The Film Daily (1937)

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THE 1S&H DAILY Thursday, May 27, 1937 HOLD WIS. DIVORCE E3 {Continued from Page 1) ment. The Independent Theaters Protective Association, local Allied affiliate, is backing the measure, passage of which is expected. GN Directors Will Hear Alperson Report Friday (Continued from Page 1 ) person. The company operated at a deficit during the first year. Annual stockholders' meeting of the company will be held July 21. It is expected that all present directors and officers will be re-elected. Dickinson's Sons Assigned Kansas City, Mo.— Glenn W. Dickinson's sons, Glenn, Jr. and Carlton, Kansas University law students, will join the staff of the Dickinson circuit in June for the summer vacation period. Carlton Dickinson will become city manager at Parsons, Kans., with jurisdiction over the Independence, Kans., house, while Glenn W. Dickinson, Jr., will serve as field supervisor of the circuit, with headquarters here. Nightingales Re-elect Detroit — The Nightingales Club, whose members are composed largely of motion pictui'e operators, reelected the following officers: President, H. S. Morton; vice-president, S. J. Landly; financial secretary, F. J. Cornelia, and treasurer, Walter Rickens. E. Davison is the new recording secretary. Two Film Center Leases Film Center Building Corp. announces through its agents, Cross & Brown Company, the leasing of fourth floor space in the Film Center Building, to the Mutual Motion Picture Distributors, Inc. and a film vault on the sixth floor to the American Tobis Corp. 13 More 'Horizon' Roadshows With the total nearing the century mark, 13 additional two-a-day premieres were set this week for Frank Capra's "Lost Horizon." Carl Goe to New Haven Carl Goe, GB Albany branch manager, has been transferred to the New Haven office, where he will occupy a similar post. Mark Time on Conn. Tax Hartford, Conn.— Pending the report of the State Appropriations Committee, no further action will be taken by the Finance Committee on the proposed 10 per cent amusements admission tax or other taxes. Final decision by the latter committee however, is expected on or before June 9. A "JUW ptom "Ms // By RALPH WILK HOLLYWOOD J^OY ROWLAND has completed the direction of "Song of the Revolt," a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer short subject dealing with the writing of "La Marseillaise." Leon Ames played the leading role. T T T Val Lewton, editorial assistant to David O. Selznick, is the proud father of Val Lewton, Jr., born at the Santa Monica Hospital, r t ▼ Universal has borrowed Lewis Stone from M-G-M for the lead in "Too Clever Too Live," which is to be directed by Lewis R. Foster and produced by E. M. Asher. Frank Jenks has been signed for a comedy character role. T T T J. D. Kendis has just returned from a 10-week's tour through the East and Middle West, selling his latest picture, "Slaves In Bondage." T ▼ T Sidney Algier, formerly with Paramount and M-G-M, has been signed as production manager for "Face the Facts," which Andrew L. Stone will produdce and direct for Grand National. T T T Buck Jones left Monday for San Francisco to attend the Golden Gate bridge opening ceremonies today. T T T A company of RKO Radio Pictures players, headed by James Ellison, Marsha Hunt and Harry Carey, is en route from Hollywood to Annapolis, to screen "Annapolis Salute." Director Christy Cabanne has been in Annapolis for several days with a camera crew. The company soon to join him there includes Van Heflin, Ann Hovey, Arthur Lake and Marilyn Miller. T T T Casting assignments — RKO: Donald Meek, "Make a Wish"; Columbia: Connie Boswell, Grace Bradley, "Thanks for Nothing"; Mae Clarke, "Black Torrent"; Goldwyn: Minor Watson, "Dead End"; Wanger: Cooke and Brown, "52nd Street". New Michigan Company Will Operate in Alabama Field Detroit — All States Theaters Inc. capitalized at $100,000 has been incorporated as a Michigan company, with offices at 1863 Union Guardian Building. Incorporators are J. D. Luker, J. A. Luker, and Audrey B. Glass, all of Talladega, Ala., and it is understood the company will operate in that territory. Goldberg Gets Franchises Cincinnati — Lee Goldberg of Big Features Corp. returned from New York City where he closed a franchise deal for the new Maurice Conn pictures, for