The Film Daily (1937)

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THE DAILY Saturday, May 29, 1937 Vol. 71, No. 126 Sat., May 29, 1937 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICCATE Publisher CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor DONALD M. MERSEREAU General Manager Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary Treasurer; Arthur VV. Eddy, Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage fiee) United States outside of Greater New Vork $10.00 one year; 6 monlhs, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Hlvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest VV. Fredman, The Film Uenter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. 1. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Hue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET > Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 26 26 25 + Vi Columbia Picts. vtc. 343/4 34 Vi 34% + % Columbia Ticts. pfd Con. Fm. Ind 3'/8 3V8 3V8 ... Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. 12%. 12Vi 12Vi + Va East. Kodak 172% 172Vi 172% — 14 do pfd • ■ Gen. Th. Eq 25 23% 233/4 + Vi Loew's, Inc 80 Vi 80 80 do pfd Paramount 19Vi 19 'A 19'A Paramount 1st pfd. . 135y4 135y4 135'/4 — 3 Paramount 2nd pfd ••• ■■■■ Pathe Film 75/8 73/8 7% — Va RKO 83/8 8V8| 8Vg — Va 20th Century-Fox . . 37 Vi 37% 37 Vi — 14 20th Century-Fox pfd Univ. Pict. pfd ■■• , •■•• Warner Bros 13% 13Vi 135/g + Va do pfd NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Keith A-0 6s46 .... 99 99 99 loew 6s41ww 99 99 99 Fara. B'way 3s55 •■ Para. Picts. 6s55. . . 100% 10014 100% + Va Para. Ficts. cv 3%s47 91% 91% 91 %+ Va RKO 6s41 ■■ Warner's 6s39 .... 95% 95 V4 95% + % NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Picts. vtc •■ Grand National 23/8 23/8 23/8 + Va Sonotone Corp 1% 1% 1%— Va Technicolor 273/4 27% 273/8 — % Trans-Lux 45/a 4% 4% — % Universal Picts N Y. OVER-THE-COUNTER STOCK MARKET Bid Asked Pathe Film 7 pfd 93 96 Fox Thea. Bldg. 6%s 1st '36 12Vi 1314 Loew's Thea. Bldg. 6s 1st '47.... 9614 973/4 Met. Playhouse, Inc. 5s '43 66 68 Roxy Thea. Bldg. 6%s 1st '43 55 57 Hawley Starts Own Lab. Detroit — General Movie Service has been formed at 1278 McClellan Avenue, to engage in processing and laboratory work connected with the moving picture industry, both amateur and professional. Milo J. Hawley, sole owner, was formerly in charge of the slide film laboratory of the Jam Handy Picture Service, Inc. |AV ♦ v PHIL M, UAL Y~^ ' ~'':\ ' rc» X It ▼ V ▼ • • • THE LAWYERS' Committee of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee has been strengthened by the membership of William B. Jaffee member of the firm of Rosenblatt and Jaffee this organization, whose purpose is the alleviation of suffering among oppressed Jews of Europe, is conducting a National Drive for $4,650,000 the headquarters of the Committee are at 100 East 42nd Street ▼ ▼ T • • 9 BOY SCOUTS of America will cooperate with producer Edward Finney through arrangements just made with Dr. James E. West, Chief Scout Executive in making a forthcoming Tex Ritter western for Grand National ._. the story will be written around Boy Scout activities against a western setting the first National Jamboree of the organization, to be held in Washington from June 30 to July 9, will furnish one of the dramatic sequences in the film T ▼ ▼ • • • UNIQUE ASSIGNMENT in motion picture work with Captain Bernard H. Brear, formerly editor of British clothing trade papers, being retained as sartorial advisor on a picture Messulam Pictures of London has hired him to pass on men's styles in "His Majesty's Host" the life story of Caesar Ritz, famed hotelier, which is about ready to go into production ▼ T ▼ • • • DISTINGUISHED GUESTS representing the British Crown attended a special screening in Calcutta of Paramount's British production, "Crown and Glory," the pictorial story of the Coronation ceremonies also the Paramount Newsreel issue showing the historic event Exchange Union in N. O.; Brief Strike in Buffalo New Orleans — Application for an IATSE charter governing a union of film inspectors, shipping