The Film Daily (1937)

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THE Tuesday, June 1, 1937 BETTER DEAL TERMS ON ALLIED PROGRAM -2&*l DANLY (Continued from Page 1) organization. Program, as approved at Milwaukee, also calls for ending of alleged advantages given independent circuits and curbing of various affiliated circuit practices. Commenting upon the new Allied plan, President Nathan Yamins yesterday said: "To my mind the adoption of the resolution at Friday morning's session will work out for the best interests of the industry as a whole. If the distributors accept the proffer of the 'olive branch,' and consent to our demands the result obtained will be that the distributors would have to dispose of fewer number of theaters than they would have to dispose of under the divorcement plan or chain theater tax plan, and the exhibitors and distributors alike will avoid the taxation involved under the theater chain tax plan. In addition, all exhibitors would benefit by the elimination of all unfair practices and all would benefit through peace, harmony and good will which would prevail in the industry." The Allied defense committee, which is handling the project, will immediately invite the major company heads to confer with it on the proposals. Detroit Supply Dealers Seek to End Price 'War" (Continued from Page 1) and some agreement on basic prices has been sought. One announced result of the meeting was a 10 cent jump in the price of ticket rolls. New figure is 50 cents. Band Shorts for Dance Spots Opposed by Weber (Continued from Page 1) president of the American Federation of Musicians, has stated that he will forbid bands to appear in such films, it was said yesterday by Thomas F. Gamble, A. F. of M. vice president. JUNE 1 Clive Brook William A. Seiter • • • SOMETHING NEW in interviews with Lily Pons giving a Mass Interview in response to many requests from college, school and club paper reporters she will face them all at the Columbia Broadcasting Playhouse No. 1 today at 5:30 p. m the amateur reporters will sit out front in the ork, and fire their questions at Miss Pons, who will answer from the stage • • • HIS FIFTIETH birthday was celebrated by Douglas Rothacker of Rothacker Films the other week-end with a party at his home in Great Neck attended by many of his friends in the industry ▼ ▼ T • • • AN INVITATION has been extended to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt by Grand National to sponsor the world premiere of its Gilbert and Sullivan musical, 'The Girl Said No," in Washington in June twenty-five per cent of the b.o. receipts will be devoted to any charity that the President's wife may suggest ▼ ▼ T • • • LAST MINUTE change in plans will keep Jackie Cooper on the coast after he was all set for his stage debut in "Slightly Terrific" in a summer theater the show looks set for a Broadway opening in the fall it was authored by that slightly terrific pressagey, Ken Lyon .... • • • A VERY unique display set up in the lobby of the Roxy in connection with the current campaign for safe driving two devices, the Reactometer and the Steero meter, that enable motorists to check their ability to drive a car the machines deliver a printed score that indicates the motorist's skill • • • A NEW book by George Antheil, composer of the score for Cecil B. DeMille's "The Buccaneer" is off the presses, titled "Every Man His Own Detective" ... • Samuel Stein of Youngstown, Ohio, has announced the engagement of his daughter. Flora, to Jack Steinberg, manager of the Harbor theater at Ashtabula • • • THE FILM lads in Nebraska are rather proud of Alois Slepicka, of Wilber who is a member of the unicameral legislature in Lincoln Alois was the second movie operator in the state he bought his first films from Carl Laemmle when the latter was in Omaha • • • THAT GENT who headed the division of Veterans of Foreign Wars in the Decoration Day Parade through our hamlet was none other than Bert Adler, now Deputy Sanitation Commissioner ... • The RKO nine now heads the M. P. Baseball League by defeating the Skouras Theaters team by a score of 6 to 5 Jim Mulhall did the pitching, and Chic Schultz scored a home run ... • A testimonial dinner was given to Lieutenant Lester Potter, retiring police censor of Detroit, by the Michigan Showmen's Association Leo Lippa, prexy, was in charge of the arrangements PLAN "UNITED FRONT" IN FIGHT ON TAXES « « « » » » ( Contir, tied from Page 1 ) to curtail the amusement levies. He indicated he will meet with sponsors of other measures aimed at various nuisance taxes to effect the adoption of a common policy. Dingell, who admits his group faces a "hard, up-hill fight," declared returns of the next three quarters should be used as gauge with the view to fixing the expiration date or instituting the reduction in amusement tax as well as all other nuisance taxes, at next year's session. "Nuisance taxes" would be extended two years by the Administration bill, fathered by Ways and Means Chairman Doughton, Democrat of North Carolina. Haines and Smeltzer Will Visit Four WB Branches Roy Haines, Warners' Eastern and Canadian sales manager, and Robert Smeltzer, central district manager, left last night on a business trip covering four of the company's branch offices. They arrive in Cincinnati today and will be in Pittsburgh tomorrow to attend the zone managers' meeting. The Warner men will also visit Cleveland and Detroit. They return Monday. The above four branch offices were recently added to Smeltzer's district and this is his first visit to these exchanges, as Central district manager. Luter Succeeds Swanson Miami, Fla. — J. Howell Luter has been named manager of the Paramount theater, according to announcement from W. R. Lynch, general manager of Paramount Enterprises, Miami. Luter succeeds Robert C. Swanson who has been transferred to a managerial post upstate, and leaves the Rex where he was manager for three years. To Remodel Detroit Gayety Detroit — The Gayety Theater, operated by damage and Rothstein, has closed for the summer and will be completely remodelled. BIG NEWS AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT Cecil B. DcMillc constantly carries $100 in foreign gold in his pocket for goc»d luck, the United States government having refused him permission to carry domestic gold. —PARAMOUNT.