The Film Daily (1937)

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THE ■2&*\ GAILY Wednesday, June 2, 1937 Federated Rejects Peace Plan by Vote of 640276 (Continued from Page 1) agreement under a closed shop condition and with a 10 per cent salaryraise." Attending the meeting at which the settlement was agreed upon were Browne, William Cioff , Browne's personal representative, Joe Clarke, international vice-president of the International Brotherhood of Painters, who was sent here by the president of the Painters' International, and Edward H. Fitzgerald, U. S. Labor Commissioner in Los Angeles. It is understood that make-up men, hair dressers and scenic artists affiliated with the painters' union are to be taken over by IATSE. By vote of 640 to 276 Federated members decided to continue on strike. They rejected verbal agreement made by Browne and Clarke which would have returned strikers to work and placed hairdressers and makeup artists under jurisdiction of IATSE. Golf Tourney Committee and Captains Of Eight Teams Huddle on Final Plans Intermountain Territory Attendance Moves Upward Salt Lake City — Increased attendance and generally improved conditions throughout the Intermountain territory were reported by managers of the 25 houses comprising the Intermountain Theaters, Inc., assembled here for a conference with the company's local executives. Meeting was addressed by Harry David, vice-president and general manager; Ray Hendry, assistant to David; William Borack, booker; F. J. Ewald, treasurer, and Harry Ungerleider, statistician. Those in attendance at the conference included: J. R. Mendenhall, Charles Alderson, Ed Schumann and Wallace Cowan, Boise; Earl Baughman and Rulon Dunn, Twin Falls; Leo Henderson, Helena; Jack D. Braunagel, Provoj C. T. Perrin and Rose Glassmann, Ogden; Cyril Condon and Elmo Nielson, Logan; Mark Neilson, Brigham City; Boyd Braithwaite and Paul Skates, Preston, Ida.; Charles M. Pincus, Capitol; Holden Swiger, Paramount; Nevin McCord, Victory, and C. Clare Woods, Orpheum, all of this city. Thalheimer Interests Will Operate Two New Va. Houses Richmond, Va. — The Morton G. Thalheimer interests will operate a $70,000 650-seat theater at South Boston, bids for the construction of which will be opened tomorrow, and on June 7 for the remodeling of the present Elks playhouse at Pulaski as a film theater. Latter project involves $30,000 outlay. The Thalheimer interests will also operate a new house being built in North Richmond. (Continued from Page 1) headed by Ole Colonel Alicoate, its chairman, and Don M. Mersereau, secretary extraordinary and plenipotentiary, meets with the captains of the respective eight teams set to fight it out for possession of the far-famed Albee Trophy. The meetin' will be a feed-bag affair, and the place will be the Hotel Astor. The conclave will also provide food for thought, seeing as how the assembled Generals, Colonels and Captains will work out to the last notches of their golfing guns the plans and rules for the battle royal. General committeemen Ralph Rolan, S. Charles Einfeld, Ted Curtis, and Max Cohen are slated to huddle with team captains Ralph Rolan, S. Charles Einfeld, Ted Curtis (you can see right away what an interesting meeting it's going to be with guys going into huddles wfth themselves), Monroe Greenthai, Tom Gerety, Jules Levy, Charlie Pettijohn and Jimmy Cron. When all the mastickating and deliberating is over, the stage will be set for the grandest FILM DAILY Golf Tournament since the inception of the feature in the long, long ago. Prizes continue to pour into headquarters, until it now appears that most entries will have to charter a prairie schooner to get their awards and souvenirs to their homes. Yesterday brought a flock of Silent Radios and Packard Electric Razors from Dictograph Products, the swell little shavers going at the conclusion of play to one of the foursomes shooting for the Albee Trophy. Monogram sent in a dozen golf balls as a prize; Columbia, a trophy; and the United States Electrical Mfg. Corp. delivered, at the instigation of Kay Kamen, an army Mickey Mouse flashlight. These latest prizes bring the grand total up to approximately ten tons of valuables, — which will be showered upon delicate golfers and duffers alike at the gay shindig. Among the industrious industry "swing stars" who will tee-off at Elmsford Country Club, White Plains, a week from today are the following: ENTREES TO DATE Al Adams Chas. A. Alicoate Jack Alicoate Winfield Andrus Ralph B. Austrian Chester B. Bahn J. E. Baker Leon J. Bamberger George R. Batcheller, Jr. Herbert S. Berg Milton Blackstone Dave Canavan James Clark James A. Clark Max A. Cohen Paul Crane John J. Cunlitfe Edward P. Curtis