The Film Daily (1937)

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THE Tuesday, June 8, 1937 -3&H DAILY mm SEES BIGGER YEAR FOR PARAMOUNT (.Continued from Page Is) theater and to change the British policy of playing pictures for long I runs in the smaller houses. Starting with a few theaters, the AmerI ican policy of allowing the larger , houses to take the long runs and | the subsequent runs to follow afterwards will be installed, he said. Paramount's foreign business was up over the preceding year because pictures were made with more of any eye on the foreign market, Balaban said. Adolph Zukor intends to re-establish Paramount's supremacy in the foreign field, he declared. Proposed authorization of 1,500,000 shares of common is necessary because the company had no common in its treasury, Balaban stated. Grovas Quits Paramount Exchange Post in Mexico Mexico City — Jesus Grovas, for many years general sales manager with the Mexican exchange of Paramount Pictures, has resigned his post to go into the production end of the business with his brother Adolfo, of Productora and Distribuidora Mexico-Europa (MexicoEuropa Producing and Distributing Co.) Together, they will make "Amapola del Camino" ("Poppy by the Roadside") as their first. The yarn will star Tito Guizar. Federico del Sordo, formerly sales manager with United Artists here, moves over to Paramount. Kerness in G. N. Post Edward F. Finney, director of I publicity and advertising for Grand National has appointed Jack Kerness to succeed Sam Kestenbaum as ad production manager. Kerness was formerly with GB. Modor Awards Contract Modor Realty Corp. has awarded contract for its new theater on 8th St. and New Dorp Lane, Staten Island, to James F. McDermott, 465 Van Duzer St., Stapleton, Staten Island. John Eberson is the architect. JUNE 8 Ernest B. Schoedsack Meyer Beck r^LT • • • TOMORROW is the fatal day for golfers and goof ers all lined up and ready for the 25th annual FILM DAILY Golf Tournament at the Elmsf ord Country Club, White Plains the Committee has been looking over the entries and can guarantee a marvellous lineup of alleged golfers, burglars and bandits when it comes to adding up a score card film mugs who all year round are talking in millions suddenly develop an Inferiority Complex on Numbers on the Tournament Day and the biggest figure most of 'em can tally on any hole of the course is 4, 5 or 6 when it should read at least 40, 50 or 60 oh, well it's lots of fun for all hands all's fair on a film fairway ya can't call a guy in your foursome for chiselling on his score when you are doing a li'l fancy chiselling yourself ain't it too true? so, we'll be seeing you there all of us praying for SUNSHINE • • • A NEW slant on a date book for patrons used by Lester Pollock at Loew's Rochester Theater the idea being created by H. M. Addison, division manager of Loew's Northeastern territory this patron's engagement book is set up in the front lobby for the convenience of patrons who wish to leave messages for friends cancelling, changing appointments, or telling where they will meet and what time clean pages with dates are inserted daily the date book is placed conveniently on an easel-like board nicely sloped to make writing easy, with a pencil attached ▼ ▼ ▼ • • • ONE OF the entrants at the very first FILM DAILY Golf Tournament just walked in. ... Jimmy Milligan, of Keystone Engraving Co formerly of the old M. P. World Jimmy had with him a copy of the li'l ole paper dated Sept. 24, 1921 giving an account of the first tournament held at Oak Ridge, Tuckahoe there were 80 entrants and the Committee had a helluva time trying to handle such a mob at tomorrow's tournament, approximately 180 contestants will tee off ▼ ▼ y • • • AWARD OF the Distinguished Flying Cross will be made to Carl Petersen radio technician and cameraman for Paramount News at Naval District Headquarters in New York tomarrow Petersen is receiving this coveted decoration for participation in 21 flights during the 18 months he spent in Antarctica with Admiral Byrd on his second expedition • • • BORN WITH a face that casting director call '"innocuous" Charlie Arnt, the character actor, has worked out a clever answer to that old bromide: "You're not the type" it is in the form of a pocket-size photo-folder on heavy stock showing Charlie in a variety of characterizations from a gob to a balmy aristocrat his slogan is: "The character actor who is any age, any man" and the folder backs him up • • • WITH THE completion of his first screen role in Paramount's "'Artists and Models" Andre Kostelanetz back in town states that he will soon return to the coast for another Hollywood Bowl concert the appearance of the maestro and Lily Pons last year shattered all b.o. records for the Bowl « « « » » » MAJORS ACT TO END BROADCASTING 'EVILS' (Continued from Page 1) air and that the major companies had made plans to "correct that which they believe to be evils" in such appearances. Each company will act individually to eradicate what it considers evils, Vincent said. He declined to elaborate on what exhibitors thought was wrong with star appearances on the air beyond saying that screen personalities must possess radio personalities before being permitted to etherize. Court of Appeals Upholds Sam Katz $265,498 Claim (Continued from Page 1) 498 for breach of contract. Counsel for the Paramount trustee, appealed the verdict on the ground that Sec. 60 of the N. Y. Stock Corporation Law permitted arbitrary dismissal of an employe. The Circuit Court judges found that the consequences of accepting this view would be startling in that no N. Y. stock corporation could make a binding contract of employment for a definite term. Katz is now a vice president of M-G-M. Kramer to Urge Clients Accept 20th-Fox Ofer (Continued from Page 1) cision confirming the Roxy reorganization plan. Kramer said he was convinced, in the light of the opinion of the special master and Judge Caffey, that there is nothing else for stockholders to do but accept 20th CenturyFox's offer. New $50,000 Texas House Ennis, Tex. — Construction will start soon on a $50,000 700-seat theater here. John Stiles and Mrs. John Sayg, proprietors of the Plaza and Grand Theaters will be the NEWS AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT A kiss of record length has been recorded by Gilbert Roland and Dorothy Lamour. Workers on the set of "The Last Train From Madrid" estimate the pair stood with lips pressed together a total of one hour and eighteen minutes.— PARAMOUNT.