voice, against the double feature programs. Is it a depression hangover, this getting all you can for your money? Too many companies are catering to the double feature trade by turning out less than mediocre production. And those pictures based on historical characters and backgrounds.. Some of them have been excellent. In fact I suspect they've done more than any other one thing to bring the movies into an honorable position with some of the industry's harshest critics, but why can't we have a little more careful adherence to fact, when that adherence cannot possiby detract from the entertainment value of the picture? IRIS LITTLE, Walla Walla, Wash., "Daily Bulletin". • PROGRAMS TOO LONG— I feel something should be done about too lengthy programs. Not long ago I attended a Sunday showing of "On the Avenue" to which the management had attached two Silly Symphonies (in succession), a Gene Austin comedy, a Mickey Mouse cartoon and one or two others, including previews and bank night gift announcements. It was usual to see members of the audience rise at the end of a picture only to find another was being flashed on the screen. The afternoon's myogram was "stuffed" and tiring instead j refreshing and restful. Indeed, it .^ased to be entertainment, had turned into an endurance test between management, booth operator and audience — just another form of give-away. An ideal program should be approximately two hours' long, whereas this — and others like it — {Continued on Page 7) Improved Economic Conditions and Better Pix Are Factors From present indications there will be fewer theater closings this summer throughout the country than in the past five years, a survey shows. Two main factors are responsible; one, improved economic conditions throughout the country, and the other, the better grade of product available for the warm season. Nate Blumberg, general manager (Continued on Page 3) 20TH-F0X DELEGATION OFF FOR SALES MEET The eastern delegation to the annual sales convention of 20th Century-Fox in Los Angeles, left on a special train from Grand Central terminal at midnight last night, headed for the biggest conclave in the history of the company. There (Continued on Page 8) Dr. Kalmus, All Others Renamed by Technicolor Dr. Herbert T. Kalmus, president, and all other officers of Technicolor, Inc., were re-elected yesterday by (Continued on Page 3) Mickey'll Be At Tourney Mickey Mouse, who hasn't missed a FILM DAILY Golf Tournament in many years, will be doubly present for the gala 25th Annual (Silver Jubilee) event, Wednesday, June 9, at the Elmsford Country Club, White Plains. In the first place, his latest pix will be previewed on the film program at the evening banquet, together with the famous A. G. Spalding golf reel, etc. In the second place, the renowned rodent appears on a gigantic, deeppile, luxurious rug which the Greater New York Export Corp. has put up as one of the many big prizes of the tournament. The rug measures 18'-6" x 15'-6". Exhibitors and all others who go in for long trailers had better bring one along to carry this prize home! ALLIED CLOSES DOORS, TALKS UNION PROBLEM Milwaukee — Alarmed at the fast increasing unionizing of theaters throughout the country, Allied this morning will hold a convention session behind closed doors to discuss the situation. Decision to hold the ( Continued on Page 6) GN Directors Will Hear Alperson Report Friday First annual report on the operations of Grand National Films will be made Friday to the board of directors by President Edward L. Al (Continned on Page 8) Allied President Would Present Board Plan to Congress for Action Expect California's ITO To Affiliate With Allied Milwaukee — Affiliation of the Independent Theater Owners of California with Allied is indicated. For some time, both the regional, unit (Continued on Page 3) By ARTHUR W. EDDY Associate Editor of THE FILM DAILY Milwaukee — Setting up of an industry board, court or commission under authorization of a Federal law, with purpose of adjusting disputes between the buyer and seller, was advocated by President Nathan Yamins at the opening session of (Continued on Page 6) U. A. to Release 20 U. S. Pix in Addition to Korda Product By RALPH WILK West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — United Artists producers will spend a total of $26,000,000 on pictures for the 1937-38 season, it was announced here yesterday by George Schaefer, U. A. vice prexy and general manager, following conclusion of the annual meetings of the company's stockholders attended by Dr. A. H. Giannini, chairman and president, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, (Continued on Page 7) HOLD WIS, DIVORCE HEARING ON JUNE 3 Milwaukee — June 3 has been tentatively selected as the date for the Wisconsin Senate hearing on the theater divorce bill which has already passed the Assembly. Hearing will be sponsored by the Committee on State and Local Govern (Continued on Page 8) FMPC May Join CIO if Plea Made to A. F. of L. Fails West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Strong likelihood exists that the Federated M. P. Crafts will become affiliated with the C.I.O. if the American Federation of Labor Council, now in session at Cincinnati, does not rule in favor of Federated in the jurisdictional dis (Continued on Page 3) No Symbolism Milwaukee — The regulation prize fight ring in the center of the convention hall has no bearing upon the eternal exhibitor-distributor battle, Allied leaders allege. It was only installed for the boxing and wrestling bouts staged last evening as part of the Monte Carlo Night program.