The Film Daily (1937)

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THE Vol. 71, No. 124 Thurs., May 27. 1937 10 Cents JOHN W. AUCOATE Puplishet CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager Published daily except Sundays and Holiday at 1 SOI Broadway, New York, N. Y by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W Alicoate, President and Publisher; Don aid M. Mersereau, Secretary Treasurer Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor. En tered as second class matter, May 21, 1918 at the post-office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Holly wood, California— Kalph Wilk, 6425 Hollywoo-I Blvd , Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernes! W Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 War dour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbtiehne. Friedi ichs'trasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat ■■•■ .■•:; Columbia Picts. vtc. 34'/4 34 34l/4 + J/4 Columbia Picts. pfd. 42 '/g 42 Vg 42 '/g + 2'/g Con. Fm. Ind 3% 33/8 3% + 14 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. 12% 12% 12% •■••• East. Kodak 172 166 172 + 7 do pfd 151 150 151 +1 Gen. Th. Eq 24% 24 24 2 Loew's, Inc 80 79 80 + % do pfd 106 106 106 ..... Paramount 193/4 19% 19'/4 — % Paramount 1st pfd ■■ •■■■ •••• Faramount 2nd pfd.. 17% 17% 173/4 ..... Pathe Film 73/4 7% 75/8 — % RKO 8% 8% 8I/4 ..... 20th Century-Fox . . 37% 36% 373/8 + % 20th Csntury-Fox pfd ••■ ■■■■ Univ. Pict. pfd 70 70 70 — 2 Warner Bros 133/g 13% 133/8 + % do pfd NEW YORK BOND MARKET Keith A-0 6s46 Loew 6s41ww •■ Para. B'way 3s55... 683/4 683/4 683/4 — l/4 Para. Picts. 6s55. . . . 100% 100 100% ..... RKO 6s41 113 113 113 — 1 Warner's 6s39 95% 95% 95%— % NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Picts. vtc ••■ •■■■ Grand National 2'/4 2% Z% — '/g Sonotone Corp ••■• ■;•• Technicolor 29% 28% 28% — 1 Trans-Lux 43/4 4% 43/4 + % Universal Picts N Y OVER-THE-COUNTER STOCK MARKET Bid Asked Pathe Film 7 pfd 93 96 Fox Thea. Bldg. 6%s 1st '36 12% 13% Loew's Thea. Bldg. 6s 1st '47 95% 97% Met. Playhouse, Inc. 5s '43 67 69 Roxy Thea. Bldg. 6%s 1st '43.... 56 58 "Galahad's Fast Start Warners' "Kid Galahad" got away to a fast start at the New York Strand yesterday, hanging up 8,936 admissions up to 5 p.m., the WB home office reported. Opening was said to have run ahead of "The Prince and the Pauper" and "Marked Woman". ■c&£ DAILY Thursday, May 27, 1937 25th Film Daily Golf Tournament Here is my entry and $10.00 for the Film Golf Tournament to be held Wednesday, June 9, 1937 at the Elmsford Country Club, White Plains, N. Y. (ENTRY FEE WILL BE $12.00 IF PAID AT TOURNAMENT) Name Address THE COMMITTEE: Jack Alicoate, Chairman; Don M. Mersereau, Secretary; Ralph Rolan, S. Charles Einfeld, Ted Curtis, and Max A. Cohen. Fill In And Mail To THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, N. Y. C. Dramatists Won by Films Pledge Aid to Broadway Sidney Howard, president of the Dramatists' Guild, said yesterday at the third day's session of the American Theater Council at the Hotel Astor that a checkup showed 11 fewer plays had been produced this season on Broadway up to the end of January than last but held that the withdrawal of movie money from the theater was not responsible but that withdrawal of playwrights from the theater by the movies was. He said 17 playwrights who had been represented on Broadway by plays during the 1935-36 season had been working in Hollywood this season, and that he was one of them. To end the Broadway play famine, the 17 dramatists have agreed to write plays for Broadway production next season and the Dramatists' Guild will give fellowships to promising playwrights, Howard said. Paul Green, playwright, described the motion picture as a miracle, a mechanical medium capable of expressing anything that the human mind can devise. International Cinema Net Loss At $15,500 West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — International Cinema, Inc., for the fiscal year ending Feb. 28 last, reports an operating profit of $4,039.82, with interest, discounts, financial