The Film Daily (1937)

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Thursday, May 27, 1937 . SEE HEAT CLOSINGS HITTING 5-YEAR LOW (Continued from Page 1) of EKO theater, said yesterday that RKO did not plan to close any theaters this summer. This statement was echoed by officials of Warner Bros, and National Theaters. Loew's will not shut down any of its houses, C. C. Moskowitz said. FMPC May Join CIO if Plea Made to A. F. of L. Fails (Continued from Page 1) pute with the I.A.T.S.E., it is held here. The I.A.T.S.E. is seeking to control a number of the groups now tied in with the Federated M. P. Crafts, and to dictate the settlement which the Federated shall make with the studios. Ralph McClellan in N. Y. In Behalf of Telcocolor Ralph McClellan, formerly in charge of the contract division at Universal studios, has been appointed sales manager for the Telco Corp. which has its own color process. McClellan is now in New York contacting producers in regard to Telcocolor prints and the company states that those who have seen ;the test runs have placed orders that will enable Telco to go into production as soon as a Hollywood studio is opened. Baynes Sues for $30,000 George McL. Baynes, yesterday filed suit in Supreme Court for $30,000 against Atlantic Film Productions, Ltd., charging breach of a contract under which he was to receive 10 per cent of the proceeds from : distribution of "Thunder in the City" in the New York territory. Baines states that he arranged for distribution of the picture with Columbia and that the latter company informed him that the receipts exceeded $500,000. RKO Books "Silent Barriers" "Silent Barriers" has been booked for the entire RKO Metropolitan Circuit. Engagement starts June 21. BIG NEWS AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT V George Murphy was once a coal miner, but gave up the job when he was dropped, by accident, down a shaft in a large bucket. — M-G-M. • • •SIGNING OF Dick Merrill, transatlantic flier, to a film contract was done ceremoniously as the trade press lads looked on over at Ray Johnston's office Dick being signed to play the lead in Monogram's "Atlantic Flight" which will go into production in three weeks among the guests were Sherman Altick, the aviation editor, Bill Jaffe and Stanley Kahn, one of the financial backers of Merrill's recent flight T T T • • • WE LIKED those remarks of Hal Roach at the recent M-G-M convention when he talked about the trials and tribulations involved in making six feature comedies and a series of "Our Gang" shorts for the company Hal expressed his appreciation for what M-G-M had done for him thus "Ten years ago I started with M-G-M, and two years after I was with this organization I sold the yacht three or four years ago I sold the airplane a few months ago I sold the polo ponies and now they have got me down to my last racetrack" • • • IF ANY of you gents have a yen to be on the screen Milton Berle may pick you at the AMPA luncheon today Milt has definitely announced that he is scouting for RKO Radio for New Faces it so happens that he has just completed his first starring vehicle, "New Faces of 1937" Berle will discuss the subject of New Faces scientifically, esthetically and mebbe humorously we won't guarantee the humor, though if Milt gets a good gag, he saves it for his radio program after all, a comedian has to have at least one good gag on his radio program • • • WITHIN ONE hour of each other baby boys arrived in the homes of two gents in the art dep't of Grand National it happened late Tuesday nite the babes taking their First Bows in the families of Charlie Dorsa and Frank Pratt, who both work alongside each other in Russ Bell's atelier of art • • • STYLED AS "the biggest single promotion aid ever compiled and presented by a motion picture company" M-G-M has published a handsome art manual crammed with highlights from advance roadshow campaigns in key cities on "The Good Earth" here are actual stunts, novelties and co-op promotions culled from innumerable newspapers and photographs and reproduced graphically so that the ex hib about to play the picture has all the cream of practical showmanship that made money for others right before him . . . • • • GOOD STUNT for the showing of Warners' "Kid Galahad" at the Broadway Strand Charlie Einf eld had ducats made in the form of fight tickets sent to the sports columnists and editors of the metropolitan papers these tickets permit attendance any time during the run of the film. T ▼ ▼ • • • A FLIGHT to Hollywood by E. A. Tropp vice prexy of Cinema Arts who leaves tomorrow to present the first copy of the new mag to Greta Garbo whose portrait appears on the cover. . . • The M. P. Baseball League standing to date shows RKO and Columbia tied for first place with no games lost and Skouras and Paramount the runners-up N. B. C. and Apeda Studios are in the cellar together ... • Congrats to Leon ("Rosie") Rosenberg, the demon proofreader at the Barnes Ptg. Co., who for ten years has been struggling with this kolyum and doing a swell job he is celebrating the anniversary with a vacashe « « « » » » RE-ELECT DR. KALMUS TECHNICOLOR PREXY (Continued from Page 1) the board of directors. The other officers are George F. Lewis, vice president and secretary; L. G. Clark, treasurer, and Miss L. A. Skinner, ass't secretary. Expect California's ITO To Affiliate with Allied (Continued from Page 1) and the national association have been working in close cooperation. A delegation from California is slated to attend the annual Allied convention which opened at the Hotel Pfister yesterday. Conferences Are Still on In Fuller "Conspiracy" Case New Orleans — Further conferences this week to negotiate a compromise settlement in George Fuller's "conspiracy" suit against the two Saenger executives and seven majors were agreed upon yesterday after a two-hour meeting in the afternoon between Fuller, his attorney, J. Studebaker Lucas, and Edwin Hollins, attorney for all but one defendant. Both sides appear ready to compromise out of court and Fuller, who had announced the case would either be settled yesterday or he would have a damage suit added to the present injunction suit, is willing to await results. Reiner Joins Monogram Manny Reiner, recently associated with M-G-M and Warner Brothers, has just joined Monogram as press book editor. Margaret Mahin, formerly of Gaumont British and Republic, is now handling fan magazine publicity for Monogram. Tarbox Gets Imperial Charles Tarbox has acquired the Imperial franchise for five years, and will operate Imperial exchanges in the Buffalo and Albany territories. The franchise will include Imperial's current product, as well as the 1937-38 Imperial schedule of 32. FACTS ABOUT FILMS 77.3 per cent of the motion pictures reviewed by the Chilean censor board at Santiago from Jan. 1936 to Feb. 1937 were American-made.