and poster clerks was made after a meeting in the projectionist's hall of approximately 90 Film Row workers here. All exchanges were represented but M-G-M and Republic. Next unionization moves in the South are to be Atlanta and Charlotte, it was said. Buffalo — A 30 minute strike of film exchange employes yesterday ended with an agreement to negotiate at a conference in New York Wednesday. Renowned's First Is Set West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — "Quiet Man", by Frank Walsh, will be first John Ford production for Renowned Artists. Renowned's releasing contract with United Artists is ready for signature and George Schaefer will announce balance of Renowned's product at United Artists' convention. Pratt Induced 20th-Fox To Better Its Roxy Offer (Continued from Page 1) company approximately $100,000, it is stated in a report filed in Federal Court yesterday by Daniel W. Blumenthal and I. Bernard Leff, representing the Adler minority bondholder committee in the Roxy reorganization. The report recommends adoption of the report by Special Master Pratt and sets forth that it was the special master's attitude more than anything else that helped harmonize the divergent views of the parties participating in the reorganization. Coming and Goin GEORGE J. SCHAEFER, vice-president and general manager of United Artists, returned to New York from the Coast yesterday. HARRY C. PIERSON and MRS. PIERSON have arrived in New York from Los Angeles to attend opening of their African travel picture at the Filmarte Theater on Thursday. JED HARRIS has returned from London where he spent a week. JULIANA MORGAN, producer of "Penny Wise," leaves today for a Florida vacation. JESSIE ERNST, play adapter, plans to sail for Europe on the Georgic, June 12. A. W. SMITH, JR., sales manager of United Artists, and MONROE W. GREENTHAL, director of advertising and publicity, return this morn ing from Galveston. CHESTER B. BAHN leaves for Syracuse today. J. CHEEVER COWDIN, chairman of the board of Universal, arrives from the coast tomorrow. ERIC LINDEN arrives in Hollywood from New York today on the liner Virginia. ARTHUR W. EDDY returns from Milwaukee today. WILLIAM FITELSON leaves by plane Tuesday for Hollywood. BARNEY BALABAN, Paramount president, returns June 7 from Europe. ERNEST TRUEX, entrains for the Coast next Monday via the Century. He will be accompanied by MRS. TRUEX and their young son. GLORIA SWANSON will arrive in New York on the SS. Normandie, Monday. WILLIAM C. DE MILLE, playright and brother of Cecil B. De Mille, sails for Los Angeles today from New York on the California. ALEXANDER KORDA sails Wednesday on the Normandie. cuil P.( Alperson Outlines Plans To Grand National Board Extra Col. 50-Cent Divvy The Board of Directors of Columbia Pictures Corporation yesterday declared an extra dixidend of 50c per share on the common stock and voting trust certificates for the same, payable June 22, to holders of record at the close of business on June 11. The Board of Grand National met yesterday for four hours and heard President Edward Alperson discuss the position of the company and its production plans for the future. It was learned following the meeting that the auditors will have the first annual report completed within a week. Nothing further that took place at the meeting was given out. Margie Adams Dies Massena, N. Y. — Margie Adams, 56, retired actress, is dead at her Massena Point summer home fol lowing a long illness. She leaves her husband, H. Wilmont Young and a son, Harry. "Parnell" Opens June 3 M-G-M's "Parnell," with Clark Gable and Myrna Loy in the top spots, will have its Broadway premiere next Thursday at the Capitol Theater. Hear Union Merger Case Tues. Hearing will be held Tuesday in Supreme Court on the motion of Jos. D. Basson, president of Local 306, and Harry Glover, president of Allied operators union, to dismiss the suit against the Allied-306 merger brought by Gotham Amusement Corp. MAY 29 Hugh F. Herbert Zelma O'Neal Paul Kohner Douglas Rothacker MAY 30 Frank C. Walker William R. Ferguson MAY 31 Fred Allen Frank Mandel Ann Christy