and other expenses of $19,540.50 accounting for a net loss of $15,500.68. Theater Supply Dealers Set Three-Day Conclave Annual convention of the Independent Theater Supply Dealers will be held, commencing June 18 and continuing for three days, at the Medinah Club in Chicago. Conclave, which will bring together some 35 dealers and 75 manufacturers, is expected by the association to be the largest in scope and general attendance since the event was instituted in 1931. Feature of the three-day meeting will be the exposition of latest forms of equipment and appliances relating to theater operation. Local arrangements are being handled by Joe Goldberg, and Guercio & Barthel. East Des Moines to Get Two Houses Within Block Des Moines — Two new suburban theaters in East Des Moines will go up within a block of each other. L. H. Kahn and L. L. Lepowitz are building a $27,500, 600-seat house at 1534 East Grand, with scheduled open:ng July 15. Kahn now manages the Grand Theater while Lepowitz is manager of the Iowa Theater in East Des Moines, and also has a theater in Madrid, la. Elias Garbett and son, E. M. Garbett, who own and operate four suburban theaters in Des Moines, will build a new $18,500, 550-seat theater at 1544 East Grand, the site of the old Ritz Theater now being razed. Joseph E. Martin Dies St. Louis — Joseph E. Martin, 78, secretary and treasurer of the Southern Real Estate and Financial Co., owners of the American, Orpheum and Shubert theater properties, and widely known in horse racing and amusement circles of the country, died at St. John's Hospital of heart disease after a brief illness. He resided in Kirkwood, a local suburb. HUT to Pay VA% Dividend Toronto — Hamilton United Theaters has declared 1% per cent dividend on preferred stock, payable June 30 to shareholders of record May 31. Hamilton United Theaters has been granted supplementary letters patent reducing the authorized capital from $3,000,000 to $1,080,000. The reduction in capital is effected by changing par value of common stock from $25 to $1 per share. Authority was also granted to reduce goodwill, franchises, etc., from $1,310,188 to $157,708. Coming and Going ALEXANDER KORDA arrived in New York yesterday from the Coast. JOE BRANDT arrives Friday from Hollywood. ROBERT JOSEPHSON, operator of the World Theater, arrives Friday from Durham, N. C. GUS EYSSELL, assistant manager of the Music Hall, returns tomorrow after being out of town for several days. W. RAY JOHNSTON leaves today by plane for Hollywood. N. L. MANHEIM, former Universal foreign sales chief, has gone to the Coast. WINFIELD SHEEHAN expects to leave for the Coast in a week. JOE WEIL, Universal's exploitation chief, ar rives in New York tomorrow from Galveston and New Orleans. NAT FENDLETON returns to New York next week from England on the Queen Mary. E. A. TROPP, executive vice-president of "Cinema Arts," new film magazine, leaves for Hollywood tomorrow by plane. PERCY PHILLIPSON, president of General Register Corp., arrives from Europe June 1 on the Aquitania. HERB CROOKER, Director of Publicity for Warner Bros., leaves today for Boston on a business trip. He returns Tuesday. A. L. BERMAN, accompanied by LEE EPHRAIM, sailed for Europe yesterday on the Queen Mary, and will return to New York in late June. HAL HORNE is en route East from the Coast on a talent scouting trip for Walter Wanger. ERIC LOCKE and HARRY FERRY leave Hollywood today for New York, en route to England. They will sail on the Normandie. JOHN LaGATTA is en route to New York from the Coast. H. J. YATES left yesterday for the Coast. Thi Pathe Film Corp. Divvy May be Declared Today Pathe Film Corp. board met yesterday but adjourned until today for lack of a quorum. It is understood that a dividend will be voted. Rowland Funeral Held Detroit — Arthur Rowland, former owner of the White Star Theater in Hamtramck, Detroit suburb, and a vaudeville booker here for about 20 years, was buried Monday in Rochester, N. Y. Death was due to heart failure. Joseph von Sternberg E. Lloyd Sheldon M. H. Hoffman, Jr. UAti