Ohio, Indiana, Ky., and some for Tenn., which territory is now being served out of Cincinnati. Goldberg also contracted for a series of 8 Commodore pictures, and contracted Atlantic Pictures for their new 4 reel animal series, "Trailing the Killer." New Weiner Studio Opens Detroit — Embassy Talking Picture Productions has equipped a new studio for the making of 16 mm. sound films. Studio is headed by Albert A. Weiner and Edward J. Weiner, the former in the commercial pix biz here for 12 years. Lawler Sent to Toledo Kansas City, Mo. — Ralph Lawler, manager of the Newman Theater has been transferred to Toledo to manage the Paramount and Princess Theaters, there, while William Elson comes here to take over the active management of the Newman and Mainstreet Theaters. Ogden Demurs on Sunday Closing Action Alone Ogden, Utah — Adoption of a Sunday closing ordinance here is contingent upon similar action by adjacent Salt Lake City. Mayor Harmon Peery, executive of the Peery Amusement Co., has taken the position that local action alone would mean a serious business loss. Belmar Theater Burns Belmar, N. J. — Fire of undetermined origin destroyed the 600-seat Rivoli theater here. House was one of six operated along the Jersey shore by Lee W. Newberry of West Allenhurst. The State at Elizabeth was threatened by fire when a twoalarm blaze destroyed an adjacent structure. Two Tied In Mono. Drive Third week of Monogram's nineweek sales drive, with a $1,500,000 quota as its goal, shows the Des Moines and Omaha offices tied for first place. Pittsburgh has jumped to second place. "Decadence" for Belmont "Grandeur et Decadence," French film dealing with social problems, will have its American premiere at the Belmont Theater Saturday. Firman Gemier heads the cast. "Go-Getter" June 4 Warner-Cosmopolitan's "The GoGetter" opens at the Criterion on June 4. "Tomorrow" Gets a Fourth The Criterion will hold "Make Way for Tomorrow" for a fourth week, starting Saturday. 20TH-F0X DELEGATION OFF FORSALES MEE| (Continued from Page 1 ) were 175 in the group, including 54 home office executives and personnel. The New York delegation will be joined by central and western division forces at Chicago and Kansas City. Special sections on three other trains will carry other delegates, bringing the total attendance at the convention to a record figure of 800. The eastern special will arrive in Los Angeles on the 30th, the day before the opening session at the Hotel Ambassador. Those leaving from New York j i last night were W. C. Michel, exe-|/ cutive vice-president; Sydney Towell, treasurer; William Eadie, comptroller and assistant treasurer; Felix A. Jenkins, chief counsel; Dan Michalove, theater executive, Division Managers William Sussman, William J. Kupper and William C.j Gehring; and the following from the1; sales department: William J. Clark, General Sales Manager for Shor( Subjects and News, Martin Moskowitz, E. H. Collins, C. A. Hill, T. A. Shaw, Jack Sichelman, Jack Bloom, Sam Epstein, Harry Mersay, Eugene v McEvoy, Isidore Lincer and Deonj „, J. DeTitta. Movietone News was represented by Truman H. Talley, producer, Harry Lawrenson, Ed Thorgersen and Lew| Lehr; Educational Pictures by E. W. Hammons, president, Jack Skirball and Harvey Day. Foreign department delegates were W. J. Hutchin son, C. V. Hake, S. Dawes, S. S, Crick, Charles Munro, Delbert Goodman, W. W. Sullivan, L. Giordano, A. Paucker, T. Isdahl, Jr., G. Mohme,. Irving A. Maas and Leslie Whalen Arch Reeve, Earl W. Wingart and Leonard Gaynor represented the advertising and publicity department. (Charles E. McCarthy, director of advertising and publicity, preceded the eastern delegation to the coast by 10 days, having left on the 17th with Sidney R. Kent, president, and John D. Clark, general manager oi distribution). New York adsales sent Lee D Balsly, manager, Ed Hollander, Jerry Novat, W. Caldwell and D. Reed Others from the home office were Joseph Pincus, eastern casting di rector, Paul Terry, Percy Heiliger and a group from National Theaters including Charles P. Skouras, George P. Skouras, William Powers, Miss Hettie G. Baker and E. D. Holm berg. No Cowboys to the Resq^ Houma, La. — Fire, followed by plosions, completely wrecked an InfefCity express truck about eight miles from here and destroyed its entire cargo of films. Largely Universal and Republic westerns. sv