George F. Dembow Nathan Dobson Tom Drew Arthur W. Eddy Edward E. Edelson S. Charles Einteld S. H. Fabian John A. Farmer William Ferguson William V. Frankel Louis Frisch Pat Garyn Dick Gavin Tom Gerety Jacobo Glucksmann Lester M. Goldstein Milton Goldstein Irving W. Goodtield Paul Greenhalgh Paul Gulick Adolph Haas Hap Hadley J. W. Hammond Paul F. Harron Jack Harrower Edwin Hartley Gordon W. Hedwig Melvin Hirsh J. H. Hoffberg Joe Hornstein Herbert M. Kahn Bernard Kleid Sol Kohn M. E. Kornbluth David Kugel Bert Kulick Arthur A. Lee Jack G. Leo Edward G. Levy Chick Lewis Mitchell May, Jr. Archie Mayers C. M. Mersereau Don M. Mersereau A. J. Moeller George Morris Mathew Nicolino, Jr. L. N. Olmsted David A. O'Malley William A. Orr Arthur H. Pelterson C. C. Pettijohn Frank N. Phelps Percy Phillipson Harry Pimstein John F. Plunkett John R. Reiss Harold J. Rinzler Samuel Rinzler Charles A. Rogers Samuel Rosen Sam Sax Clarence Secor Al Selig Jack G. Seligsohn Irving Shapiro P. T. Sheridan Harry Shiftman Bernard Sholtz Hal Sloane H. B. Snook W. H. Swift L. W. Teegarden Ernest J. Warner H. M. Warner Sid Weil William H. Weintraub John West Clint Weyer Injunction Suit Threat Stops Bank Night in Neb. Omaha — With injunction suits threatening them, Nebraska exhibitors are dropping Bank Night on a wholesale scale. Latest to quit are Fox-Midwest's Paramount, Fox and State theaters, under City Manager M. A. Zalesny of North Platte; John Nessinger's Capitol at Madison, M. Biemond's Ord at Ord and Harry Goold's Sunbeam at Geneva. Only District Manager Ralph Blank of the General Theater Corp. delayed a decision in an order to halt Bank Night at the Granada in Norfolk. Chesbrough Adds One Cincinnati — Will Chesbrough of the Chesbrough Circuit, has taken over the Champion Theater, Columbus, from Lawrence Burns. "Souls at Sea" to Play Two-a-Day at N. Y. Astor Paramount will present "Souls at Sea" as a two-a-day attraction at the Astor Theater here, opening with the pix's world premiere on June 30, it was announced yesterday by Neil Agnew, Para, vice prexy in charge of sales. George Raft and Olympe Bradna of the cast are expected to be here for the premiere. Writ Protects "Ecstasy" Omaha — District Judge John Rine has granted a restraining order against Mayor Dan Butler and other city officials to prevent them from interfering with the showing of "Ecstasy" at Ralph Goldberg's Town Theater. The order was obtained by General Manager Samuel Cummins of Jewel Productions, Inc., of New York. Bernhard Off For Warar Theater Pittsbur^ENdee Joseph Bernhard, General Man ager of Warner Bros. Theaters, lef yesterday to attend the conventioi of Central District theater mei which will be in session today h Pittsburgh. Other home office executives at tending the meet are: S. Charle: Einfeld, Director of Advertising an< Publicity; Roy Haines, Eastern an< Canadian sales manager; Normal Moray, Vitaphone Sales Manager Robert Smeltzer, Central Distrid manager; and Harry Goldberg, Di rector of Warner Theater Advertis ing and Publicity. Warners Air-Conditioning Six Theaters in Chicagc Warner Bros. Theaters are in stalling new air conditioning equip ment in six Chicago houses at ap proximate cost of $200,000. Colleen Moore Re-weds Washington Buteau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Colleen Moore, for mer film actress, has been honey mooning here with her husbanc1 Homer Hargrave, Chicago broker whom, it was revealed here, she wee secretly May 19, last, at Crowr Point, Ind. They return to Chicagc today. SICK REPORT West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAIL} Los Angeles — Norma Talmadgc A| was stricken ill on Monday at hei\\ Santa Monica home and removed t( St. Vincent's Hospital. She recent! f ly left the hospital after undergoing! [ treatment for chronic appendicitis! Detroit — Jack Goldhar, midwesli ' divisional manager of United Art gei ists, is in Harper Hospital for spi minor operation. fc (Si It Cincinnati — Ralph Kinsler, Granc National manager, and Allan Mor itz, Columbia manager, were se verely bruised and shaken up in at auto accident, while returning fron a trip here. Kinsler's arm was bad ly wrenched. Co Ashland, Ky . — Jack Tierney, assistant manager of the Paramoum Theater, is recovering from a seri ous auto accident which resulted h several broken bonss and severe la j cerations. Tierney's brother wa killed in the accident, the result oJ a collision on the Dixie Highway. Cincinnati — Maury White of th( I. Libson-White United Theaters is back at his desk after ~j fllness that confined him in a loca/ ..spital Cincinnati — Don Duff, booker ant sales representative for Big Fea tures, is in the Jewish Hospital re covering from an emergency appendectomy. f ?-: